"-"@en . "Oz the Great and Powerful"@es . "yes"@en . . . . "Finley is a character in Fable: The Journey. He is a wisp and guardian of The Forge of Fire. A former member of the Enlightened, Finley was forced to join Bob in watching over the Forge of Fire, a temple built in the Edgelands of Albion to house the Willstone of Blaze, one of the greatest of the Three Heroes of the Old Kingdom before his death at the hands of the Crawler. Predictably, the centuries of isolation, combined with Bob's penchant for chatty conversation and games of I Spy made Finley relatively bitter over his eternal duty. However, fifty years after the defeat of the returned Crawler, Finley was finally able to perform his duty when the Dweller known as Gabriel arrived at the behest of Theresa, who sought the Willstone in an attempt to defeat The Corruptor. Although Finley was much more willing to leave Gabriel to his own devices when it came to solving the puzzles, the laziness of the two Wisps, combined with Bob's overenthusiastic nature, allowed Gabriel to solve many of the riddles and press on. While this initially irritated Finley, he revealed at the end that ultimately, he was simply happy to have someone to talk to who was not Bob. After Gabriel destroyed the infestment of Rockmites and Balverines that Bob and Finley did absolutely nothing to deal with, the Dweller bid the duo a fond farewell, and the temple was left silent once more."@en . . "Fallout 3"@de . . . . "s\u00EC"@en . "no"@en . "Oz the Great and Powerful"@en . "no"@en . "it.finley"@it . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "12"^^ . . . . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "Var\u00F3n"@es . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . . "-"@en . . . . . "Neutral"@en . . . . "Finley"@de . "Fo3"@es . "\"For a merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation.\""@en . "Male"@en . . . "Knight Finley"@en . . . . . "Wisp"@en . "Ka e Dani suonavano rock a Legnano, mentre Ste e Pedro facevano grunge. Il loro incontro avviene nel 2000, nell\u2019accademia della musica e cos\u00EC decidono di mettere su un gruppo e suonare insieme. Cos\u00EC inizia la lunga gavetta che li porta fino nel 2004 dove registrano il demo di \u201Cmake up your own mind\u201D. Solo un anno dopo vengono contatti da Claudio Cecchetto (Ceggia 19 aprile 1952 \u00E8 un disc jockey, conduttore televisivo, produttore discografico e talent-scout italiano che ha scoperto personaggi come Gerry Scotti, Jovanotti, Fiorello, Amadeus, Fabio Volo, il gruppo musicale degli 883, Sandy Marton, Sabrina Salerno, Taffy, Tracy Spencer, Marco Mazzoli (dello Zoo di 105), Dj Francesco ed i Finley) e realizzano il loro singolo di debutto\u201Ctutto \u00E8 possibile\u201Dnon che la versione italiana di make up your own mind con la Capitol/Emi. In poco tempo il singolo scala le classifiche italiane e il video e costantemente presente nella top ten di trl(mtv). Il 31 marzo 2006 finalmente esce il cd \u201Ctutto \u00E8 possibile\u201D che prende il nome dallo stesso singolo. Il cd contiene brani sia in inglese che in italiano rispettivamente 9 in italiano tra cui uno di questi \u00E8 la versione rifatta dai finley di \u201Cdentro la scatola\u201Ddi Mondo Marcio e 8 in inglese. Tutte le canzoni dell'album sono composte dai Finley e la produzione musicale \u00E8 stata affidata a Daniele Persoglio, mentre la produzione artistica porta la firma di Claudio Cecchetto e Pier Paolo Peroni. Questo pu\u00F2 essere ricordato come l\u2019anno dei finley che con le loro accattivanti melodie in poco tempo sono riusciti ad arrivare su grandi palchi, ad esempio a giugno sono saliti sul palco del Jamming Festival ad aprire i concerti della prima giornata; successivamente la loro partecipazione al CocaCola Live. Cos\u00EC parte il loro tour 2006/2007 \u201CTUTO \u00E8 POSSIBILE\u201D che toccher\u00E0 numerose citt\u00E0 italiane. Da ricordare i numerosi premi che riescono a vincere: \u201DPREMIO VIDEOCLIP ITALIANO 2006\u201Dcategoria esordienti Ma soprattutto riescono a portarsi a casa un ambito premio quello di \u201CBEST ITALIAN ACT\u201D agli mtv music award. Poi \u201CTUTTO \u00E8 POSSIBILE\u201D cd+dvd dove troviamo alcune cover:fat lip dei sum 41, st.jimmy