"Simulator"@en . "The Simulator lets you get an idea of the outcome of a fight. To use the simulator, enter your own units and the target's units, the wall and the morale. You can select the item that you want each paladin to carry in battle from a corresponding list. It is also possible to select several items if there are several paladins with various items in the defending village. You just have to take a good guess about how the opponent has equipped his paladin. You should also set whether the units have religious belief, since only troops with this belief have 100% fighting power. If you don't know whether the village lies within the corresponding belief radius, you will need to guess. You can also change the luck, e.g. to test what happens with -25% luck as the \"worst case\" scenario. This is relevant if you want to know whether you will win regardless of how lucky (or unlucky) you may be. Once you have set the options, the simulator calculates the outcome of the battle."@en . . "A simulator is a program used to determine the outcome of battle before it takes place, in essence the program simulates the battle. You enter in info such as: your opponents weapon, armor, and shielding technology levels and all of your opponents defense and ships. Then you enter in the ships that you are planning on sending and it will tell you what the most probable outcome would be."@en . "The Simulator lets you get an idea of the outcome of a fight. To use the simulator, enter your own units and the target's units, the wall and the morale. You can select the item that you want each paladin to carry in battle from a corresponding list. It is also possible to select several items if there are several paladins with various items in the defending village. You just have to take a good guess about how the opponent has equipped his paladin. You should also set whether the units have religious belief, since only troops with this belief have 100% fighting power. If you don't know whether the village lies within the corresponding belief radius, you will need to guess."@en . "A simulator is a program used to determine the outcome of battle before it takes place, in essence the program simulates the battle. You enter in info such as: your opponents weapon, armor, and shielding technology levels and all of your opponents defense and ships. Then you enter in the ships that you are planning on sending and it will tell you what the most probable outcome would be."@en . .