. "Absolutely, Xion. I'll be glad to double team this with you."@en . . "--01-19"^^ . . "--02-05"^^ . "Maybe a top five moments in our wiki history? Or top five logos/themes? I'm all for a themed issue!"@en . . "And everyone else? It's really important we decide on this sooner rather than later. Also, if anyone has ideas for what to do for a themed Top 5, review and tutorial, please share."@en . . "--03-11"^^ . "Responses:\n*Earlier, we agreed that the cover would be the collab art, so unless we decide now to move that to the sketchbook, I'm afraid your cover may have to be shown on the Sketchbook instead. \n*The worry is most inactive users won't check back on the wiki to see their messages so if anyone has off-wiki contacts to retired editors, please contact them.\n*I agree. Like I said, if the tutorial ends up not being worthy, we'll leave it out from the magazine. We don't need to have a tutorial every issue.\n*By the intros, I was referring to the \"Meet the Panellists\" section, where everyone in the video writes a short blurb about themselves . In this thread, Chain said the PlantB version. I don't know about the layered vocals.\n*The historical timeline goes in the Keyblade Master with the history. What we need for this page is a review , a top 5 , and interview .\n*I really like that idea! How would the logistics work?\n*I agree, we should have multiple people answer a couple of questions.\n*Interesting poll, but it doesn't really link to the anniversary so maybe save it for next time?"@en . "Currently, there are five people signed up to the art job. I decided we need to start doing some real work now seeing as there's only half a month left. Here is a template that I came up with. It's plotted so that there are twelve 200x200 squares and a 100-width row that goes towards the top. Everyone has to do two 200x200 squares and the remaining two squares can be used for the logos. The row can be used to display an anniversary message. \n\nAs far as colour coordination goes, don't worry about it for now. I suppose we'll try to put similar colours together. It's all very possible that it all comes together into a visual mess, BUT it won't come to that...hopefully.\n\nIf there are any tweaks to the plan, I will keep this space updated. For the time being, get started on those two squares ! I'll call on you all in a week for a progress check."@en . "I do remember the story, it's . If it serves useful in writing the history, use it. The writing of the history should definitely begin so is there anyone of the old users willing to take charge in heading the article? Could we also cover some community events, like the creation and growth of the IRC?\n\nI like those Coliseum ideas. Maybe a default talk bubble traditionalist vs the new generation skinny & inverted talk bubble hipster?\n\nA tutorial on \"What not to do here\" could be a collab where everyone offers a bullet point on an embarrassing/oops moment of theirs. \n\nI don't think that would be enough to constitute an entire new page, but it would be great as another Keyblade Master piece."@en . . "@TheFifteenthMember: The Mailbag would be a sort of memory lane thing, so I'm not sure -- if it can be incorporated into this review section you're proposing, that'd sound quite nice, actually. I'm just wondering how to present such a thing is all.\n\n@Xion4ever: Are you on Skype? If not, I've got a new e-mail address which I ought to pass on to you at some point."@en . "--02-13"^^ . "First, let me get two maintenance points out of the way: please make sure you put all game names or Kingdom Hearts in italics and if you require an image to be uploaded to either wiki, send it as a file attachment to your email, preferably under an appropriate name in the \"File:Magazine Issue X ImageName.png\" . Also, a huge thank you to everyone who helped me out by doing pieces of work at late notice!\n\nWith that said, let me get on to my main post; my aim for next issue is to significantly improve upon the last by increasing user activity. I have three ideas to help achieve this so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!\n\n;A themed issue\nSo far, all our issues have been a collection of pieces sent in by our users without any link between them, making our magazine a patchwork quilt of different topics. I'm wondering if we should occasionally launched a \"themed issue\", where every single section of the magazine is related to one theme. If we have a good theme, it may bring out a lot of inventive ideas from users so there's more chance of them contributing to the magazine to create one fantastic issue. However, as one user pointed out to me, requiring all pieces to link to one subject may actually restrict a user's creativity instead of stimulating it.\n\nWith the wiki 10th anniversary in April, it would be the perfect time to do launch our first themed issue in celebration of our milestone! We already have several plans in place for it, if we could expand the project and fill all the magazine sections with 10th anniversary celebrations, that would be something special. Some points for individual pages:\n*The cover will be as important as ever this time! We'll need a really good one!