"The Trials - Trial of Spirit (Syrtis)"@en . . . "Irehok"@en . "The Trials - Trial of Spirit"@en . ""@en . "Badge"@en . . "Syrtis"@en . "Irehok said...\n\nYour fourth and final trial is one of spirit. You have proven your strength, your endurance, and your knowledge, but what will you use these qualities for? Will you rise to the top only to trade your allegiance for a pot of gold? For a lover? For a title?\n\nThe true nature of the missions you will be given will have such a high level of responsibility attached to them that you will be tempted to trade it all for a taste of power, gold, or even respect.... perhaps even if it comes from the other side. Prove to me that your spirit is true and that even if the reward you receive is small but the price others will pay infinite, you will chose the reward that fortifies your spirit.\n\nGo to Haluara in town and ask her to bless your spirit. She will only bless you if your spirit is pure. Return to me when you are finished and i will reveal to you the secret mission that is going on as we speak.\n\nHaluara said...\n\nI am sorry. I cannot bless you for your spirit is impure. You must sit in silence and reflect on your actions. I suggest you go into the Emerald Hills just outside of town for some solitude and return to me when you think you are ready.\n\nHaluara said...\n\nI see... I see... your spirit is yet to be cleansed. You carry many spots that will keep your spirit from being truly pure.\n\nYou must reflect on those who have paid for the repercussions of your actions. I suggest you return to Emerald Hills to further cleanse your soul.\n\nReturn to me when you think you are ready.\n\nHaluara said... \n\nYes... Yes... your spirit is clean. I can see the blemishes have been cleansed. I will now bless you my child. Go now and don't forget to tend to your spirit."@en . "12500"^^ . "1750"^^ . "21"^^ . .