"Turkic, Caucasian, Cossack, and Crimean collaborationism with the Axis powers"@en . . "These German commanders also received honorary military or leading titles between their units at charge; for example Helmuth von Pannwitz received the title of \"Ataman\" from his Cossack units. \n* Generalleutnant Helmuth von Pannwitz \n* Oberst Hans-Joachim von Schultz \n* Oberstleutnant G\u00FCnther von Steinsdorff \n* Oberst von Baath \n* Oberst Freiherr von Nolcken \n* Oberst Konstantin Wagner \n* Sonderf\u00FChrer Othmar Rudolf Wyrba a.k.a. \"Dr. Doll\" (German, Tibetan and Mongolian language expert; leader of the Kalmuck units) \n* Oberstleutnant Pipgorra \n* Oberst Raimund Hoerst \n* SS-Obersturmbannf\u00FChrer Andreas Meyer-Mader \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer Billig \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer Hermann \n* SS-Sturmbannf\u00FChrer der Reserve Franz Liebermann \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer Reiner Olzscha \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer F\u00FCrst \n* SS-Standartenf\u00FChrer Harun-el-Raschid Bey (of the central Asian legions; was a German who converted to Islam while serving as an advisor to Enver Pasha) \n* Generalmajor Prof. Dr. Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer \n* Generalleutnant Ralph von Heygendorff"@en . . . . . "These German commanders also received honorary military or leading titles between their units at charge; for example Helmuth von Pannwitz received the title of \"Ataman\" from his Cossack units. \n* Generalleutnant Helmuth von Pannwitz \n* Oberst Hans-Joachim von Schultz \n* Oberstleutnant G\u00FCnther von Steinsdorff \n* Oberst von Baath \n* Oberst Freiherr von Nolcken \n* Oberst Konstantin Wagner \n* Sonderf\u00FChrer Othmar Rudolf Wyrba a.k.a. \"Dr. Doll\" (German, Tibetan and Mongolian language expert; leader of the Kalmuck units) \n* Oberstleutnant Pipgorra \n* Oberst Raimund Hoerst \n* SS-Obersturmbannf\u00FChrer Andreas Meyer-Mader \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer Billig \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer Hermann \n* SS-Sturmbannf\u00FChrer der Reserve Franz Liebermann \n* SS-Hauptsturmf\u00FChrer Reiner "@en .