dei green day e shut up dei simple plan\u2026 Nel 2007 iniziano le registrazioni dei secondo album. Poi poco dopo la presentazione in anteprima ai TRL AWARDS in piazza Duomo a Milano del singolo \u201CNIENTE DA PERDERE\u201D davanti ad una piazza gremita di gente. Poi \u201CADRENALINA\u201D singolo di presentazione del disco; 3 minuti di energia pura, dove i finley dimostrano di essere cresciuti insieme alle loro accattivanti melodie\u2026il 15 giugno 2007 esce \u201CADRENALINA\u201Din tutti i negozi di cd con 10 pezzi in italiano e 2 in inglese. Durante l\u2019estate i 4 ragazzi lombardi inziano il TOUR ADRENALINA e sono chiamati da importanti Festival Europei\u2026anche questo sar\u00E0 un anno fortunato per i finley\u2026beh scopriamolo insieme\u2026"@it . . . "Dagon"@en . "Welcome to Rapture"@en . "Finley"@es . . . "Caballero"@es . . . "Finley, codenamed \"Dagon\" is a very close associate to the engineer Raymond Giles. Starting out as a File:Finley.jpg S.T.A.R.S. operative, Giles contacted him and hired him as his guardian. Finley is a skilled combatant, his weapon of choice being the FAMAS assault rifle. Because of unexplained facial scars, he never takes off his gas mask."@en . . . "Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information"@en . "Humano, Cauc\u00E1sico"@es . . "Neutral"@es . . "Finley .png"@pl . . . "Finley was a Human male who served as a colonel and the leader of the Galactic Republic's Fifth Expeditionary Force during the Cold War with the Sith Empire. In 3642 BBY, Finley participated in the battle for the planet Balmorra as he aided the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython and Warren Sedoru in the search for a prototype cloaking device."@en . . "Finley is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. She is a Zora who can be found at the Bank of Wishes. She gives Link the side quest \"Special Delivery\". This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Finley \u2013 posta\u0107, wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Gothic 3. Jest to buntownik z Nemory."@pl . "Fair"@en . "12"^^ . "s\u00EC"@it . . . . "Knight Finley.jpg"@de . "Finley"@es . . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "Green/Red"@en . . "2008-08-21"^^ . . . "Foolhardy"@en . "Helps Friends and Allies"@en . . . . "Single"@en . . . . "Finley Wiki"@it . . . . "Finley is a man who only appears in the quest \"Be the Best Trainer\". After you train a partner to level 2, he'll arrive on the island, and ask you to entertain him. Multiple times, he'll ask you to perform a certain number of dolphin show requests, but otherwise he'll tell you about certain dolphins that stand out in their pods. He'll tell you about the albino bottlenose dolphin, the red-tusked narwhal, the flower-patterned beluga, and the false killer whale. After you befriend those creatures, he'll ask you to befriend all 11 species. As of that point, you'll see special requests about other dolphins, (except the commerson's dolphin, unless the Cavern of the Gods is open). Afterward, he'll come back, and declare you as his eternal rival."@en . "no"@en . . . "Nieznany"@pl . . "Ribelle di Nemora, posizionato all'ingresso, subito dopo le guardie. E' coinvolto nelle missioni \n* Finley prepara tutto per attaccare Trelis \n* Finley attacca Trelis!"@it . "Finley is the band that sang and released the Legends of Chima (TV Series) theme songs."@en . "Green"@en . "FO3"@es . "Finley is the band that sang and released the Legends of Chima (TV Series) theme songs."@en . . "Finley, codenamed \"Dagon\" is a very close associate to the engineer Raymond Giles. Starting out as a File:Finley.jpg S.T.A.R.S. operative, Giles contacted him and hired him as his guardian. Finley is a skilled combatant, his weapon of choice being the FAMAS assault rifle. Because of unexplained facial scars, he never takes off his gas mask."@en . "Finley is a character from the Disney film Oz: The Great and Powerful. He is a flying monkey with a blue bellhop suit that befriends Oscar Diggs and accompanies him on his journey. He is voiced by Zach Braff."