"\"Wear these robes with pride, I have chosen to take you as my padawan.\" announced Jedi Master Torin. \"I will not disappoint you.\" Replied Juvacarent'e. After those words were exchanged the Jedi Master took the boy from the \"Youngling Room\" and a bond between a Master and an Apprentice was forged. Juvacarent'e felt his body begin to shake, the sensation lasted a long time, he opened his eyes in response, when they opened Torin was there. \"Wake up, it is time.\" The young Padawan did as instructed an followed his Master down the Great Hall, \"What are we doing?\", he asked his Master, \"We are going to the Forging room and you are going to build your first lightsaber.\" When they arrived Torin waited and watched as the boy was able to build his lightsaber in five minutes, the blade was forest green, Torin was pleased."@en . "\"Wear these robes with pride, I have chosen to take you as my padawan.\" announced Jedi Master Torin. \"I will not disappoint you.\" Replied Juvacarent'e. After those words were exchanged the Jedi Master took the boy from the \"Youngling Room\" and a bond between a Master and an Apprentice was forged. Juvacarent'e felt his body begin to shake, the sensation lasted a long time, he opened his eyes in response, when they opened Torin was there. \"Wake up, it is time.\" The young Padawan did as instructed an followed his Master down the Great Hall, \"What are we doing?\", he asked his Master, \"We are going to the Forging room and you are going to build your first lightsaber.\" When they arrived Torin waited and watched as the boy was able to build his lightsaber in five minutes, the blade was forest gr"@en . . . "Chronicles I: Turned Away/story"@en .