. "After the defeat of The Void at the hands of Joe Musashi, the masterless Four Elements have joined the Yakuza, an organisation controlling crime in Tokyo. Musashi is tracking these four ninjas. Inside Mitsugi Casino, Oyabun Mitsugi is about to begin another game when the Elements burst in, wishing for a chance to take down Musashi since the Yakuza seem to be too inept to do it themselves. Mitsugi soon agrees to have the Elements bring him inside, so Air quickly ventures out and knocks the \"news vendor\" unconscious."@en . "Power of the Elements"@en . . . "After the defeat of The Void at the hands of Joe Musashi, the masterless Four Elements have joined the Yakuza, an organisation controlling crime in Tokyo. Musashi is tracking these four ninjas. Inside Mitsugi Casino, Oyabun Mitsugi is about to begin another game when the Elements burst in, wishing for a chance to take down Musashi since the Yakuza seem to be too inept to do it themselves. Mitsugi soon agrees to have the Elements bring him inside, so Air quickly ventures out and knocks the \"news vendor\" unconscious. Inside, Air introduces a skeptical Mitsugi to the \"thorn\" in Neo Zeed's side, but Musashi has simply entered prana, attacking his new host with a hidden blade. Saito is ordered to kill him, but the bumbling thug accidentally shoots his own friend. As Musashi easily evades the criminals and leaps out the skylight, the Elements refuse to interfere. Air reveals they did this so they wouldn't underestimate Musashi and they vow to bring him back in chains. On the roofs, Musashi knows he doesn't have long before the Yakuza come for him. However, he is first bungled in a sack by Kinpachi and knocked unconscious by Bunzo... Musashi soon wakes and Kotomi-sensei explains he is of the Roofworlders, homeless people that hide from the jackals in the street. Musashi is taken to their small settlement and is given food, while Kotomi explains how he has taught his people to move silently and defend themselves. He soon learns of Musashi's plight but, instead of forcing him away, agrees to team up with him to defeat the enemy. Ready for battle, Musashi tears off his disguise. Soon enough, a massive roof brawl is underway with the arrival of the Yakuza and the Elements. Although Air gets the upper hand over Musashi, he soon knocks her out of the fight. Unfortunately, combat against Earth isn't so easy. Kotomi-sensei is faced with both Fire and Water, but a simple chi attack is enough to leave Fire writhing in pain. With Musashi finally beating Earth by kicking him off the roof, the Elements decide to retreat - but not without a Yakuza thug shooting Kotomi down. Musashi is guilt-ridden, but a simple act of magic allows Kotomi to repair his wound, removing the bullet without a mark. Later, the Elements and Yakuza return. However, the Roofworlders have enacted a plan to remove the gang from the fight, trapping them in several locations. On another roof, the Four Elements are soon cornered by the homeless men. However, the villains easily overpower Musashi's team, with Fire proving too much for Kotomi and Air quickly outwitting Joe. The brawl rages on, with Air using her nature powers to blow Musashi off the building. He just manages to hold on, before vaulting himself upwards to grab a flying Air. The pair tussle in midair and Musashi's weight proves too much - the pair crash straight into a building, the impact supposedly killing the female. Sensei and Fire are still battling, Kotomi conjuring a rod to counter Fire's hot hands. The ninja soon gets the better of the old man, using the Poison Hand Technique to put him on a fatal countdown. Observing his suffering master, Kinpachi summons the strength to lift Earth off the ground, before throwing him midair and punching him on his descent. Bunzo then uses a quick burst of magic to throw Water into Fire, supposedly killing them both. With the battle over, Musashi uses his own knowledge to save the dying Kotomi, removing the poison hand. The weak elder invites Musashi to stay with the Roofworlders, but the Shinobi states he has his own unavoidable guru, stating that they might meet again in the future."@en .