\n*The news pages can't be altered, they'll stay the same.\n*Keyblade Masters could include memoirs, reflections, and the history & timeline we've planned on writing.\n*Intro to the Kingdom Hearts Wikiverse\n*If we don't get a special podcast episode, we can use the Round Room section for the /ama thing.\n*We should interview the oldest editor we can find.\n*We can put our art collaboration ideas in the Sketchbook.\n*The puzzle page could be interesting if we think of some good wiki-related riddles and quizzes.\nI don't have ideas for everything. It would be a tenuous link to relate the wiki/game tutorial, review, top 5 and lineart, but I'm hoping you guys might have better ideas than me! What are your thoughts on this? Do we want a themed issue for this quarter?\n\n;Twilight Star\nMy second idea is we add a new section at the end of the Flick Rush page. It'll be the Twilight Star award , which we grant each time to someone who has really helped out with the magazine that quarter. The award could be given to someone because they've helped out with the coding, sent in their work in their full format, made a really wonderful piece etc. We could go two ways about it: the entire community votes and chooses on one person or it's the Editor in Chief's decision. Personally, I would like the latter because there's always people who help me out a lot behind the scenes, but I can't thank them enough and give them the recognition they deserve. \n\nI would need some help to create a good name and medal for this. My hope is more people will become keen to contribute to the magazine to get the award, resulting in some higher quality issues.\n\n;More collabs\nA general suggestion that we should aim for more collabs like the reviews of issues 3 and 7. I find that people who wouldn't usually contribute to the magazine are more likely to get involved with collabs because less work is required of them.\n\nYour comments, thoughts, and suggestions?"@en . "--03-14"^^ . "--01-14"^^ . "From FR about the collaborative art:\n\"Ah... I didn't have much of a plan when I proposed that, haha. And it depends on how many people we could get to do it... knowing that I probably wouldn't be one, cause I can't draw for shit. >_> But anyway, I can think of two options for this off the top of my head.\n\nOne: You plan an image and get volunteers to make it by assigning parts via a sign up. Like say you decide you want the pic to be of Sora, Aqua and Axel having a keyblade fight. You split it up into Axel, Aqua, Sora, background, and maybe the keyblades as well. Then you open a forum, and ask people to sign up for either of those options. One person is in charge of Sora, one in charge of Aqua etc. They submit their finished art, you compile it, and you have an image. You could also recreate an already existing KH image. Like, recreate the first game's box art, using the same method. But one problem with this one is that it would only work if you had people to fill EVERY slot. Like if you wanted to recreate the box art, but no one signed up to draw Sora, that's a problem.\n\nTwo: See what people submit and then mash it together some way. Open up a forum, get people to sign up. Tell them they can draw whatever, as long as it is a transparent render . Then you get someone to be in charge of background, and they compile whatever is submitted into a scene, and draw a background that can tie it all together. So if one person decides they wanna draw a keyblade and another wants to draw an OC, they submit what they want, and in the final image, maybe person b's OC is wielding person a's keyblade! On a similar note, you could also do something like get everyone to draw a keyblade master version of themselves, or a custom keyblade, or something, to keep the result less random. Then we end up with a group of keyblade masters, which we can shop into LoD, or something like that.\n\nThat's all I can think of. For both ideas you need someone who can splice everything together. I also think a very important thing for this task is that everyone should be allowed to create their image however they want. Paint, photoshop, image editing, crafting whatever. The only restriction should be that it has to be uploaded in image form to the wiki. If you restrict the art style then that limits that users creativity, which would in turn limit the amount of participants. And I think the image will look so much more fun if it's a mish mash of our user's different styles, a visual representation of how our different users come together to make something awesome! I also think it would be nice to encourage users to work together, so the less talented have an option to get involved, haha. Try and get the good color-ers to help those who are good at lineart etc. Or if someone can only do colors, then maybe they can be involved by coloring in other people's line art. The more opportunities to get involved, the better.