. "Shall is a female doll from Dream of Doll. She is part of their Dream of Teen line, which is full-sized. 18 years old The sister of Aeren, the city of water color. She has been retrieving poor lost souls from the contract with Lucifer and purify them. She can see future in her dream and SHA's been a great help, but the sadness of the people who didn't get saved is a burden to her as she is after all still a frail girl. She feels SHA's love, but she try to ignore and pretend there is not any feelings between them."@en . . . . "Shall is a female doll from Dream of Doll. She is part of their Dream of Teen line, which is full-sized. 18 years old The sister of Aeren, the city of water color. She has been retrieving poor lost souls from the contract with Lucifer and purify them. She can see future in her dream and SHA's been a great help, but the sadness of the people who didn't get saved is a burden to her as she is after all still a frail girl. She feels SHA's love, but she try to ignore and pretend there is not any feelings between them."@en . "Shall"@en . . . .