"Robert Anton Wilson"@en . . . . "Robert Anton Wilson or RAW (January 18, 1932 \u2013 January 11, 2007) was a prolific American novelist, essayist, philosopher, psychologist, futurologist, anarchist, and conspiracy theory researcher. This article is a stub. You can help the CounterCulture Wikia grow by expanding it. \n* Get help from from Wikipedia on how to edit a page and Wikia tutorial then use your Back button to return to this page on CounterCulture Wikia."@en . . . . . . "Robert Anton WILSON a\u016D RAW (1932 \u2013 2007) estis usono verkisto, aktoro, filozofo, psikoanalisto, anarkiisto, kaj studiisto de konspiraj teorioj. Lia plej fama verko estis The Illuminatus! Trilogo Li priskribis siajn verka\u0135ojn kiel \"provo rompi jam ekzistantajn ideo\u0109enojn. - Rigardi la mondon per nova maniero, kun multe da modeloj kiuj esta rekonita kiel modeloj (kartoj) kaj neniu el ili levigita kiel veron.\" Kaj: \"Mia celo estas provi alporti \u0109iujn je stato de agnostikeco; Ne agnostikeco nur pri Dio, sed agnostikeco pri \u0109io\"."@eo . . . "Robert Anton Wilson was born in either Brooklyn or Long Island (he doesn't remember which) on January 18, 1932. He was raised in an Irish-Catholic ghetto, where he attended a Catholic school, where the strict dogma may have inspired him to be the rebel he is today. At the age of 4, Wilson came down with a case of childhood polio, which was apparently cured by the Sister Kenny method of physical therapy, which was seen by the medical community of that time (1938), as quackery."@en . . "Shame on you all for not having everything he ever said, wrote, quoted, thought, and discussed on this very spot! Writer, prophet, liar, truthsayer, dead guy. May have even diddled the Goddess (though debate rages as to whether she, in fact, was diddling him). Author of The Illuminatus! Trilogy. Robert Anton Wilson is widely referred to as 'Pope Bob' by true Discordians (and by SubGenii). He wrote the massively influencial Discordian texts 'Cosmic Trigger 1,2 & 3'. He probably wrote quite a few checks in his time, too, though their entry into the canon is still up in the air."@en . "Robert Anton Wilson or RAW (January 18, 1932 \u2013 January 11, 2007) was a prolific American novelist, essayist, philosopher, psychologist, futurologist, anarchist, and conspiracy theory researcher. This article is a stub. You can help the CounterCulture Wikia grow by expanding it. \n* Get help from from Wikipedia on how to edit a page and Wikia tutorial then use your Back button to return to this page on CounterCulture Wikia."@en . "Robert Anton Wilson was born in either Brooklyn or Long Island (he doesn't remember which) on January 18, 1932. He was raised in an Irish-Catholic ghetto, where he attended a Catholic school, where the strict dogma may have inspired him to be the rebel he is today. At the age of 4, Wilson came down with a case of childhood polio, which was apparently cured by the Sister Kenny method of physical therapy, which was seen by the medical community of that time (1938), as quackery."@en . "Shame on you all for not having everything he ever said, wrote, quoted, thought, and discussed on this very spot! Writer, prophet, liar, truthsayer, dead guy. May have even diddled the Goddess (though debate rages as to whether she, in fact, was diddling him). Author of The Illuminatus! Trilogy. Robert Anton Wilson is widely referred to as 'Pope Bob' by true Discordians (and by SubGenii). He wrote the massively influencial Discordian texts 'Cosmic Trigger 1,2 & 3'. He probably wrote quite a few checks in his time, too, though their entry into the canon is still up in the air."@en . "Robert Anton Wilson"@eo . . . . . . . . . "Robert Anton WILSON a\u016D RAW (1932 \u2013 2007) estis usono verkisto, aktoro, filozofo, psikoanalisto, anarkiisto, kaj studiisto de konspiraj teorioj. Lia plej fama verko estis The Illuminatus! Trilogo Li priskribis siajn verka\u0135ojn kiel \"provo rompi jam ekzistantajn ideo\u0109enojn. - Rigardi la mondon per nova maniero, kun multe da modeloj kiuj esta rekonita kiel modeloj (kartoj) kaj neniu el ili levigita kiel veron.\" Kaj: \"Mia celo estas provi alporti \u0109iujn je stato de agnostikeco; Ne agnostikeco nur pri Dio, sed agnostikeco pri \u0109io\"."@eo .