"After Greemee died while fighting Sawneektheehedgehawg315 and was revived into Greemee II, Greelleo went in a deep depression. After six months passed, Greelleo came out of his depression and joined the League of Weegees. It is unknown why he didn't join earlier. He is part of the Pickleodeon Army. He is much happier now, ever since Greemee II was revived into Three-ThousandThreeHundredFiftyTwogreemee. This makes him half-brothers with The"@en . . "Greelleo"@en . . . . "After Greemee died while fighting Sawneektheehedgehawg315 and was revived into Greemee II, Greelleo went in a deep depression. After six months passed, Greelleo came out of his depression and joined the League of Weegees. It is unknown why he didn't join earlier. He is part of the Pickleodeon Army. He is much happier now, ever since Greemee II was revived into Three-ThousandThreeHundredFiftyTwogreemee. This makes him half-brothers with The"@en . . . . . . .