. . . "2009"^^ . . "Jack Marston, Leg Johnson, and Boonie MacFarlane VS American Army and Marshals"@en . "Backyards are an old term that came from Text based 'MUDs' that were similar to MMORPGs in all ways but graphics, but the term carried over. There two major training areas where players can start the game in, and there are also the remains of the older faction backyards for players who wants a nostalgia trip or who left the training areas too quickly."@en . . . . . "Backyards are an old term that came from Text based 'MUDs' that were similar to MMORPGs in all ways but graphics, but the term carried over. There two major training areas where players can start the game in, and there are also the remains of the older faction backyards for players who wants a nostalgia trip or who left the training areas too quickly."@en . "Backyard is a mission in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition."@en . . "No."@en . "Da weapons ya select"@en . . "Find yo way to the mansion"@en . . . "Backyard"@en . "Backyard is a mission in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition."@en . . . . . "The Backyard is located in Low Town (Ghotza East) at the bottom floor of the apartment block, which is accessible via the lift in low town when playing as Jansen and Ming during Disc 3. There is one initial league to fight in, and more leagues open as you provide Magic Keys to Receptionist Bormis. Information about the fights can be obtained by providing various Backyard periodicals to Informant Zelen. Stars are earned for the player's performance in battle, and Prize Exchanger Gleg provides rewards based on the number of stars acquired. Receptionist Bormis will also give the player rewards for winning each battle the first time, and an additional reward is provided for achieving the secret objective for the fight. While experience is not gained, SP is earned after each fight."@en . . . . . . "The Backyard is located in Low Town (Ghotza East) at the bottom floor of the apartment block, which is accessible via the lift in low town when playing as Jansen and Ming during Disc 3. There is one initial league to fight in, and more leagues open as you provide Magic Keys to Receptionist Bormis. Information about the fights can be obtained by providing various Backyard periodicals to Informant Zelen. Stars are earned for the player's performance in battle, and Prize Exchanger Gleg provides rewards based on the number of stars acquired. Receptionist Bormis will also give the player rewards for winning each battle the first time, and an additional reward is provided for achieving the secret objective for the fight."@en . . . . . . . . . "In Anarchy Online werden mit Backyards (Kurzform by) die Startgebiete bezeichnet in denen die Spieler nach ihrer Char-Erstellung das erste mal landen. Im Laufe der Zeit haben sich diese Gebiete stark ver\u00E4ndert, da immer neue dazugekommen sind. Die erste Generation von Backyards kann mittlerweile nicht mehr als Startpunkt f\u00FCr neue Spieler ausgew\u00E4hlt werden. Als Ersatz gibt es den Jobe Backyard, der nur von Spielern mit dem Add-On Shadowlands betreten werden kann und die sogenannte ICC Startinsel, die von (fast) allen Spielern betreten werden kann und die erste Anlaufstelle f\u00FCr Spieler mit einem Free Account darstellen."@de . . . "The Backyard is an alternate world in Guilty Gear. It is said to contain all the information that creates the real world. It is also an encapsulating term that refers to the source of limitless energy known as Magic. It is the codex or source of transferred information that comprises most of the world as physical manifested data; the source of what makes the real world exist. The world itself is said to be a virtual space, resulted from the information conveyed from the Backyard. Upon entry to the Backyard, the extremely restricted data pressure is immense and anyone who enters must be \"tuned\" to the frequency the Backyard emits in order not to be crushed by the dense information contained within it. That Man is known to have kept and constructed the \"Cube\" within this location."@en . . "In Anarchy Online werden mit Backyards (Kurzform by) die Startgebiete bezeichnet in denen die Spieler nach ihrer Char-Erstellung das erste mal landen. Im Laufe der Zeit haben sich diese Gebiete stark ver\u00E4ndert, da immer neue dazugekommen sind. Die erste Generation von Backyards kann mittlerweile nicht mehr als Startpunkt f\u00FCr neue Spieler ausgew\u00E4hlt werden. Als Ersatz gibt es den Jobe Backyard, der nur von Spielern mit dem Add-On Shadowlands betreten werden kann und die sogenannte ICC Startinsel, die von (fast) allen Spielern betreten werden kann und die erste Anlaufstelle f\u00FCr Spieler mit einem Free Account darstellen."@de . . . . . "A backyard was an area behind one's house that was used for recreational purposes. The term could also be used as a metaphor for one's immediate territory. (DS9: \"In the Pale Moonlight\", VOY: \"Resolutions\") In 1996, a man who was taping a backyard barbecue with a camcorder caught an image of a time traveling USS Voyager. (VOY: \"Future's End\") Jonathan Archer used to chase Danica Erickson around the backyard with a plastic laser pistol, a fact he used to underscore the difficulty he imagined she'd have taking advice from him. (ENT: \"Daedalus\")"@en . "Backyard"@de . . . "Backyard"@en . "The Backyard is an alternate world in Guilty Gear. It is said to contain all the information that creates the real world. It is also an encapsulating term that refers to the source of limitless energy known as Magic. It is the codex or source of transferred information that comprises most of the world as physical manifested data; the source of what makes the real world exist. The world itself is said to be a virtual space, resulted from the information conveyed from the Backyard. Upon entry to the Backyard, the extremely restricted data pressure is immense and anyone who enters must be \"tuned\" to the frequency the Backyard emits in order not to be crushed by the dense information contained within it. That Man is known to have kept and constructed the \"Cube\" within this location. The existence of the Backyard is first revealed in Guilty Gear 2: Overture, when Sol Badguy visited Dr. Paradigm in Ganymede. Youkai like Izuna and Valentine with her Vizuel army were born from the dimension."@en . . . "A backyard was an area behind one's house that was used for recreational purposes. The term could also be used as a metaphor for one's immediate territory. (DS9: \"In the Pale Moonlight\", VOY: \"Resolutions\") In 1996, a man who was taping a backyard barbecue with a camcorder caught an image of a time traveling USS Voyager. (VOY: \"Future's End\") Jonathan Archer used to chase Danica Erickson around the backyard with a plastic laser pistol, a fact he used to underscore the difficulty he imagined she'd have taking advice from him. (ENT: \"Daedalus\")"@en . .