\n\nOf course, if you want art, you always have the option of just getting people to submit whatever they want and have the images in a gallery side by side.\"\n\nSo, what ideas sound good? We have four confirmed people thus far ."@en . "--01-20"^^ . . "--01-29"^^ . "--02-12"^^ . . "In response to all this:\n\n*Cover: IS ALREADY DONE. YES, I'VE DONE IT. And yes, I worked on it in just two hours. Don't ask me why, I was more than willing to pass the spot to someone else but I just had a massive itch to draw. Sowwies... :"@en . "I've created a page that the top five user can use for comparison. Perhaps we can work these into the poll as well?\n*Cover:Perhaps we could use FR's 10th anniversary idea of a collaboration for the cover instead of a sketchbook? And then just use the sketchbook in case more than one person wants to do something for the 10th anniversary.\n*Coliseum:Yeah, no ideas.\n*Keyblade Master:Just let me know when to contact people and what to ask them to do.\n*Tutorial Page:What about a \"What not to do here\" video/page in a humorous style? That combine make the essence of \"How to stick around\" without the \"you can never leave\" vibe.\n*Round Room:Very likely at this point. We could defiantly hold this for the /KHWV/ sings.\n*The Grid:Since it's \"Banish the Beast\" maybe we could use wikia's logo?\n*Twilight Star:I say if you want to go for it, go for it, but only if we have the time. Since this issue is HUGE, we should save this section for last."@en . "--02-08"^^ . "--02-14"^^ . "--03-27"^^ . . "*Maybe we can make a few KHWV logos/banners and use the poll to decide on one?\n*I like the cover idea. As Draaek said, we need to start sketching so could FR be contacted so she can tell us what we're drawing? If there's time, we could have a couple of mini-projects for the Sketchbook in case no one sends in any individual pieces.\n*Quite 'naff, but a debate on which event had a bigger impact: the split/merge vs MegaProject: Arise. I wasn't really there for the former though.\n*For the KM, could you contact the people who expressed interest on the 10th anniversary forum and ask them to try get a hold of the ex-Wikians that they know? As a start, maybe we could just be noting down every significant wiki event that we remember and once we have them all, fleshing out the details? Not sure if we'd like to break down our history into periods/eras or just write what happened each year like FFWiki. Once we have the history, the timeline could be worked out quite easily.\n*That tutorial page sounds better. If it ends up not being a worthy piece of the magazine, I don't mind omitting the tutorials altogether.\n*Funny, but wikia's logo is text which would be incredibly easy to spot. But considering the answer is already out there here, I don't actually mind putting it in anyway.\n*I think I'll leave the Star for next time.\nWe also need people signing up to sections so I'm going to be messaging talk pages about that!"@en . "Responses once again:\n\n*Cover: Sounds good to me. What size of a thumbnail are we going about? In the way of logistics, there's Skype, Photobucket, Imgur, but if we're going for online hosting, I think the idea is to start up a forum thread, send an image to KHWiki's Photobucket or someone's Imgur, and then keep linking it to the thread so that the next person can start on it.\n\n*Inactive users: If I remember correctly there's been an option on most wikis to directly e-mail these people. BebopKate has a Facebook, but I haven't been on it for years now. As for the rest, I've no way of contacting them except for the wiki's e-mail option. Erry, whom we haven't seen in a while, has both Facebook and Twitter .\n\n*Simple and Clean: PLANITb it is then. I'll find the song somewhere, synchronise my vocals to it, and see what we can do. Let's see what Chain says.\n\n*Intros: Do you mind awfully if I took this to the KHWikiBureaucrat e-mail and talk this further? I still don't think I've wrapped my head around it. D:\n\n*Timeline: Some of the veterans among us could do it, along with some of the newer ones.\n**Top Five: Top 5 Skins sounds amazing. :) BUT, I think Top 5 Moments would make a lot more sense, because of what I'm about to mention in a bit.\n**Interview: Depending on who's available from retired users to be interviewed, we'll do just that.\n\n*Poll: Top 5 Skins. We give ALL the skins, and we ask people to vote on their best five, if it's possible to vote multiple entries at once. Yeah, there should be a way to dig up the wiki's history of skins, from before Wikia's current layout . Only trouble is, how do we divide this up?\n**Bearing in mind we have pre-Wiki split, and then post-Wiki split."@en . "It'd work if each person draws two 300x300px panels. As far as colour matching, maybe everyone can use the colours they want and then when we do the framework, we can place the thumbnails relative to their colour schemes.