. . . . . . . . . "The internet is a weird place. \n* The Abridged Series: A guy takes a Merchandise-Driven anime and redubs it using the same five jokes over and over. Everyone copies him. \n* Yu-Gi-Oh The Cancelled Series: The beloved original is canceled by a corrupt organization. \n* That description's more like, Exactly How It Sounds. \n* Sailor Moon Abridged: The universe plays a gigantic cosmic joke on a British cat and an Australian cat who have had sex twice. \n* Or, A kingdom on the Moon has been destroyed and the only one who can save the world is a Bulimic girl and her team that consists of a mute Nerd, a Satanist, a Gangster Tranny, and A Valley Girl Prostitute. \n* A Game of Gods: People from different worlds are taken against their will and are forced to work together to accomp"@en . "Better Than It Sounds/Web Original"@en . "The internet is a weird place. \n* The Abridged Series: A guy takes a Merchandise-Driven anime and redubs it using the same five jokes over and over. Everyone copies him. \n* Yu-Gi-Oh The Cancelled Series: The beloved original is canceled by a corrupt organization. \n* That description's more like, Exactly How It Sounds. \n* Sailor Moon Abridged: The universe plays a gigantic cosmic joke on a British cat and an Australian cat who have had sex twice. \n* Or, A kingdom on the Moon has been destroyed and the only one who can save the world is a Bulimic girl and her team that consists of a mute Nerd, a Satanist, a Gangster Tranny, and A Valley Girl Prostitute. \n* A Game of Gods: People from different worlds are taken against their will and are forced to work together to accomplish challenges by their kidnappers. \n* The Angry Video Game Nerd: An alcoholic nerd rages about shitty games. \n* The Happy Video Game Nerd: A wine enthusiast gushes about great games. \n* ASDF Movie: A series of skits involving potatoes with guns, throwing cheese at aliens, and \"doing an internet\". Oh, and Edd likes trains. \n* Bad Webcomics Wiki: Some guys on the internet berate a bunch of bad webcomics. Often mistaken for a troll site, so douchebags may occasionally join in to make defaming statements of people they don't like. \n* Ben Drowned: A boy gets a new video game and it takes over his life. \n* Alternatively: Hundreds of strangers from across the internet rally together to destroy a mannequin because they are convinced it is stalking and murdering people. \n* Blockhead: A smiley-faced retard's conscience fails to keep him from breaking things. \n* Broken Saints: Four ethnically diverse outcasts travel to California to take on an Big Bad Corporation with an Evil Plan. \n* Cold Blood: A reptile and two birds save a girl from an evil, sex-obsessed cetacean. \n* Colour My Series: A stick figure walks around and gives things color. The last one isn't playable. \n* Darwin's Soldiers: A group of scientists and soldiers from a secret military fight off a terrorist assault and then journey around the country to destroy an illegal research project. \n* Demyx Time: Cosplayers film themselves as Alternate Character Interpretation versions of their favorite characters. Gender ambiguity ensues. \n* Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog A forty-five-minute-long low budget romantic comedy supervillian musical tragedy in the form of a video blog. It only exists because the writer was bored. \n* Alternately: A man with mental problems goes to a public event to shoot a public figure who he hates. He shoots into the crowd, and though he fails to kill his actual target (despite reducing them to a state where they are incapable of doing their civic duty), he does kill at least one civilian- an innocent who dreamed to make the world a better place through nonviolent means. The press gets all over it and it forever cements him as a villain in the public eye. \n* Alternatively, a Jerk Jock and anti-social Geek duke it out over the Girl Next Door, but with superpowers. And musical numbers. \n* Echo Chamber: An Insufferable Genius, his Closer to Earth friend and an annoying Cloudcuckoolander behind a camera make a show about fiction plot conventions at the orders of a shadowy figure on a screen. \n* Erikas New Perfume: A tween gets magical alien perfume that puts her back in diapers. \n* Fine Structure: People invent a FTL radio and use it to download a physics textbook. \n* Fobbies Are