"The Dark Jedi Enclave was an enclave on the Outer Rim world of Conscio established by the surviving members of the Legions of Lettow, a dark-sided group led by Xendor prior to his death and the group's destruction during the First Jedi Schism. Following the schism, the surviving legionaries brought Xendor's manifesto, which contained his beliefs and teachings, to Conscio and established the enclave to house the manifesto. Thousands of years later, in 12,999 BBY, the members of the Ospion Guardians, a group of rogue Jedi who fled following another schism within the Order, discovered the enclave and Xendor\u2019s teachings. A number of Ospion were inspired by the teachings and, after also being influenced by the inherent dark side presence on the planet, swore allegiance to the dark side. After a brief schism within the Ospion ranks, the remaining Ospion reorganized their order into the Dark Jedi of the Bogan. The Dark Jedi of the Bogan, named for the ancient term for the dark side found in Xendor's teachings, remained at the enclave for ten years before settling in the Mid Rim, where they swore to destroy the Jedi Order."@en . "The Dark Jedi Enclave was an enclave on the Outer Rim world of Conscio established by the surviving members of the Legions of Lettow, a dark-sided group led by Xendor prior to his death and the group's destruction during the First Jedi Schism. Following the schism, the surviving legionaries brought Xendor's manifesto, which contained his beliefs and teachings, to Conscio and established the enclave to house the manifesto."@en . . "Dark Jedi Enclave.jpg"@es . "Dark Jedi Enclave"@en . . . "Dark Jedi Enclave"@es . . . . . . . "The Dark Jedi Enclave was located on the planet Yavin 4. It was the home to two Dark Jedi Sentinels. Inside the Enclave, there were numerous statues of cloaked Dark Jedi wielding swords, along with symbols and engravings etched into the walls in many places. In one portion of the Enclave there was also a triangular throne with food laid down onto a table in front of it. Behind the throne, there was also a room similar to the Jedi Council's meeting chamber, with several chairs evenly spaced in a circle around the room."@en . "Dark Jedi Enclave"@en . "The Dark Jedi Enclave was located on the planet Yavin 4. It was the home to two Dark Jedi Sentinels. Inside the Enclave, there were numerous statues of cloaked Dark Jedi wielding swords, along with symbols and engravings etched into the walls in many places. In one portion of the Enclave there was also a triangular throne with food laid down onto a table in front of it. Behind the throne, there was also a room similar to the Jedi Council's meeting chamber, with several chairs evenly spaced in a circle around the room."@en . . . . . . "Created as part of the Force Ranking System, this structure was a meeting place for Jedi that chose to fight along the side of the Empire. The FRS was later shelved with the implementation of the CU. Since then, this enclave has served mainly as a pilgrimage point for Jedi, although some players have used it to host events."@en . . . . "En el interior del enclave, hubo numerosas estatuas de encapuchados armados con espadas Jedi Oscuro, junto con s\u00EDmbolos grabados y grabados en las paredes en muchos lugares. En una parte del Enclave tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa un trono triangular con alimentos establecido sobre una mesa frente a \u00E9l. Detr\u00E1s del trono, tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa una habitaci\u00F3n similar a la c\u00E1mara de la sesi\u00F3n del Consejo Jedi, con varias sillas espaciados uniformemente en un c\u00EDrculo alrededor de la habitaci\u00F3n."@es . . "En el interior del enclave, hubo numerosas estatuas de encapuchados armados con espadas Jedi Oscuro, junto con s\u00EDmbolos grabados y grabados en las paredes en muchos lugares. En una parte del Enclave tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa un trono triangular con alimentos establecido sobre una mesa frente a \u00E9l. Detr\u00E1s del trono, tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa una habitaci\u00F3n similar a la c\u00E1mara de la sesi\u00F3n del Consejo Jedi, con varias sillas espaciados uniformemente en un c\u00EDrculo alrededor de la habitaci\u00F3n."@es . . "Created as part of the Force Ranking System, this structure was a meeting place for Jedi that chose to fight along the side of the Empire. The FRS was later shelved with the implementation of the CU. Since then, this enclave has served mainly as a pilgrimage point for Jedi, although some players have used it to host events. The enclave was guarded by a pair of Dark Jedi Sentinel (CL500) who will kill any who approach the entrance unless they are fast enough to avoid the Sentinel's lightsabers. However since the release of Chapter 7, the Dark Jedi have been removed from content. Now the enclave just serves as place to visit for all that wish to see its ruins."@en . . . . . .