\n\nI don't have Skype, but you can relay information to me at fifteenthmember@gmail.com."@en . . "--01-15"^^ . . "It's nearly month 2 so let's get the ball rolling with ideas:\n*Cover: Is anyone able to draw something special for our anniversary?\n*Coliseum: Not sure what debate topic we could have. \n*Keyblade Master: The centrepiece would be the history and timeline section, for which we need to start contacting old editors. On the forum page, Chain, TNE and Xion said they could contact old users so please do so . If anyone has any memoirs/reflections/other articles to post, send them in. It wouldn't be substantial, but we could also have a piece with screenshots of our skins for the Time Travel to the Past idea. \n*Tutorial page: \"Intro to Kingdom Hearts Wikiverse\" for a look at the present and a wiki tutorial on something like how to stick around for the next 10 years?\n*Round Room: If it's not being used for a podcast , we can use the space to host the /KHWV/ Sings, but participants will have to send in their little intro.\n*Mark of Mastery: Not sure what we could review. We can use Chain's top 5 themes idea. It would be cool if we can get Kryten to be interviewed since he's our oldest surviving editor. If we can't get him, maybe we could call in a retired editor for an interview?\n*Sketchbook: FR brought up the idea of the collaborative art on the forum so we could do a couple of pieces for showcase. What are we actually going to draw? For the blank lineart, maybe we could colour-in an old logo or banner? P.S: We have some good pieces of coloured-in lineart for this issue!\n*Puzzle page: We could do a silhouette of an old logo, which would really test how well users remember the past, but there's already been a couple of logo/skin ideas. If we do that, we'll have to alter the Banish the Beast description slightly. I'm hoping that people will come up with some good riddles to point at events or other things over the history. I'm not really sure what we can do for the puzzle though.\n*Flick Rush: Can someone make up some particularly nostalgic mailbag questions for users to answer? To Do Lists, poll results, birthdays can't really be themed, but does anyone have a good poll or Discussion Topic?\nDo discuss and sign up to sections you think you have an idea for .\n\nEDIT: In terms of the template, the only change we need to make is an alteration to the Banish the Beast description . Should we hold off the Twilight Star idea for the next issue or do we want to launch it now?"@en . "--01-09"^^ . "--02-11"^^ . "Something I just noticed when editing the wikis. The template is switched on both wikis for some reason. So when writing something for both wikis keep in mind:\n*Keyhole: \n*KHWiki: \n*Result:"@en . "--02-15"^^ . "--02-20"^^ . "I personally think the puzzle page should stay the same as normal. Of course we could have an old logo for Banish the Beast, or have riddles about past events and stuff, but not everyone will remember that. I don't know anything about the wiki from before I joined, so I'll probably won't know the answers to those. Also, I'm not sure about having the tutorial be about \"how to stick around for another 10 years\", since it's usually things like school/work that take away too much time to edit. So we should tell people to quit their job so they can keep editing here? It would be nice to have some pieces about the wiki of the past, of course, but we should remember that there aren't many users that have been around for this long."@en . "@TheFifteenthMember: I'll gladly make a framework, but if I do, it'll likely export as a .tif image, which is a Sketchbook thing.\n\nWhat software one uses is completely up to each user. And I think, there isn't quite a theme, as long as it is Kingdom Hearts-related. Now, skill level wouldn't matter. The ONLY thing that matters, is that we decide on the size of the thumbnail that each of us will handle. Each person will have to just pick the right colour that corresponds with the other one's thumbnail edge, so as to link it smoothly if you will. In fact, the framework will probably wind up at the very end, once all thumbnails have been completed.\n\nIt's possible for us to do uh, I don't know, 300x300, but if we can only get four, we may have to double the size of it, I don't know. Or do two of these 300x300 panels, which aren't adjacent to each other.\n\nDo all of us have Skype? I know Nezzy does, and Chain does. FifteenthMember? I might also invite Draaek and see if she's up for it, since I have her on Skype as well. I don't know, I think it'd be easier for us to form a group, and I can explain in live chat, just how it works."@en . "I really like the idea for an award for helping out a lot, and I agree that the Editor in Chief should be the one to choose the winner, as he knows exactly who did what. Maybe the award could go to multiple users at a time, though, if they both helped out a lot. We could use the old Flick Rush tasks medal, since I don't think anyone actually got it, unless you want to add the issue number of the magazine, or something...