@en . . . . . . "Finley.png"@es . "Un mono con alas, vestido con traje y gorro de botones"@es . . "Finley is a character in Fable: The Journey. He is a wisp and guardian of The Forge of Fire. A former member of the Enlightened, Finley was forced to join Bob in watching over the Forge of Fire, a temple built in the Edgelands of Albion to house the Willstone of Blaze, one of the greatest of the Three Heroes of the Old Kingdom before his death at the hands of the Crawler."@en . "1"^^ . "Recibe el sombrero de Oscar y es proclamado una amigo oficial de Oz"@es . "Finley Wiki"@en . . "Finley es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Oz the Great and Powerful."@es . . "21"^^ . "it.finley"@en . . . "Ritter Finley ist ein Mitglied der st\u00E4hlernen Bruderschaft im Jahre 2277."@de . . . "Human Bond"@en . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "El Caballero Finley es un miembro de la Hermandad del Acero de Yermo Capital en 2277."@es . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "El Caballero Finley es un miembro de la Hermandad del Acero de Yermo Capital en 2277."@es . "Merchant"@en . "-"@en . "Caucasian"@en . . "Knight Finley is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2277."@en . . "no"@en . . . "Guard"@en . . "An advertisement for one of Finley's restaurants is first seen when Jack crosses the tunnel for the Bathysphere Station. Because of the tunnels destruction by the tail of the sunken airplane careening through the ocean, it can be assessed that the eatery is either partly or fully submerged. This is plausible because the tunnel which leads into the building is half-destroyed and, seeing how the Securis doors can be warped by the high pressures of the sea, the damage is most likely catastrophic."@en . "Biohazard Soldier"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . . "He is voiced by Zach Braff who also voiced Chicken Little."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information"@en . "Finley"@en . . "Knight_Finley.jpg"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Finley"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . "None"@en . . "Finley"@pl . . "Finley"@pl . . "Epic"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "Active"@en . . "no"@en . "-"@en . . . . . . . "Fair Trade"@en . "Hit Points; 70"@en . . "Red"@en . "Character's Date of Death"@en . "Male"@en . "Ka e Dani suonavano rock a Legnano, mentre Ste e Pedro facevano grunge. Il loro incontro avviene nel 2000, nell\u2019accademia della musica e cos\u00EC decidono di mettere su un gruppo e suonare insieme. Cos\u00EC inizia la lunga gavetta che li porta fino nel 2004 dove registrano il demo di \u201Cmake up your own mind\u201D. In poco tempo il singolo scala le classifiche italiane e il video e costantemente presente nella top ten di trl(mtv). Il 31 marzo 2006 finalmente esce il cd \u201Ctutto \u00E8 possibile\u201D che prende il nome dallo stesso singolo. Da ricordare i numerosi premi che riescono a vincere:"@it . "Caballero Finley"@es . "3"^^ . "6"^^ . . "no"@en . "7"^^ . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "8"^^ . . "9"^^ . "Transform all Skulls to the selected Mana color. Gain [2+Magic] gold."@en . . . . . . . "Knight Finley is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2277."@en . . . . "The town of Finley was named after George Finley, a poor Nebraska farmer. In 1902, he and his family moved to their 40-acre land holding south of Kennewick. There, they lived in a tent while clearing their land for farming. Finley slowly grew into a town of 25 people by 1908, when the post office was established. By 1910, the Spokane, Portland and Seattle (SP&S) railroad helped bring prosperity to the community resulting in a new hotel, store, barbershop, two lumber yards, a hardware store, depot, and school. Finley eventually absorbed many people migrating from the neighboring town of Hover, which was slowly dying. Hover died in 1957 with the construction of the McNary Dam, but Finley still lives on. During the 1950s, there was a major population increase when the neighboring town of Hover was relocated to Finley, due to the construction of the dam which allowed the local school to be River View High School. Fresh water sources and access to established rail lines and power grids in 1950s and 1960s have prompted some manufacturing and chemical plants who have remained in town ever since."