"According to the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Brazil is a federation of 26 states (estados), one federal district (Distrito Federal) and, also, the municipalities. None of these units have the right to secede from the Federation. States Names:"@en . . "According to the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Brazil is a federation of 26 states (estados), one federal district (Distrito Federal) and, also, the municipalities. None of these units have the right to secede from the Federation. States Names: \n* Rio Grande do Sul \n* Sta. Catarina \n* Paran\u00E1 \n* S\u00E3o Paulo \n* Rio de Janeiro \n* Esp\u00EDrito Santo \n* Minas Gerais \n* Mato Grosso do Sul \n* Mato Grosso \n* Goi\u00E1s \n* Distrito Federal \n* Tocantins \n* Par\u00E1 \n* Amap\u00E1 \n* Roraima \n* Amazonas \n* Acre \n* Rond\u00F4nia \n* Bahia \n* Sergipe \n* Alagoas \n* Pernambuco \n* Para\u00EDba \n* Rio Grande do Norte \n* Cear\u00E1 \n* Piau\u00ED \n* Maranh\u00E3o \n* Fernando de Noronha(Pernambuco)"@en . . "How many states are in Brazil"@en .