Borange: An angry, chain-smoking 13-year-old girl, an emotionless pyromaniac, an aspiring broadway star, and a child suffering heavily from ADD save the world from evil yet incredibly stupid orange blob aliens. The ending makes people cry. \n* Freemans Mind: Machinima series featuring massive Character Derailment \n* Or, the Inner Monologue of a Mad Scientist caught in an experiment Gone Horribly Wrong. Which he caused. \n* The Game: Faceless white caricatures mock today's media by jumping to their doom. \n* Replaying The Game: Faceless white caricatures mock today's media by jumping to their doom... again. \n* Reimagine: Faceless white caricatures mock today's media by actually reaching a goal and following a plot-line that ends with the world getting blown up. \n* Girlchan in Paradise: A show that combines every anime clich\u00E9 imaginable with very \"interesting\" voice acting and animation. \n* Happy Tree Friends A bunch of friends hang out in a Crap Saccharine World. Everyone dies. \n* Homestar Runner: A luchador checks his email, while a dim-witted white guy exhibits his terrific athleticism, despite lack of arms. \n* I can't believe it's not AVGN: Some guy mocks the alcoholic nerd's imitators. \n* I'm a Marvel...And I'm a DC: A grown man makes his action figures talk to each other and films it. \n* The Internet: People all around the world are brought together by the things they love best, which appear to be pornography, repetition of various phrases, arguing, and cats. \n* Specifically, pictures of cats with text captions added. \n* 4chan: Place where most of the aforementioned repetitions of various phrases are born in. Also called the asshole of the aforementioned place. \n* Alternative: A place that is full of psychopaths who get sexually aroused by things that will scar you for life and repeat various phrases like a parrot. Started when Satan discovered the internet. \n* plus4chan: A bunch of comic geeks from the aforementioned hellhole get together and make their own board. \n* The Irate Gamer: A man pretends to be the alcoholic nerd. He fails horribly. Arguably worse than it sounds. \n* The Lazer Collection: A series of vignettes, almost all of which end the same way. Its breakout character is an insane Alfred Molina lookalike. \n* Let's Play: Somebody plays a game, records themselves and talks while doing that. \n* Loids Are Not Christmas: A retarded child, a boy living in a trash can, a religious girl, and a dead person save the world from an evil alien by singing Umbrella. \n* Look a Vlog: two ginger kids talk about stuff, occasionally going crazy, but mostly just talking. \n* Mameshiba: Dogs who are beans tell gross facts. \n* Marble Hornets: A guy is given tapes from his friend's film project. Scary shit happens. \n* Alternately, a man quietly stands around while paranoiacs develop coughs. \n* Minecraft Excommunicated Series: Three guys play Minecraft while having incredibly vulgar conversations with one guy losing the world file a bunch of times. \n* Monster High: A flash cartoon made to promote a doll line of CuteMonsterGirls aimed at pre-teens. \n* Museum Of Idiots: A lawyer in a chicken suit moves in with a character from Strindberg's Ghost Sonata, a junkie, and Aristotle's concept of the perfect being. An endless parade of obscure cultural references ensues. \n* Vandalizing Valhalla: Two gangsters spend half the story killing extras, and the other half trying to kill each other, over who will get to rob a charity ball. In the end, both are killed by the ball's hostess. \n* Neon Exodus Evangelion: Shinji is replaced by a smarmy git. \n* Apotheosis Now: Said smarmy git is dead, and everyone is sad \n* Neurotically Yours: A squirrel rants about stuff that pisses him off, and mocks his owner, a fat goth whore. \n* Official Fanfiction Universities: Fans are put through hell by the characters they love. \n* The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth: An Eldritch Abomination is rebuilt as a wall and the ultimate evils teach about evil. \n* The Official Fanfiction University of Cats: Furries run a school in a junkyard. \n* The Official Fanfiction University of Redwall: Furries run a school in a monastery. Has been Left Hanging for some time. \n* The Official Fanfiction University of MREDURE: Students learn how to tell a story with the help of the multiverse's best