"In truth, Dreven Mercurio was raised as a SAGed Star Pupil, showing unwavering faith in the Empire. This wasn't enough for COMPNOR, however, who at that time were attempting to create a 'Super' agent. As Dreven passed by the age of consent and was preparing to join the ISB in full, he was then abducted from his barracks. They never saw him again until he surprisingly showed up as a fully fledged ISB Agent. Yet something was different. Since Welona, 17 ABY/36 ISY, Dreven has reached the rank of 2nd Lieutenant."@en . "In truth, Dreven Mercurio was raised as a SAGed Star Pupil, showing unwavering faith in the Empire. This wasn't enough for COMPNOR, however, who at that time were attempting to create a 'Super' agent. As Dreven passed by the age of consent and was preparing to join the ISB in full, he was then abducted from his barracks. They never saw him again until he surprisingly showed up as a fully fledged ISB Agent. Yet something was different. When Dreven was abducted, he was in truth taken by COMPNOR for a fledgling experiment. Dubbed '#9X34' by the Scientists who were working on it, Dreven was put in for immediate and violent re-education. His brain was scrubbed, leaving a blank slate for Empire to write upon. All thoughts and notions of family were exterminated. Dreven was given one family, that was the Empire. He was given one Father, that was the Emperor, the Mother was COMPNOR. He was programmed, for lack of a better word, by the scientists. His brown eyes, full of life before, lost their glow as the re-education took its hold on his young mind. He was given low regard for all life, and by recent psych eval, was registered as 'Above Sociopath'. Secondly, he was given a zeal, a lust for the will of the Emperor. His word is law, in the mind of Dreven, and to execute his will was a pleasure beyond anything that he could comprehend.. Before Re-education and after. His previous training was reduced to a brief footnote. He was trained in new fields, investigation, basic hand-to-hand combat against CompForce, computer systems, cryptology, security systems, field operations, this and more is what he was subjected to within the space of three years. His mind, now nothing but a tool for the scientists to toy with, was quick to adapt to these new teachings, and excelled in all of these. His body, as well as his mind, was altered. The chemicals in his brain were altered, leaving him with little want of the opposite or same sex. His muscles and bones were treated, giving him above-standard endurance for someone of his weight and height, increased tolerance for pain and ability to resist torture. The after-effects of the experiment are what made COMPNOR abandon the experiment and nearly exterminate the one test subject. Dreven Mercurio is unbalanced. He has a lack of care for life to the degree that he will exterminate a populace for going against the Emperor's will at a rate that would make most Imperials pale. His faith has been raised to such an extreme that he is so full of zeal that the thought of anything anti-Empire is completely unknown to him. His ability to comprehend and to understand were reduced, something that would normally be required for an Agent in Field Operations. The reason that Dreven Mercurio is still alive is because, during all this time, through all the experiment and through all the pain.. He had been watching.. And waiting. One of the Scientists on the experiment was a New Republic Spy. He had worked on Dreven to the point that he could not take it any more, and was preparing to escape so that he could report back these sickening findings to the New Republic. The propaganda that could be taken from this would be disastrous to the Empire's great strength, something that Dreven could not allow. He rose up on the final nights of the experimentation, resigned to his own fate, he took the life of the Scientist with his bare hands, torturing him with almost no tools until the man snapped and admitted it on commspeaker. This single act of unwavering faith and resolve was enough to keep Dreven alive, and he was quickly inserted into the ISB as a field agent. He has now, at this moment in time, rose to the rank of Sergeant and at this moment in time, still does not appear to care or wonder of why he has no recollection of his childhood. There is only one thing in his mind at all times. That is the Empire. Since Welona, 17 ABY/36 ISY, Dreven has reached the rank of 2nd Lieutenant."@en . . . "Dreven Mercurio"@en . . "310.0"^^ . . "Dull Brown"@en . "Lightly Tanned"@en . . . "ISB 2nd Lt, Field Coordinator"@en . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . "Black"@en . "none"@en . . . . . . "#fff"@en . "#000"@en .