\n\nAlso, I noticed we have not enough mailbag questions, so I thought maybe we can recycle old questions. The answers will most likely be different depending on who answers it."@en . . "--01-10"^^ . "Alrighty, so I don't have a ton of time for this check-in visit, but I'll try to cover as many points/\"discuss\" as much as possible:\n\nI totally agree on a themed issue. With our 10th anniversary in two months it lines up perfectly. With the articles I have signed up to do I will spin them in a KHWiki-theme as much as possible.\n\nThoughts on the Keyblade Master article: Does anyone remember what forum/talk page I posted that whole \"Let me tell you guys a story\" rant about the Wiki's history? It's a very abbreviated, in comparison, to our history, but it would be a decent start to writing the actual article. I think the oldest users still \"active\" on either sites are myself, Ninja, and TNE. I don't exactly remember when Neumannz came...I thought he came a year or two after I started.\n\nA thought on the Coliseum...Now, I say this in as much humor as I possibly can. What do you guys think about having the coliseum be a debate over some major debate/feature the Wiki used to have/went through? Examples: User blogs vs no user blogs ; talk bubbles using the TalkTextTest2 versus any other variation of talk bubbles. I dunno. I would say we debate something pertaining to our content...Like the whole music article first sentence nonsense, but I don't know how that would come off. Obviously if we went with this idea we'd make it absolutely ridiculous with humor and faked anger. \"What do you mean you don't like blogs? What decade are you living in, the 1800's?\" Or we could even create an entirely new debate over something nonsensical/absolutely ridiculous.\n\nThe comment about having a \"what not to do here\" section on the tutorial page would be humorous. It could be composed of personal \"oops\" moments each of us have had- I mean, because who hasn't slipped up at least once on here? ^_^;\n\nI think we should add an entirely separate page that, although a bit large in length, will be answered by every editor who contributes to the magazine/wants to join in. Think of it as a rip-off/newer version of an old forum TNE/someone created years ago. Everyone briefly answers a couple of questions, such as: Why did you come to the KHWiki? What has been your favorite part of being in the KHWiki community?\n\nThese are all thoughts. I'll create a proper response whenever I have more time."@en . . "Draaek did get the Flick Rush medal once so I don't know if we can reuse it... If there's no other choice, we could recycle questions but it'd be more fun if people can come up with some new ones!\n\nSo what are you thoughts about the themed issue? Should we do it or is it too ambitious so we should stick to just a page fourteen?"@en . "I got ahold of DTN, and he said that he'd love to help out! So should I just ask him about what went on during his time here?"@en . "I don't care to throw in my two-cents worth of Wiki-history knowledge, however, I don't think I would be the best person to do the entire article. I didn't join the Wiki until late June of 2009. The previous three years are nonexistent to me, save for what I've read on old forums, talk pages, and article history. A collaboration, perhaps? Unless we can snag Kryten, what do you think about double teaming this, TNE? You were here before I joined, and I was still around whenever you went inactive- we can fill in the pieces as we go.\n\nAs for the Coliseum...Talk bubbles work for me. Whatever you guys wanna do. Same thing for the \"What not to do\" portion- sounds good to me.\n\nAs for my final suggestion, combining it with the Keyblade Master sounds fine to me. Are we in agreement with the two questions initially listed or should we draw from the Mailbox questions? This brings to question, should we place this section in the mailbox portion instead of the Keyblade Master?"@en . "Yep, themes will only happen rarely. If we ever do one, the 10th anniversary seems to be as good a reason to do one as ever. The question I'm asking is do people want Issue 8 to be themed based around the anniversary?"@en . "Found something you want to do? Sign-up under the bullet point you wish to do. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the Editor in Chief or the Deputy in Chief! Remember to submit your final work to the wiki's email for review!"@en . "Just a small change. Rather than using the polldaddy on the KHWiki and the wiki poll for the Keyhole, should we use polldaddy for both wikis. The benefits are: it's more consistent, the poll would account for both wikis' votes if a reader chooses to see the results mid-quarter, and it's less work for the person making the poll.\n\nWhat do you think? Should we do that?"