"\u201CCome on out Lyndon,\u201D Bill Johnson called out as he took position, rifle at hand, outside the old wooden house. His voice carried with it an air of authority to match his physically imposing frame. He wore a long, weathered, leather coat. His Stetson hat tipped forward, his dark brown eyes barely visible below the rim. In the dim light of the fading Texas sun he stood in the shadow of the quaint little house of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. \u201CYou got nowhere to go. The odds are against you this time.\u201D The remote location of the hillside house and picturesque scenery painted a perfect picture of everything a family home should be. It was a perfect place for the Bennett\u2019s and their ten year old daughter, Molly. That was before Lyndon Wesley walked into their lives. \u201CWell let me see, Mr. Johnson,\u201D said Lyndon, his high pitch squawk coming back at Bill from within the house. \u201CYa got yourself a crazy, murderin\u2019, son-of-a-bitch. And I got me a lock-down in a house with a purdy mother, her dead husband and her very alive and very beautiful daughter. I\u2019d say it\u2019s you who\u2019s facing off against the odds sir.\u201D Bill had been tracking his man for five long weeks and now, finally he had him cornered. Lyndon Wesley: AKA Wild West. The man with a ten thousand dollar bounty over his head dead or alive \u2013 twenty one dead including women and children will get you that kind of a price. Inside the house, Rosie Bennett sat on the old wooden floor with her child crying at her side. Her husband lay motionless just ten feet away by the open log fire. The hole in his chest oozed dark red blood onto the oak brown floor. The bright glowing flames from the log fire created cruel shadows of his contorted corpse against the stone walls. His killer stood by the small side window in the kitchen. the barrel of his six shooter pointing out towards the yard. \u201CPlease God, help us,\u201D Rosie whispered. \u201CGod?\u201D Snapped Lyndon, turning round to face the woman. His lips tight and thin over his brown teeth in a grimace. \u201CDo you think God gives a shit about you? Hell no. If he did, then why he put ya with me in the first place, hey? Life\u2019s one big game, and the big man upstairs, he\u2019s the player. We all just pieces in his board game. I bet he looking down on us in here and laughing his almighty ass off. Yea, he gets a real kick out of watching people suffer.\u201D Lyndon began to prowl up and down the old, wooden floor like a rabid animal caught in a trap, hungry for blood. His scrawny body and straw-like hair that hung over his sharp features made him look like a feral beast. Outside, Bill Johnson edged toward the house, rifle at the ready. His heart beating like a drum in his chest. A shot rang out, Bill scrambled to the ground for cover. Panic grabbed him by the throat and squeezed tight in anticipation of the pain of the bullet entry. It never came. The bullet had missed him. \u201CBill, you hurt?\u201D said Lyndon. His Colt .45 was poking through a side window from the kitchen, \u201CHope ya ain\u2019t dead old buddy, was only meant to warn ya off that\u2019s all. We\u2019re just beginning to have a little fun you an\u2019 me.\u201D Suddenly, in one swift movement, Bill rolled over on the floor, pointed his gun at the small window from where the voice came from and pulled the trigger. A sound like thunder erupted from the rifle and a scream cut through the air like a lightning bolt. Lyndon screamed out in agony, holding the left side of his face where the bullet had skimmed his cheek, tearing a hole along his jaw line. \u201CYou filthy bastard!\u201D said Lyndon, \u201CYou filthy, rotten bastard.\u201D Bill scrambled to his feet then darted toward the front door. Inside the house, Rosie Bennett made a snap decision to make a run for it. She grabbed Molly by the wrist and headed for the back door. A shot rang out from within the house and the tiny wrist she held in her hand went limp. \u201CMolly!