. . "NetBattle (\u30CD\u30C3\u30C8\u30D0\u30C8\u30EB Netto Batoru?) is a term from the Mega Man Battle Network series that refer to the act of NetNavis fighting each other. Controlled NetBattles are friendly competitions between NetBattlers (\u30CD\u30C3\u30C8\u30D0\u30C8\u30E9\u30FC Netto Bator\u0101?) and their NetNavis. NetBattles are a popular pasttime and tournaments are often held. Well known NetBattlers are the two young prodigies Lan Hikari and Eugene Chaud, and Mr. Famous has a record of 69 (rokku) consecutive wins. NetNavis can also battle in a \"life or death\" situation with the possibility of the loser being permanently deleted. In the games, the deletion of the player's NetNavi (specially MegaMan.EXE) results in a game over. Back-up data and copies of NetNavi data can be stored to resurrect fallen Navis. Ghosts of Navis can also be encountered in the internet from the remains of Navi data."@en . "NetBattle (\u30CD\u30C3\u30C8\u30D0\u30C8\u30EB Netto Batoru?) is a term from the Mega Man Battle Network series that refer to the act of NetNavis fighting each other. Controlled NetBattles are friendly competitions between NetBattlers (\u30CD\u30C3\u30C8\u30D0\u30C8\u30E9\u30FC Netto Bator\u0101?) and their NetNavis. NetBattles are a popular pasttime and tournaments are often held. Well known NetBattlers are the two young prodigies Lan Hikari and Eugene Chaud, and Mr. Famous has a record of 69 (rokku) consecutive wins."@en . "NetBattle"@en . . .