@en . . . "Six people have signed up for this section. Here, everyone has to answer the following questions in as much or as little detail as they wish:\n*Why did you join the wiki?\n*What are some of your favourite memories on the wiki?\n*Are there any downsides to editing a wiki?\nPlease write in wiki code and send in your section ASAP!"@en . . "Found something you want to do? Sign-up under the bullet point you wish to do. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the Editor in Chief or the Deputy in Chief! Remember to submit your final work to the wiki's email for review!"@en . "Top five moments sounds nice and I like logos/themes too . To be clear, there aren't any objections? In that case, let's share ideas!"@en . "Yup, I did get the medal although I think I never used it :/\n\nHonestly I don't mind if it's reused, I worked to get in the the hopes that would motivate others to do the same but it seems that didn't work.\n\nRegarding the themes, it sounds like a good idea but maybe we should restrict it to a few issues . That way we don't fully limit the creativity and variety but also have some nice themes in. As for what exactly I'm not sure...\n\nLastly in regards to collabs, I've been contacting various users over the past issues and asking if they want to do a collab for the sketchbook. I think the idea didn't really work out in the end but at least people were okay on doing it at the beginning. Perhaps with the themes collabs will happen more often?"@en . . . . . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Journalist Spot/Issue 8"@en . "--01-18"^^ . "At this point, I'd be great if people can sign up to sections. We've shared our ideas so there should be enough to go on for the majority of sections for now. If anyone is interested in any piece, please sign up and send it in!\n\n@TNE: You could try to do that as a poll but due to technical issues, we can't ask for a user to pick five. Since Aixon has signed up to the poll for this issue, first check with him to see if he isn't planned anything already. And sure, send us an email."@en . . "Hm, I like TNE's collaboration idea, which shares FR's idea to splice a load of different work together. Is anyone able to make a framework with a banner across the top and spaces for the little panels, like in the Newsground examples? Will there be a theme that links what we draw or is it completely up to the individual? Maybe each person should draw two panels so we can fit eight onto the image? I'll also see if I can get any more people to sign up."@en . "Great, I look forward to the history and I'm available for any proof-reading/touch-ups if you need it.\n\nI can argue for the old talk bubbles for the Coliseum; anyone willing to pair up and argue for inverted/skinny ones?\n\nActually, rather than a Keyblade Master or a Mailbag, I think we could spin this into a review. Like how we've had collab reviews in the past, this time it could be a collection of mini-reviews of individuals' time at the wiki. Each person would have to answer three questions: why they joined, their favourite memories, and what is something they wished didn't exist on wikis or in wiki life . The mailbag could still be there and answer some more specific questions. Sound good?\n\nAlso, I'll be updating the sign ups to keep it a little more structured. Take a look and again, sign up to parts you're interested in doing!"@en . "I am all for having the next issue themed around the wiki anniversary. It'd be a nice change to the norm."@en . "--01-12"^^ . . "I like the idea of doing a collab for the sketchbook but we kinda need to decide if we're going for this idea or not asap. It may not look like it but they really take more time than what one imagines."@en . "Yea, I'm all up for a themed issue ^^\n\nI'm unsure if it would happen during exams or during a trip we have planned but regardless of things I'll do my best to help out on anything to get the theme going. Got no big ideas on what exactly to do though, perhaps cover some of the first articles or something..."@en . "Note: I've already contacted FR about the art project, her internet is down at the moment, but I told her to respond when she gets a moment."@en . "--02-04"^^ . "Six people have signed for the \"What not to do\" wiki tutorial. For this piece, write a section on one of your embarrassing moments and advice on how to prevent that from happening. Please write in prose, flesh out as much detail as you can and if possible, try to include images, screenshots, colours, fancy shmancy text, etc. \n\nI'll probably put the sections together into a finished piece but for my sake, please code your piece. If you want to include images, send it as a file attachment and I'll put it in my super special magazine folder and upload it to the wiki on the big release day. \n\nEven a paragraph or two is sufficient but if you'd like, you can write multiple sections and share several embarrassing moments! Anyway, I want this in ASAP!"@en .