"A bust of Jim Henson, sculpted by Anthony Veilleux, was released by G-Force Models in 2000. The base of the bust consists of characters from various Henson productions including Kermit the Frog, Yorick, two doozers, Ludo, Luke as a mouse from The Witches, The Worm from Labyrinth, Link Hogthrob, Rowlf the Dog, Ernie, the Chamberlain, two goblins from Labyrinth, Baby Sinclair, a podling, the giant from \"The Heartless Giant,\" a devil from \"The Soldier and Death,\" Bunsen Honeydew, Fozzie Bear, Earl Sinclair, Beautiful Day Monster, and one of the Mystics."@en . . "A bust of Jim Henson, sculpted by Anthony Veilleux, was released by G-Force Models in 2000. The base of the bust consists of characters from various Henson productions including Kermit the Frog, Yorick, two doozers, Ludo, Luke as a mouse from The Witches, The Worm from Labyrinth, Link Hogthrob, Rowlf the Dog, Ernie, the Chamberlain, two goblins from Labyrinth, Baby Sinclair, a podling, the giant from \"The Heartless Giant,\" a devil from \"The Soldier and Death,\" Bunsen Honeydew, Fozzie Bear, Earl Sinclair, Beautiful Day Monster, and one of the Mystics. \u201CJim Henson's work has influenced not only my work but the way I see the world. Sculpting this piece is my way of bringing smiles to the fans of his wonderful worlds, the way his genius has made me smile since I was a kid... and has helped me continue to be that kid.-Anthony Veilleux, sculptor\u201D"@en . "Jim Henson Bust"@en . .