\u201D Rosie screamed, her heart had only time to feel the terror at the sight of her daughter\u2019s bleeding corpse before it exploded in her chest from the second blast from Lyndon Wesley\u2019s handgun. \u201CStupid bitch,\u201D Lyndon snarled; one hand covered his cheek, the other held the handle of the smoking gun. \u201CI never said nothin\u2019 \u2019bout leavin\u2019 young lady.\u201D At that moment, the door burst open and Bill Johnson came charging in. Lyndon had only time to turn around and set eyes on the bounty hunter before he was struck by the but of the rifle, flooring him and scattering his gun across the floor. \u201CYou filthy dog,\u201D Lyndon said from behind blooded teeth. \u201CYour mother was a whore, your father was a-\u201D \u201CShut your hole,\u201D Bill put the barrel of his rifle against the lips of his downed opponent. \u201CYou\u2019re gonna hang for what you\u2019ve done.\u201D Lyndon kissed the barrel of the gun at his lips. \u201CWe all gotta go Bill. It\u2019s been a fun ride tho, hey?.\u201D He began laughing, a wild, uncontrollable outburst. Outside, the night had taken the sun, darkness prevailed. Somewhere in the distance a wild coyote howled. The abrupt clang of steel on steel awoke Lyndon Wesley from his slumber, as it had for the past seven days since his capture and consequent incarceration at the hands of Bill Johnson. \u201CWakey, wakey,\u201D the guard said, an overweight gentleman with slicked back hair and a genuine dislike for the latest addition to Huntsville State Penitentiary. \u201CYou fat, worthless hog,\u201D Lyndon said, jumping out of bed and grabbing hold of the cell bars with both hands, \u201CI hope your wife gets vaginal disease and dies.\u201D His flesh wound on his face began to weep from underneath the dressing from the sudden movement. \u201CMind your language you filthy piece of human waste, the priest is here to see your sorry ass.\u201D The guard stepped away from the cell, and a towering black figure revealed himself. At six foot seven, he dwarfed the guard and then Lyndon as he entered the cell. His long white hair tied back in a neat pony tail; his gray, piercing eyes sunk deep within his skull. He spoke in a soft English accent. \u201CCould you give us a moment alone please?\u201D The guard looked a little hesitant. \u201CYou sure about that father?\u201D he asked. \u201CI\u2019m going to be fine,\u201D the priest said. He then pointed to the room's lone steel chair. \u201CPlease, take a seat my son,\u201D Lyndon duly obliged. His eyes remained fixed on the stranger before him. \u201CDo you know who I am Lyndon?\u201D the priest asked. \u201CYep, you\u2019re a man of God.\u201D \u201CIn a figure of speaking yes, I suppose I am. And do you know what I\u2019m here for?\u201D \u201CYou\u2019re here to read me my last rights, see if the good old lord can save my balls from the burning flames of hell.\u201D A wild grin stretched across Lyndon\u2019s face, he never passed up on a chance to taunt the lord. The priest matched his wicked smile with one of his own. A cold shiver ran down the spine of Lyndon. \u201CYou ain\u2019t no priest,\u201D Lyndon said. \u201CYou\u2019re something else.\u201D The smile on the priest's face never broke, Lyndon began to feel a strange sensation like butterflies in his stomach. \u201CYou\u2019ve had a troubled life Lyndon.\u201D \u201CSo, what the hell do you know about it?\u201D snapped Lyndon. Whoever he was, whatever he was, he wasn\u2019t a priest. Of that, Lyndon was certain. Presently, the priest spoke again. \u201CI know about your father.\u201D Lyndon raised an eyebrow at the priest, many had heard the story but few dared to speak about it in his presence. A story about a father who, after his wife had left him to raise a child on his own, hit the bottle hard and took out his anger on his son. Lyndon had learned about the violence from a very early age. Then on one cold winter\u2019s night, just three days after his fifteenth birthday, Lyndon had taken his father\u2019s hunting rifle, walked into his bedroom while he lay, and shot him as he slept. \u201CYou think you know some shit about me,\u201D Lyndon said, his fists began to clench by his side. \u201CYea, I killed my daddy and a whole bunch of other sons of bitches along the way too. So what, you don\u2019t know me.