. . "Hyor-ka was a male individual who owned a shop that sold dao-ben steamed buns in the city Myrra on the planet Akiva. Shortly before the Rebellion on Akiva, the junk dealer Temmin Wexley hid beneath a tarp on the roof of Hyor-ka's shop and spied upon thugs working for the crime lord Surat Nuat, who were pillaging his own shop located across the street. Wexley eventually fell from the roof after being attacked by a pair of thieving Kowakian monkey-lizards and was captured by the thugs."@en . "Hyor-ka was a male individual who owned a shop that sold dao-ben steamed buns in the city Myrra on the planet Akiva. Shortly before the Rebellion on Akiva, the junk dealer Temmin Wexley hid beneath a tarp on the roof of Hyor-ka's shop and spied upon thugs working for the crime lord Surat Nuat, who were pillaging his own shop located across the street. Wexley eventually fell from the roof after being attacked by a pair of thieving Kowakian monkey-lizards and was captured by the thugs."@en . . . . "\u30CF\u30A4\u30E4\u30FC\uFF1D\u30AB\u30FC"@fr . "Hyor-ka"@fr . . "[Source] Hyor-ka \u00E9tait un commer\u00E7ant de la plan\u00E8te de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure Akiva. Il poss\u00E9dait une boutique en face de celle de Temmin Wexley dans laquelle il vendait des baodens - sorte de bouch\u00E9e \u00E0 la vapeur. Durant la fin de la Guerre Civile Galactique, Temmin Wexley se cacha sur le toit de la boutique de Hyor-ka afin de surveiller les laquais de Surat Nuat qui fouillaient sa propre boutique \u00E0 la recherche d'une cargaison d\u00E9rob\u00E9e par le jeune homme au baron du crime."@fr . "Hyor-ka"@fr . . "\u30CF\u30A4\u30E4\u30FC\uFF1D\u30AB\u30FC"@en . "Hyor-ka"@en . "Masculin"@fr . "Hyor-ka"@en . . . . . . "[Source] Hyor-ka \u00E9tait un commer\u00E7ant de la plan\u00E8te de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure Akiva. Il poss\u00E9dait une boutique en face de celle de Temmin Wexley dans laquelle il vendait des baodens - sorte de bouch\u00E9e \u00E0 la vapeur. Durant la fin de la Guerre Civile Galactique, Temmin Wexley se cacha sur le toit de la boutique de Hyor-ka afin de surveiller les laquais de Surat Nuat qui fouillaient sa propre boutique \u00E0 la recherche d'une cargaison d\u00E9rob\u00E9e par le jeune homme au baron du crime."@fr . "Hyor-ka"@en . . . . . . . "\u0425\u044C\u0451\u0440-\u043A\u0430"@en . .