. "1981. April. It's been about 4 weeks since the funeral. And school has started to call. Buster has worn the same clothes for 4 days. Spike is falling asleep in class. And after funeral leave, it's enough for Sparkplug just to get through the day. After work, he basically goes straight to bed. Leaving Spike to cook. Sparkplug stares up at the ceiling. Even though he's barely eaten at all today (or yesterday, or the day before...) he says, \"No thanks. Make sure your brother eats. Thanks, son.\" His voice is completely flat - not sad, but almost completely emotionless."@en . . "1981. April. It's been about 4 weeks since the funeral. And school has started to call. Buster has worn the same clothes for 4 days. Spike is falling asleep in class. And after funeral leave, it's enough for Sparkplug just to get through the day. After work, he basically goes straight to bed. Leaving Spike to cook. Spike's 11-year-old self looks at the ever-bare cupboards. It's a Friday night, so at least there's cartoons on tomorrow, and the two days off school to look forward to. He sighs, looking - the refrigerator has a bottle of milk that's about a week expired. He manages to find 2 small bags of ramen Spike gives a frustrated sigh, thinking maybe he could divvy up the 2 ramen dishes for 3 people. He quietly tip-toes into his parents...now his father's master bedroom and gently pushes the door open. In a cautious voice, he says \"...dad? I was gonna make some noodles, do you want some?\" Sparkplug stares up at the ceiling. Even though he's barely eaten at all today (or yesterday, or the day before...) he says, \"No thanks. Make sure your brother eats. Thanks, son.\" His voice is completely flat - not sad, but almost completely emotionless. Spike gulps and nods obediently \"Yessir.\" In the living room, Buster sits and silently stares at the TV as the station break encourages him to stay tuned for Benson at 8. Buster has been almost entirely pliant the last few days. After some initial crying, he's seemed to have retreated entirely into himself, and stares at the world with wide, nearly non-responsive eyes. Spike looks around. He doesn't even have the energy to make food tonight. Knowing it's a bit chilly outside, he gets his coat, and then gets Buster's. He walks into the TV room, where the lights are off. Only identifying Buster from the TV glow. He gently tosses a coat to Buster. \"Put this on, we're going to Aunt Judy and Uncle Ron's for dinner.\" Spike's made it a point not to get frustrated at his brother's newfound muteness. He desperately wants someone to talk to, but in his mind, his mom is watching down from heaven on him, expecting him to be there for his father and brother. Once they're taken care of for the night, then he can cry himself to sleep, but for now, the family needs him. His 11-year-old self. Buster looks up at Spike with his large blue eyes, and then obediently stands and puts on his three-color coat over his dirty The Incredible Hulk T-shirt. He then sits down again to pull on his sneakers, sort of tying them, although mostly just making a big knotty mess. Getting back up, he approaches Spike and just silently looks at him, ready to follow him to their aunt and uncle's place as soon as Spike is ready. Spike zips up Buster's coat and makes sure his laces are tied tight. He nods, satisfied, \"Ok, let's go...\" He calls out \"DAAAAAAAD!!!! We're gonna run an' see Aunt Judy and Uncle Ron!! We'll be back in an hour!\" Sparkplug's flat voice floats faintly down out of the master bedroom. \"OK, son. Be safe. Don't be late.\" He doesn't bother to get up and check on either of his kids, letting Spike handle things for just another day. Buster stands still while Spike fixes his coat and shoes, looking up when he hears his dad's voice, and then back at Spike. His hair sticks up in the back but lies flat in the front, hanging down over the edge of his forehead. Spike is also starting to smell a little ripe. He's tried to get up at the regular time, but after feeding Buster, and setting food at Sparkplug's door, and crying himself to sleep, he usually ends up sleeping late, and as a result, has had to sprint to school for the past 2 days. Begins to walk to Ron and Judy's. He looks at Buster, trying to figure out how to get him to say something. As they walk, he looks down at his brother, \"Remember, Batman and Robin were locked in that spacecraft last week, and they couldn't get out, so, we gotta try and figure out how they're gonna get out before their ship burns up.\" On the walk to Judy and Ron's, Buster just looks at Spike, listening but offering no help on how to help Batman and Robin. Definitely the Dynamic Duo is doomed. Left mostly to his own devices, Buster has been brushing his teeth at night and putting on his pajamas, but then puts the same clothes on the next day for school. People at school have started to notice, but since they've been informed that Spike and Buster's mom has recently died, they've mostly expressed their concern with kind gestures and careful hugs."@en . "A Slow Recovery"@en . .