programmers, a lot of kings, some villains, and more. Four psychos help keep order. Has been Left Hanging for years. \n* The Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy: Students teach how to write well. \n* Paradise:People turn into furries and have to hide that they have done so or risk ruining their lives in a Wolf's Rain inspired Shared Universe Story \n* Phoenix Wright: Devil's Attorney: A lawyer goes to Hell. \n* Pico: A little boy and his friends who are the epitome of Troubling Unchildlike Behavior and More Dakka go through all sorts of situations Depending on the Writer. \n* Protectors of the Plot Continuum: Borderline psychos go into other peoples' works and off the main characters in creative ways. The organisation is run by telepathic plants. \n* Raocow: A Canadian gamer says things that make no sense. \n* Or, A crazy guy plays Super Mario World. \n* Red vs. Blue: In the middle of an epic war in the distant future, a bunch of soldiers just stand around in their bases, complaining about each other. \n* Red vs. Blue Recollection: In the middle of an epic war in the distant future, a slightly less useless soldier joins up with the other soldiers. \n* Rickroll: Trick your friends into watching an '80s love song music video. \n* Sailor Nothing: Magical Girl beats up people's inner demons with The Power Of Nihilism And Clinical Depression. Then she pulls Redemption Equals Death on the Big Bad. \n* The Salvation War: A species of naked apes is respectively abandoned and invaded by Heaven and Hell; Big mistake! \n* SCP Foundation: Morally ambiguous top-secret world-spanning organization works to secure, contain, and protect various artifacts, locations, and individuals that threaten \"normalcy.\" Included among their employees are a Body Surfing baboon, an expy of Indiana Jones, and Satan, who likes shotguns. \n* Alternatively: Stories about an organization that runs Secret Government Warehouse sites are actually Nightmare Fuel in disguise. \n* Alternatively: Torchwood, as envisioned by 4chan. \n* Alternatively: A massive, secretive organization devotes immense resources to trying to kill a lizard, torturing a little girl, and keeping a variety of items, from paintings to vending machines. Several vital parts of the articles are missing. \n* The Slender Man Mythos: A Cosmic Horror Story with no Canon whatsoever; the fans have been Running the Asylum since day one. Nightmare Fuel is the result. \n* Marble Hornets: A guy tries to figure out what happened to his friend's abandoned film project. Aside from some audio glitches, not much happens. \n* Seeking Truth: A Badass Cowboy Cop suffers a severe case of Wrong Genre Savvy. \n* Something Awful: A community made up entirely of goons. \n* Retsupurae: Goons make fun of people who attempt to imitate the insanely popular trends they started/popularized. \n* Stuart Ashen: A British doctor talks about counterfeit items and cheap knock-offs. \n* Super Mario Bros Z: Two plumbers, two rodents, and a reptile team up to prevent a robot and a different reptile (with the help from a mysterious fat man) from acquiring colored rocks. A lot of problems encountered involve violence. \n* Super Smash Flash 2: A ripoff of a popular video game with a bunch of RPG and anime characters thrown in for good measure. \n* Survival of the Fittest: Hockey players get slaughtered, teenage girls get raped with vases, killers angst about their actions, and only a few make it out alive from the whole mess. \n* Tasakeru: A fantasy series about Petting Zoo People that uses warring species as allegories for human conflict. Redwall meets Usagi Yojimbo meets Princess Mononoke meets Exalted. Not for kids. \n* That Guy With The Glasses: Nerdy Adult Children make videos displaying their disappointment in various films, shows and video games. Among them are: \n* Bum Reviews: A hyperactive homeless man reviews movies and asks for change. \n* The Nostalgia Critic: Brat rants about movies, does countdowns, and is a complete mess. And becomes a sex symbol for it. \n* The Nostalgia Chick: Broken Bird rages over old TV shows and movies, does overviews on pop culture, and abuses her best friend. And becomes a sex symbol for it. \n* Ask That Guy: Bespectacled man is asked unusual questions to which he gives comedic, highly disturbing and somewhat sociopathic answers. \n* Atop the Fourth Wall: An annoyed, midwestern comic book nerd in a hat. Occasionally saves all of reality. \n* The Spoony Experiment: Snarky gamer mocks poor writing/programming in movies and games. His future self (or something) is a mad scientist. (Snarky gamer died in an explosion, but came back, and a clone may or may not be running his show). \n* Phelous: A deadpan Canadian Meta Guy reviews shitty horror movies while dying every week. \n* Film Brain: A snarky British guy who reviews bad recent films many of which are outside the mainstream. \n* Spooning With Spoony: The aforementioned nerds all get raped. \n* TGWTG Year One Brawl: A group of reviewers get angry at each other. \n* Kickassia: A group of reviewers are led by a crazy cosplayer to invade a nation. \n* Suburban Knights: A bunch of reviewers cosplay as fantasy characters and cause chaos in Suburbia. \n* The Cinema Snob: A snarky Jack Nicholson sound-alike reviews obscure films. \n* Todd in the Shadows: Guy who refuses to show his face complains about the songs on the radio. \n* Obscurus Lupa Presents: Redhead who attracts weird men rifts on bad movies. \n* What the Fuck Is Wrong With You: A man and a stick figure read recent news stories. \n* Familiar Faces: A guy does lots of research for side characters most of us have pretty much forgotten about. \n* Forget About It: A French musician reviews movies without doing the research. \n* There She Is!: Interracial dating is Serious Business. \n* There Will Be Brawl: A small-time drug dealer has to deal with a serial killer who kills mob bosses and another who eats his victims, a corrupt police force, and a brother who has NEVER been a plumber. \n* The Insane Quest: Humans, blobs, vampires, and others travel on a Flying Bison-Ship while Hilarity Ensues. \n* The Tourettes Guy: A young man plants cameras around his home to share his drunken father's antics with the world. \n* Touhou Ibunshu: The girls from the Fantasy Kitchen Sink stop playing Extreme Dodgeball, now settling thier disputes through diplomacy and the occasional magical card battle. \n* Tree From My Youth: An emotionally broken boy and his dog try to stop a fat old man who uses television and lightning to control an island, with the help of weird people (and their pets), but in audio form! \n* True Capitalist: A really angry Texan rants on about everything he even happens to dislike, taking calls along the way. \n* TV Tropes Wiki: A bunch of self-admitted geeks and nerds talk about various recurring things in all forms of media. \n* Alternatively, a giant website that seeks to be the repository for all the world's figurative language. Spends much of its time missing the point and then blowing itself to pieces to fix itself after missing the point. \n* Just for Fun: Said geeks take a break from talking about media in order to talk about talking about media. \n* Better Than It Sounds: Said geeks take really cool idea, completely miss the point, summarise a bunch of things in an unfunny, obvious fashion. \n* I Thought It Meant: Said geeks celebrate their inability to communicate ideas effectively. \n* TV Tropes Made of Win Archive: Said geeks congratulate each other on their geeky work. \n* Crowning Moment of Awesome: Said geeks congratulate entirely fictional people on their feats of unbelievability. \n* Crowning Moment of Funny: Said geeks share a laugh over entirely fictional things. \n* Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Said geeks go \"aaawwwww\" over entirely fictional things. \n* Crowning Music of Awesome: Said geeks share sounds of greatness! \n* Ear Worm: Said geeks try brainwashing each other with music. \n* Tear Jerker: Said geeks cry like babies over made-up stuff. \n* Fanon Discontinuity: Said geeks say that stuff that didn't happen didn't happen more than other things that also didn't happen. \n* Narm: Said geeks laugh at things that are supposed to be Serious Business. \n* It Just Bugs Me: Said geeks gripe about things that don't make sense that never really happened anyway. \n* Nightmare Fuel: Said geeks get terrified at various stuff that shouldn't scare them in the first place. \n* Fetish Fuel: Said geeks are all a bunch of sick raging perverts. Geeks with power make them be sick raging perverts someplace else. \n* Better Than It Sounds: Said geeks make things sound unreasonable and uninteresting. \n* Better Than It