. "Ce personnage permet de faire des affaires"@fr . . "Ce personnage est un compagnon"@fr . "FO4"@fr . "Ce personnage procure des services m\u00E9dicinales ."@fr . . "Characters shown here are grouped by their initial location and only locations with at least two Nomd characters will have another section. Characters in other locations can be found in the \"Miscellaneous locations\" section."@fr . "Ce personnage est mort au d\u00E9but du jeu"@fr . "Ce personnage est essentiel."@fr . . . . "personnage"@fr . . . . "liste tout les personnages nomm\u00E9s"@fr . . "Ce personnage apparait selon certaines conditions ou prend part \u00E0 une qu\u00EAte"@fr . "Personnages - Fallout 4"@fr . . "Characters shown here are grouped by their initial location and only locations with at least two Nomd characters will have another section. Characters in other locations can be found in the \"Miscellaneous locations\" section."@fr .