\u201D \u201CI know all about you Lyndon,\u201D the preacher said, his deep gray eyes never trailing for a second away from Lyndon\u2019s gaze. \u201CI know about little Frankie.\u201D A sharp pang shot through the center of Lyndon\u2019s heart. Fear? Panic? Or something else? He wasn\u2019t sure. It felt like a crooked arrow had been fired from point blank range, twisting as it penetrated his chest. Not since childhood had he heard another living soul utter the name of his little brother Frankie, not until now. \u201CYou just shut the hell up now preacher.\u201D said Lyndon, his eyes widening. The priest continued, \u201CI know that your little brother Frankie died when he was just five years old. You were two years his elder at seven. The two of you playing together down the old mine shaft. It was a terrible accident.\u201D \u201CWatch your god-damn mouth.\u201D A deep rage began to boil in the pit of Lyndon\u2019s stomach. \u201CBut we know better,\u201D the preacher said. \u201CSure, you made everyone believe he slipped and fell but we know different don\u2019t we Lyndon? You pushed little Frankie down the shaft. Killed him. And the reason? No real reason. You\u2019re a natural born killer Lyndon, and that\u2019s all the reason you needed. Soon after your parents split up and your mother left. The truth is, although they never spoke about it, deep down they knew you killed him and it tore them apart.\" Lyndon had heard all he had wanted to hear from this demented priest. He began to rise from his seat, fists clenched. \u201CNow you listen to me, whoever the hell-\u201D Before he could stand, the preacher waved his hand in a subtle gesture and Lyndon felt a powerful force pull him back to the chair, he had no choice but to obey. The arteries in his neck were pulsating, struggling to keep up with the heavy output from his heart. A strange taste of copper flooded his mouth as the adrenalin coursed through his veins. He had been in some bad spots before but never had he felt such fear, such dread as he did now. \u201CBe still.\u201D the priest said. \u201CWhat do you want?\u201D Lyndon said from behind clenched teeth. \u201CFor the first time in you\u2019re life, I\u2019m going to give you a break. I\u2019m here to offer you a deal,\u201D the sinister grin returned. \u201CThe deal of a lifetime.\u201D \u201CI suppose I ain\u2019t got no choice but to listen,\u201D Lyndon said; the situation, he realized, was out of his control. \u201CGood boy,\u201D the preacher said, relaxing his gesture and so releasing the invisible force. But Lyndon remained seated. \u201CThe deal is simple, you will not die from the hang man\u2019s noose tomorrow morning. In fact, you won\u2019t die from anything, ever.\u201D He raised his arms and held them out towards Lyndon. \u201CMy child, I am offering you the gift of immortality.\u201D A look of bewilderment came over the face of Lyndon, he was perplexed to say the least. His simple mind was working overtime to make sense of everything that was happening. And although what the mysterious stranger was saying sounded like the ramblings of a mad man, he believed every word of it. \u201CYou mean to say I get to live forever?\u201D Lyndon said, not quite believing he was having this conversation. \u201CAnd what do you want from me?\u201D \u201CYou know the answer to that question Lyndon, I want your soul.\u201D A cold silence fell upon the room, neither man breaking its frosty embrace. It felt en eternity had passed until Lyndon finally spoke. \u201CThis is horse shit.\u201D \u201CYou doubt my power?\u201D the priest said, one eyebrow raised inquisitively. Recalling the ungodly skill the priest showed by holding him against his will, and the ghastly way he mad Lyndon feel in his presence, it wasn\u2019t hard to imagine he held such power. Whoever he was, he was for real. \u201CWhat are you,\u201D asked Lyndon, \u201Csome kind of devil?