Sounds: Said geeks Didnt Do The Research, and accidentally reference the same page with the same parody text twice, then do it again intentionally to mock themselves. \n* Magnificent Bastard: Said geeks are in awe of decidedly nasty characters. \n* Moral Event Horizon: Said geeks pronounce fictional sins unforgivable. \n* Complete Monster: Said geeks pronounce fictional sinners unforgivable. \n* Laconic: Said geeks try to describe everything into one short sentence. \n* Wild Mass Guessing: Said geeks discuss bizarre ideas and plant trees. \n* All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game: Said geeks drink for fun. \n* The Woobie: Said geeks feel sorry for fictional (most of them, anyway) characters. \n* Worse Than It Sounds: Said geeks make bad works sound good. \n* Don't Shoot the Message: Said geeks complain about people on their side of a controversy. \n* Double Standard: Said geeks index inequality, try not to lose faith in humanity altogether. \n* TV Tropes the TV Show: Said geeks decide to create a TV show, or maybe an online animated series, or maybe a webcomic (depends on who you ask), where all the main characters are either superpowered blatant self-inserts of said geeks, or cool characters stolen from other works. \n* Paint the Hero Black: Said geeks attempt to make the good guys sound like the worst people to be around. \n* Villain Whitewashing Service: Said geeks make certain people sound like legitimately nice people- that is, if they weren't the bad guys. \n* Memetic Mutation: Said geeks repeat various phrases that are repeated variously, then explain the joke. \n* (The late) I Am Not Making This Up: Said geeks talked about ridiculous things. Geeks with power disapproved. \n* Troper Tales: Said geeks become self-confessed badasses. Geeks with power disapproved, so self-confessed badass-geeks were forced to be self-confessed badasses somewhere else. \n* Two Guys A Girl And An Aversion To Sunlight: Two young people who like tropes, vampires, superheroes and slash, slash a vampire and a superhero in an extremely trope-heavy, cracky fashion. \n* Uncyclopedia: The Other Wiki minus content. \n* Undocumented Features: A bunch of bored college students create a Mega Crossover with over 100 different works. One of the main problems in the work is solved by Breaking the Fourth Wall and having the authors make a Heroic Sacrifice. \n* Vlog Brothers: Two brothers decide to communicate via youtube vlog for a year, then keep going for much longer. \n* Whateley Universe: A group of overpowered superheroines meet up at the world's foremost Super-Hero School, only to discover that each and every one of them is secretly Transgendered and gender bent. This would be a Contrived Coincidence, except they have a special dorm set aside specifically to segregate these sort of things. They can't be defeated, so They Fight Crime... and get away with anything they want while doing so. Rashomon Style is flat out abused, and the Token Minority is a white male. \n* Where the Hell Is Matt: A nerd goes Walking the Earth to demonstrate how he can't dance. \n* Wikipedia: Giant website that seeks to be the repository for all the world's knowledge. Spends much of its time hosting arguments about what qualifies as \"knowledge\". \n* Alternatively: The website where people who know nothing try to figure out if they know something. \n* WTF Pok\u00E9mon: Two guys point out logical contrivancies in episodes of a very popular anime series. \n* YouTube: People slap together video footage and sounds (usually taken from their favorite TV shows) seemingly at random. \n* Youtube Poop: People slap together video footage and sounds (usually taken from their favorite bad TV shows) seemingly at random to get something stupid, offensive, or both. Hilarity Ensues, hopefully. \n* Chewiki: The same people make up silly backstories for the characters and settings of thier favorite bad TV shows, often resulting in something stupid, offfensive, or both. Hilarity Ensues, generally. \n* Dramatic Reading: Something banal, poorly-written, or just plain dreadful is read aloud by a Large Ham. \n* Z True Long Island Story: A self-absorbed, self-proclaimed Pro Wrestling champion and his dad, friends and co-workers do sketch comedy. \n* Zero Punctuation: A snarky British guy reviews video games accompanied by off-beat animation."@en . .