"Mt. Dedede is the final level for Kirby's Dream Land and Kirby Super Star Ultra in the mode Spring Breeze. The level is possibly also the shortest level, since its just a room in a castle that houses King Dedede with various enemies. There is a door in the room that leads to a wrestling ring in which Kirby must fight King Dedede. After defeating King Dedede, the level is finished."@en . . . "C"@en . "from \"Mt. Dedede\""@en . "Kirby's Dream Land Main Mode: Blipper, Booler, Broom Hatter, Cappy, Chuckie, Coner, Dizzy, Flapper, Glunk, Gordo, Grizzo, Kabu, Kookler, Mumbies, Parasol, Parasol Waddle Dee, Poppy Bros. Jr., Puffy, Scarfy, Sir Kibble, Squishy, Twizzy, Two Face, Waddle Doo, Wizzer"@en . . "Mt. Dedede is a mountain in the Middle of Nowhere, named after the one who \"found\" it, King Dedede. There's a wooden box which is Dedede's so-named \"castle\" on the top. He doesn't get any visitors, but still he feels unsafe, so he hired a guard dog blimp, named Kaboola."@en . "Kirby's Dream Land"@en . "Kirby Super Star : Parasol, Parasol Waddle Dee, Poppy Bros. Jr., Rocky, Waddle Dee, Waddle Doo"@en . "Mt. Dedede as it appears in Kirby Super Star Ultra."@en . . . . . "Mt. Dedede"@en . . "Kirby Super Star Ultra screenshot"@en . "Mt. Dedede is the final level for Kirby's Dream Land and Kirby Super Star Ultra in the mode Spring Breeze. The level is possibly also the shortest level, since its just a room in a castle that houses King Dedede with various enemies. There is a door in the room that leads to a wrestling ring in which Kirby must fight King Dedede. After defeating King Dedede, the level is finished."@en . "Mt. Dedede is a mountain in Dream Land. Not much is known about the mountain itself, other than the fact that one of King Dedede's castles is at the top of it. It is the last stage of Kirby's Dream Land and Spring Breeze, and is set after Bubbly Clouds."@en . "\u30DE\u30A6\u30F3\u30C8\u30C7\u30C7\u30C7"@en . "Mt. Dedede"@en . "Location"@en . . "Mt. Dedede is a mountain in the Middle of Nowhere, named after the one who \"found\" it, King Dedede. There's a wooden box which is Dedede's so-named \"castle\" on the top. He doesn't get any visitors, but still he feels unsafe, so he hired a guard dog blimp, named Kaboola."@en . . . . "Kirby's Dream Land Extra Game: Benny, Blipper, Blopper, Boomer, Broom Hatter, Cawcun, Coner, Flapper, Flotzo, Gaspar, Glunk, Gordo, Grizzo, Grumples, Hurly, Mr. P. Umpkin, Parasol, Parasol Waddle Dee, Peezer, Poppy Bros. Jr., Scarfy, Skuller, Tookey, Waddle Doo, Whiskers"@en . . "Kirby Super Star : None"@en . . . "Castle on a mountain"@en . . . . "Mt. Dedede is a mountain in Dream Land. Not much is known about the mountain itself, other than the fact that one of King Dedede's castles is at the top of it. It is the last stage of Kirby's Dream Land and Spring Breeze, and is set after Bubbly Clouds."@en . "Kirby's Dream Land: Whispy Woods, Lololo & Lalala, Kabula, Kracko"@en .