\u201D The priest kept his gaze fixed on Lyndon. The cold silence fell between them again, the damp walls of the cell accentuated the chill in the room. It felt like time had stood still and only the two of them existed in this moment. It was a painfully quiet moment. Lyndon broke the silence. \u201CWell, hell's bells,\u201D he said, \u201CI couldn\u2019t give a hoot what happens to me when I die preacher, or whoever the hell you are. The way I see it, my ass is in the fire when I leave this shit hole anyways so who gives a damn? I wanna stick around this dump as long as I can.\u201D The preacher regarded him with cautious optimism. \u201CDo we have a deal then?\u201D he asked. \u201CShit, I don\u2019 know why we even talking \u2019bout it still. Let\u2019s shake on it and get me out of this cage.\u201D They shook hands. The priests hand was long and thin, cold to the touch and clammy. \u201CGoodbye Lyndon,\u201D he said. \u201CSee you very soon.\u201D The priest called for the guard who let him out. \u201CHey,\u201D Lyndon called out. \u201CWhat am I supposed to do now?\u201D \u201CWait.\u201D With that final word, the priest was gone. Lyndon remained in the dark of the cell, not sure if what had just happened had actually just happened. The next day he was taken by the guards to the gallows. A hood was put over his head and a rope tightened around his scrawny neck. Panic had set in and taken hold of him when the realization came to him that it must have all been a lie. A cruel joke set up by some twisted son of a bitch he had wronged in the past. The list of potential candidates that would play such a sadistic trick was far too great; he had crossed many a man in his short time, killed, maimed, and robbed. It could have been anyone. He could imagine someone was out there now, watching him, laughing at him. Probably in the crowd of people that had gathered to watch his execution. A deep rage burned inside of him, the panic gave way to blind rage, he began shouting expletives from beneath the hood. The gallows opened. The rope tightened. His neck snapped. In that moment, there came darkness. It was the first thing his waking mind registered. The second thing he registered was a familiar voice asking him to wake up. The preacher has a subtle, English accent. \u201CWake up Lyndon, wake up.\u201D His mind told his body to move but his body disobeyed. He was paralyzed. Suddenly, a strange tingling sensation started at his head and passed through his body, bringing with it a horrific sensation of pain around his neck from where the rope had been. Full mobility returned once again to his body. Now he realized he was lying on his back. He put his hand out in front of him to feel for his surroundings. His hand hit against something hard and wooden about two feet in front of him. He attempted to roll over and stand to his feet but he hit another wooden obstacle only a couple of feet away to his left. His heart began to race as he realized where he was, buried alive in a coffin. The voice came again from the darkness, \u201CIt\u2019s no use trying to escape, Lyndon.\u201D A crazed, claustrophobic panic overcame Lyndon, and he started lashing out. His arms and legs banged against the confines of the wooden box. He went to scream but no sound came out, his voice box had been crushed by the hangman. And the pain, the pain was now unbearable. The voice spoke again, \u201CI am a man of my word. I told you I would give you eternal life, and that\u2019s exactly what I plan to do.\u201D Lyndon began to sob, his hands were broken from striking against the coffin, and his neck was burning in agony. \u201CBut don\u2019t worry my child,\u201D the voice said. \u201CI wouldn\u2019t leave you on your own for eternity, I have plenty of people to keep you company.\u201D A hand grabbed hold of his right leg. He tried to pull himself free but to no avail. Another voice came from the darkness, a voice he had not heard since childhood. \u201CYou killed me,\u201D the voice whispered. Little Frankie was the first to welcome him to his living hell. Then another hand grabbed his left leg, another grabbed him by the hair. Voices from different people, young and old \u2013 all of them his victims he had sent to an early grave. All of them repeating the same words, over and over like a mantra. \u201CYou killed me, you killed me.\u201D Then the biting began. Lyndon\u2019s body convulsed as the teeth of his dead victims sank into his skin, some of them tearing out chunks of flesh. But for each incision, for every chunk of flesh, his body healed and the flesh returned in a constant cycle of regeneration. \u201CMy word is my bond,\u201D the voice whispered from beyond. \u201CYou shall never die.\u201D A wretched gurgle was all Lyndon could muster as his throat was torn out by the hands of the dead. It was a pain he had never known in his life, but he would come to know it again and again."@en . . . "BioShock Infinite"@en . "File:VP gNr060-lNr02 Lady Comstock - Beyond Redemption f0632.png"@en . . . . . . . "Beyond Redemption"@en . . . "Oliver Queen for mayor.png"@pl . . . . "\"Beyond Redemption\" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of Arrow and the seventy-third episode overall. It aired on October 28, 2015."@en . "???"@pl . "2015-10-28"^^ . "__FORCETOC__ \u201EBeyond Redemption\u201D \u2013 siedemdziesi\u0105ty trzeci odcinek serialu \u201EArrow\u201D. Jego polska premiera nie odby\u0142a si\u0119."@pl . . "Elysia Rotaru as Taiana Venediktov"@en . . . "73"^^ . "\"Beyond Redemption\" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of Arrow and the seventy-third episode overall. It aired on October 28, 2015."@en . "Downtown Emporia"@en . . . "\"Beyond Redemption\" is the third track on Love Metal. The song was performed mainly on the Love Metal Tour and very scarcely on the U.S. Tour 2004. It's earliest live performance was in 2002."@en . "4"^^ . "Arrow"@pl . "December the 28th, 1894"@en . "* Stephen Amell jako Oliver Queen/Zielona Strza\u0142a\n* David Ramsey jako John Diggle/Spartan\n* Emily Bett Rickards jako Felicity Smoak\n* Katie Cassidy jako Laurel Lance\n* Willa Holland jako Thea Queen\n* Paul Blackthorne jako Quentin Lance"@pl . "-"@en . . "File:VP gNr060-lNr02 Lady Comstock - Beyond Redemption f0631.png"@en . "Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk"@en . . "\"Beyond Redemption\" is the third track on Love Metal. The song was performed mainly on the Love Metal Tour and very scarcely on the U.S. Tour 2004. It's earliest live performance was in 2002."@en . "Ryan Robbins as Conklin"@en . . "2015-10-28"^^ . "Beyond Redemption"@pl . "Rutina Wesley as Liza Warner"@en . "Echo Kellum as Curtis Holt"@en . "Arrow"@en . "Tonight, the Prophet moved against his political enemies. He preaches mercy, but 40 souls lie tonight dead, in unmarked graves. If a man was ever unworthy of grace, it would be my husband. But when I was beyond redemption, he offered it anyway. How can I deny forgiveness to one who, with love, granted it to me?"@en . . "* Echo Kellum jako Curtis Holt\n* Elysia Rotaru jako Taiana Venediktov\n* Ryan Robbins jako Conklin\n* Rutina Wesley jako Liza Warner"@pl . "\u201ERestoration\u201D"@pl . "Lady Comstock"@en . . . . "* Neal McDonough jako Damien Darhk\n* Caity Lotz jako Sara Lance"@pl . . "__FORCETOC__ \u201EBeyond Redemption\u201D \u2013 siedemdziesi\u0105ty trzeci odcinek serialu \u201EArrow\u201D. Jego polska premiera nie odby\u0142a si\u0119."@pl . . "2004-11-21"^^ . . "73"^^ . "Near Emporia Towers, in the wine cellar on Harmony Lane."@en . . "\u201EHaunted\u201D"@pl . . . "\u201CCome on out Lyndon,\u201D Bill Johnson called out as he took position, rifle at hand, outside the old wooden house. His voice carried with it an air of authority to match his physically imposing frame. He wore a long, weathered, leather coat. His Stetson hat tipped forward, his dark brown eyes barely visible below the rim. In the dim light of the fading Texas sun he stood in the shadow of the quaint little house of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. \u201CYou got nowhere to go. The odds are against you this time.\u201D \u201CPlease God, help us,\u201D Rosie whispered. \u201CBill, you hurt?\u201D said Lyndon. \u201CYep, you\u2019re a man of God.\u201D \u201CWait.\u201D"@en . . "Caity Lotz as Sara Lance"@en . . "2002-09-07"^^ . "Beyond Redemption"@en .