. . "The Fiery Heart"@en . . . . . "A few weeks after the death of Andy Club Dead has moved on in life. Erick and Blaze are offically together, Zoey and Nyx are bestfriends, Barbie and Alex has moved on from Erick. Drew warns Club Dead that The Royals are coming whch are the second family of orginal vampires after Patrick and his siblings. The Royals tend to be in charge of all supernatural beings except the Stewerts who can do whatever they want. Nyx the Royal for witch tells them that they must of found taht she was back to life and are coming to see her. Blaze tells Erick that there's nothing to be scarred about The Royals and that he will protect him like he should of a long time ago. The next day The Royals arrive and they have a meeting at Drew's headquarters and they invite Club Dead. The Royals are finally pleased to met Erick and Erick wants to know how they know about him. The Royals respond and say they know everything and they explain how they know about Erick daiting Alex and how he dated Blaze then Barbie then Lance then Brabie and finally Blaze. The Royals tell Drew that there taking over as the leaders of Moonsong and Drew asks why and The Royals explain to him about how Thayer toook the Moonsong, Chupacobra and Andy. The Royals then take over Moonsong giving Drew and Adam a break. Drew is really pissed that he's not working for Moonsong no more. Rose think she can get her brother's job back by talking to Jen who is the youngest and really dosenn't care for being Royal. Nyx tries to convince the other witches about The Firey Heart rithual. Marnie dosen't want to do it beacuse she says it dosen't feel safe and Zoey tries to convince her to do it but Marnie dosen't want to. Nyx is mad beacuse she has to have all the witches on the island do the rithual. Marnie goes home and finds Amber there waiting for her. Amber tells her that she's starting her own rithual which is also The Firey Heart rithual but she's tryinhg to send Nyx back to hell again. Turns out Amber actully killed Nyx beacuse Nyx was killing the shadows and Amber was wearing a mask when she killed her and Nyx thought it was Andy. Marnie agrees to do the rithual but she needs to pry Zoey away from Nyx. Amber convinces Jamie to come back to Moonsing with his friend Ray so they can be part of the Firey Rithual. Amber needs ten people with witch powers to do this rithual to kill Nyx. Amber goes into town to look for Erick and runs into Nyx who is suprised to see Amber. Amber asks if Nyx kiled Andy and Nyx said she didn't and that the Snow white tiger did. Adam finally comes to the terms with the boy he loves and decides to tell him all we know is that it's somebody in Club Dead. Adam finds the Moonsong Moonstone in a garden of flowers which are magical and when he touches the Moonstone they give him powers and he passes out. The Reaper finds him in the garden and wakes him up. Adam is scared at first but The Reaper tells him that it's okay. Will touches Nyx's flower which causes him to have visons of the Snow White tiger and he passes out. The Reaper finds him and wakes him up. The Reaper tells him that he's safe as long as he's with me. The Reaper takes them to a shack in the woods where he's been staying at. The Reaper tells him that he's been woken up by Amber who has been trying to get ten people for The Fiery Rithual. Amber goes to Erick's house and tells him about Nyx and how she killed Andy and is using you all for power so when she kills you your power will go inside of her. Erick says he wants to do it if it get rids of her. Jamie and Ray come to Moonsong and and they agree to do the Rithual. Adam comes to Erick and admits that he likes him but Erick says that he's with Blaze. Erick see's Jamie and Ray at the bar and goes in there and Jamie invites him to come sit at his table. Jamie intoroduces Ray who is a shadow witch like Jamie. Jamie tells Erick that Andy was his Dad. Erick is shocked and tells him that his mom Nyx is going to die and Jamie says she deserves it. Erick see's Barbie and Alex at the bar but they don't see him. Once Erick leaves Alex goes up to the barteneder to get another drink and sits next to Brabie unaware that he's sitting there. Barbie tells Alex that he dosen't care about Erick anymore since he hooked up with Alex. Alex says that he's not daiting him and that he's daiting Blaze. Barbie leaves upset and Alex follows him out there. Alex calms Barbie down and the two kiss and they have sex at Alex's house witissed by Marcus who is looking for the Moonstone. Marcus who now works for Nyx and Gene tells them that Alex dosen't have it and tells them about Barbie and Alex hooking up. The Reaper is nereby with Adam and Will watching them. The Reaper wants to get rid of Marcus beacuse Erick dosen't need a doppleganger. Amber reads through the Firey Heart rithual again and finds out that you have to kill someone while doing the rithual. The Reaper, Adam and Will vist Amber and she tells them that they have to kill someone for it to work. The Reaper tells them that there going to kill Marcus. Amber finds Erick and tells them that there going to kill Marcus and she also tells them that Alex and Barbie hooked up and Erick tells her that there perfecet for eachother. Amber convinces Rose to pe part of the rithual. Marnie tells Zoey that Nyx is a Shadow and witch killer and she just using you to kill you but Zoey dosen't believe her. Barbie and Alex are not sure what to do after they just have sex. Barbie admits that he thought Alex was cute and Alex relplies the same. They both decide that tehy need eachother and that Erick both dumped them so they would be the perfact match. Nyx tells Zoey to come over and Zoey dose and see's Gene who was laughing at her when Andy burnded her alive. Zoey tries to run but Gene blocks the door and Zoey uses her power to throw him across the room and she runs out of the mansion and to Amber's place. She says i'm in and she wants to kill Gene. Now that the circle is complete Amber decides to do the rithual tomorrow night. Nyx and Gene decide to do there Fiery Rithual tomorrow night with just them two and Marcus and there going to try to kill all Shadows on the island. Club Dead go up to the hills where the rithual is going to be at and watch as Amber, Erick, Zoey, Rose, Marnie, Adam, Will, Jamie, Ray and the Reaper gather in a circile and hold hands. Nyx appers with Gene and Marcus and tries to stop the rithual but Blaze, Bubba, Barbie and Alex stop them with there powers. As they chant all of there powers go into the air and Nyx collapses to the ground her heart on fire and she calls for The Royals and they all come just as Nyx starts burnning to the ground. Nyx curses them before she dies.bThey are mad that there sister died and demand to know who killed her. After no one says anything Erick says that he did it and Blaze tries to say that he did but The Royals take him away."@en . . . . . . "A few weeks after the death of Andy Club Dead has moved on in life. Erick and Blaze are offically together, Zoey and Nyx are bestfriends, Barbie and Alex has moved on from Erick. Drew warns Club Dead that The Royals are coming whch are the second family of orginal vampires after Patrick and his siblings. The Royals tend to be in charge of all supernatural beings except the Stewerts who can do whatever they want. Nyx the Royal for witch tells them that they must of found taht she was back to life and are coming to see her. Blaze tells Erick that there's nothing to be scarred about The Royals and that he will protect him like he should of a long time ago. The next day The Royals arrive and they have a meeting at Drew's headquarters and they invite Club Dead. The Royals are finally pleased to"@en . . . . . . . . .