. . . . . . "23"^^ . . . . . "23000"^^ . "2346 is a 5v5 arena composition consisting of the following classes and talent specializations: The Burning Crusade: \n* Arms Warrior \n* Felguard or [Siphon Life]/[Soul Link] Warlock \n* Elemental Shaman \n* Discipline Priest \n* Holy Paladin Wrath of the Lich King: \n* Arms Warrior \n* Destruction Warlock \n* Elemental Shaman \n* Discipline Priest \n* Holy Paladin This composition is a variant of (and its name is a play on) the 2345 composition; the difference is having a Warlock instead of a frost Mage. This composition came to rise soon after 2345 in Seasons 1 and 2, and remains extremely popular. It depends heavily on the Warlock's control of the healers using [Curse of Tongues], [Fear], and the Felhunter, as well as the Shaman's burst ability. This composition's weakness largely lies in the lack of crowd control abilities, and has less burst damage than 2345. It does, however, have much better lasting power than 2345 due to the Warlock's [Life Tap] and [Drain Mana] abilities."@en . "Als Richard Veit mit seinem unfreiwilligen Gest\u00E4ndnis unter Druck setzt, bricht der bis dato \u00FCberwunden geglaubte Schmerz \u00FCber Emmas Tod erneut \u00FCber ihn herein. Veit will Rache und opfert als erstes sein Liebesgl\u00FCck mit Pia. Marie ist fassungslos, wie locker es Leo scheinbar nimmt, dass er vielleicht Vater wird. Wie kann man nur so egoistisch und verantwortungslos sein? Doch dann erkennt Marie, dass Leos Problem weitaus schwerwiegender ist. Als nach den unerwarteten Baukosten auch noch Marians Auto kaputt geht, fragt sich Lena besorgt, ob sie sich mit dem Hausbau finanziell \u00FCbernommen haben. Als Lena und Bea dar\u00FCber scherzen, wie sie m\u00F6glichst schnell an viel Geld kommen k\u00F6nnen, bekommen ihre M\u00E4nner pl\u00F6tzlich eine Idee."@de . "14012016"^^ . . "2346"@de . . "2347"^^ . "2346"^^ . . . . "2346"@sv . "\uFEFF"@sv . "2270.0"^^ . . "24"^^ . . . "2360.0"^^ . . . . "2320.0"^^ . . "2346 is a 5v5 arena composition consisting of the following classes and talent specializations: The Burning Crusade: \n* Arms Warrior \n* Felguard or [Siphon Life]/[Soul Link] Warlock \n* Elemental Shaman \n* Discipline Priest \n* Holy Paladin Wrath of the Lich King: \n* Arms Warrior \n* Destruction Warlock \n* Elemental Shaman \n* Discipline Priest \n* Holy Paladin"@en . "2346"@fr . . ") \n* After the Khitomer Massacre, the USS Intrepid pays a visit to Starbase 24 where another survivor, Kahlest, disembarks for medical treatment. She later books a passage to her home in the Klingon Empire. (TNG: \"Sins of the Father\" ) ) \n* Jean-Luc Picard has an affair with Miranda Vigo on Earth. Shortly after they break up, Miranda becomes involved with another man, also in Starfleet, with whom she will have a son named Jason the coming year. (TNG: \"Bloodlines\" ) )"@en . "2350.0"^^ . . ") \n* After the Khitomer Massacre, the USS Intrepid pays a visit to Starbase 24 where another survivor, Kahlest, disembarks for medical treatment. She later books a passage to her home in the Klingon Empire. (TNG: \"Sins of the Father\" ) \n* The new Cardassian ore processing center orbiting Bajor, Terok Nor, nears completion. (DS9: \"Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night\") \n* Several Bajoran women, including Kira Meru and her daughter, Kira Nerys (who travelled back in time from 2374), are brought to Terok Nor to serve as companions to the Cardassian military officers. Meru is chosen as his personal mistress by the new Prefect, Gul Dukat. She remains in this capacity until her death in 2353. (DS9: \"Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night\") \n* The Bajoran Resistance attempts to kill Gul Dukat by planting a bomb in his quarters on Terok Nor. (DS9: \"Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night\") \n* Paul Stubbs begins to research and construct \"The Egg\" to study the explosion of the neutron star/red giant in Kavis Alpha sector. (TNG: \"Evolution\" ) \n* Jean-Luc Picard has an affair with Miranda Vigo on Earth. Shortly after they break up, Miranda becomes involved with another man, also in Starfleet, with whom she will have a son named Jason the coming year. (TNG: \"Bloodlines\" ) \n* At the age of 5, Julian Bashir performs his first surgery, on his teddy bear, Kukalaka. (DS9: \"The Quickening\") \n* Zek wins the Global Tongo Championship, and will do so for the next 27 years. (DS9: \"Ferengi Love Songs\") \n* According to an alternate Jean-Luc Picard of 2366, a war between the Federation and Klingon began in this year. (TNG: \"Yesterday's Enterprise\" )"@en . . . . . . "2310.0"^^ . . . . . "Terok Nor, the Cardassian ore processing center orbiting Bajor, nears completion"@en . "2345"^^ . "2346"^^ . "2346"@en . . . . . . "2340.0"^^ . . . . . . "2344"^^ . . "\uFEFF"@sv . "2345"^^ . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . "2347"^^ . "2346"@nl . "2348"^^ . . "2349"^^ . "2343"^^ . "2370.0"^^ . . . "23859.7"^^ . . . "2330.0"^^ . "2346"^^ . . . . . "Als Richard Veit mit seinem unfreiwilligen Gest\u00E4ndnis unter Druck setzt, bricht der bis dato \u00FCberwunden geglaubte Schmerz \u00FCber Emmas Tod erneut \u00FCber ihn herein. Veit will Rache und opfert als erstes sein Liebesgl\u00FCck mit Pia. Marie ist fassungslos, wie locker es Leo scheinbar nimmt, dass er vielleicht Vater wird. Wie kann man nur so egoistisch und verantwortungslos sein? Doch dann erkennt Marie, dass Leos Problem weitaus schwerwiegender ist. Als nach den unerwarteten Baukosten auch noch Marians Auto kaputt geht, fragt sich Lena besorgt, ob sie sich mit dem Hausbau finanziell \u00FCbernommen haben. Als Lena und Bea dar\u00FCber scherzen, wie sie m\u00F6glichst schnell an viel Geld kommen k\u00F6nnen, bekommen ihre M\u00E4nner pl\u00F6tzlich eine Idee."@de . .