"Future technologies have been the subject of several computer games. \n* Nanobreaker [1] - a poorly done slasher game, with the story based around a malfanctioning computer that commanded nanorobots to go into a hyper-replication mode. \n* Deux Ex - a game set in the future, nanotechnological implants \n* Alpha Centauri - several future technologies, the Singularity This article is too short. You can contribute by expanding it. Write more on the topic, add good links or edit the text."@en . . "Future technologies have been the subject of several computer games. \n* Nanobreaker [1] - a poorly done slasher game, with the story based around a malfanctioning computer that commanded nanorobots to go into a hyper-replication mode. \n* Deux Ex - a game set in the future, nanotechnological implants \n* Alpha Centauri - several future technologies, the Singularity This article is too short. You can contribute by expanding it. Write more on the topic, add good links or edit the text."@en . "Future in computer games"@en . .