@en . "Finley"@it . . "Finley \u2013 posta\u0107, wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Gothic 3. Jest to buntownik z Nemory."@pl . . "3.0"^^ . . . . . . "AER9 laser rifle or Ripper"@en . "Ritter Finley ist ein Mitglied der st\u00E4hlernen Bruderschaft im Jahre 2277."@de . "no"@it . . "Alert"@en . "none"@en . . "Female"@en . . . . . . "no"@en . "Ribelle di Nemora, posizionato all'ingresso, subito dopo le guardie. E' coinvolto nelle missioni \n* Finley prepara tutto per attaccare Trelis \n* Finley attacca Trelis!"@it . . . "20"^^ . . . "no"@en . "21"^^ . "22"^^ . "23"^^ . . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . "19"^^ . "Breath of the Wild"@en . . "Finley is a man who only appears in the quest \"Be the Best Trainer\". After you train a partner to level 2, he'll arrive on the island, and ask you to entertain him. Multiple times, he'll ask you to perform a certain number of dolphin show requests, but otherwise he'll tell you about certain dolphins that stand out in their pods. He'll tell you about the albino bottlenose dolphin, the red-tusked narwhal, the flower-patterned beluga, and the false killer whale. After you befriend those creatures, he'll ask you to befriend all 11 species. As of that point, you'll see special requests about other dolphins, (except the commerson's dolphin, unless the Cavern of the Gods is open). Afterward, he'll come back, and declare you as his eternal rival."@en . . . "7"^^ . . . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "Finley"@pl . "14"^^ . "no"@en . "15"^^ . "8"^^ . "Finley es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Oz the Great and Powerful."@es . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . . "The town of Finley was named after George Finley, a poor Nebraska farmer. In 1902, he and his family moved to their 40-acre land holding south of Kennewick. There, they lived in a tent while clearing their land for farming. Finley slowly grew into a town of 25 people by 1908, when the post office was established. By 1910, the Spokane, Portland and Seattle (SP&S) railroad helped bring prosperity to the community resulting in a new hotel, store, barbershop, two lumber yards, a hardware store, depot, and school."@en . "Galactic Republic"@en . "FO3"@de . . "no"@en . . "11"^^ . . . . "An advertisement for one of Finley's restaurants is first seen when Jack crosses the tunnel for the Bathysphere Station. Because of the tunnels destruction by the tail of the sunken airplane careening through the ocean, it can be assessed that the eatery is either partly or fully submerged. This is plausible because the tunnel which leads into the building is half-destroyed and, seeing how the Securis doors can be warped by the high pressures of the sea, the damage is most likely catastrophic."@en . "Sensible, valiente, sentimental"@es . . . "Finley was a Human male who served as a colonel and the leader of the Galactic Republic's Fifth Expeditionary Force during the Cold War with the Sith Empire. In 3642 BBY, Finley participated in the battle for the planet Balmorra as he aided the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython and Warren Sedoru in the search for a prototype cloaking device."@en . "-"@en . . "Finley is a character from the Disney film Oz: The Great and Powerful. He is a flying monkey with a blue bellhop suit that befriends Oscar Diggs and accompanies him on his journey. He is voiced by Zach Braff."@en . "He is voiced by Zach Braff who also voiced Chicken Little."@en . "-"@en . . "Spell_Finley.png"@en . . "I Finley sono un gruppo di giovani dementi che suonano per i giovani molto dementi e le giovani ancora pi\u00F9 dementi, spinti dalla giovanile passione per la musica."@it . "I Finley sono un gruppo di giovani dementi che suonano per i giovani molto dementi e le giovani ancora pi\u00F9 dementi, spinti dalla giovanile passione per la musica."@it . . "FO3"@en . "Unaggressive"@en . . . "6"^^ . . "Human, Caucasian"@en . "-"@en . . "Finley is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. She is a Zora who can be found at the Bank of Wishes. She gives Link the side quest \"Special Delivery\". This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . .