. . . "El n\u00FAmero (1012) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 1011 y precede al 1013. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "El n\u00FAmero (1012) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 1011 y precede al 1013. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "William is interviewing Barnabas about his past with Josette. As William is taking notes, Barnabas sneaks up behind him and chokes him. Barnabas bites William and informs him that he will now be his slave. He mocks his writing abilities and then forces him to destroy the book he was writing. At Collinwood, Quentin is sitting in the drawing room, seemingly in a state of despair and anger. Angelique walks in and asks for permission to go to the Loomis House and talk to William about Barnabas. Quentin ponders over her request for a moment, and then finally decides to go do it himself."@en . . "1970"^^ . "Durch Hallbachs \u00FCberraschenden Abtritt verliert Claudia ihren wichtigsten Trumpf im Machtspiel gegen Simone. Durch eine Unachtsamkeit ger\u00E4t sie auch gegen\u00FCber Jenny ins Abseits. Ihre gemeinsame Allianz steht auf der Kippe. Triumphierend prophezeit Simone ihrer neuen Gegenspielerin das baldige Ende. Claudia muss handeln und geht bei Richard in die Offensive. Deniz' Jobsuche gestaltet sich nach einer erneuten Absage nicht unbedingt einfacher. Da hat er die Idee, sein Gl\u00FCck im Steinkamp-Zentrum zu versuchen. Zu seiner Entt\u00E4uschung prallt er damit jedoch bei Jenny ab, die ihm eine r\u00FCde Absage erteilt. Doch er hat nicht mit Roman gerechnet. Das Ultimatum des Baukontrolleurs stellt Annettes gesamte Existenz in Frage. Verzweifelt versucht sie zu verhindern, dass der Imbiss abgerissen werden muss. Kurz vor dem Aufgeben geben ihr der Zusammenhalt und der Beistand ihrer Familie den so dringend ben\u00F6tigten Halt."@de . "1012"^^ . . . ""@en . . . . "William is interviewing Barnabas about his past with Josette. As William is taking notes, Barnabas sneaks up behind him and chokes him. Barnabas bites William and informs him that he will now be his slave. He mocks his writing abilities and then forces him to destroy the book he was writing. At Collinwood, Quentin is sitting in the drawing room, seemingly in a state of despair and anger. Angelique walks in and asks for permission to go to the Loomis House and talk to William about Barnabas. Quentin ponders over her request for a moment, and then finally decides to go do it himself. As William finishes destroying his book, there is a knock on the door. Barnabas hides, and Quentin demands that William tell all he knows about Barnabas, and goes so far as to mention the room in the East Wing, and asks why everyone there keeps talking about him. Barnabas gives in to his curiosity about what William might say, and reveals himself. Barnabas introduces himself to Quentin as a descendant of their ancestor Barnabas Collins who died over a century ago. Quentin appears to believe his story and agrees to let him stay at Collinwood. Barnabas asks to see the room in the East Wing, and Quentin tells him he can visit it any time. After Quentin leaves, Barnabas instructs William to show him to the grave of the Barnabas who died in Parallel Time, in the hope that answers might be found there. Roger and Angelique are talking in the Drawing Room at Collinwood when Quentin returns. Quentin reveals that he saw Barnabas, and that they too will soon meet him. At the cemetery Barnabas approaches the grave of the Barnabas who died in Parallel Time. Barnabas wonders what his life in the other time-band would have been like had he never been made a vampire. Barnabas begs for help, and someone appears. The ghost of Joshua Collins appears and proclaims that this Barnabas isn't his son, and that he shall protect the Collins family's honour. Joshua orders Barnabas to leave immediately and never return, and then disappears. Barnabas heads to Collinwood to examine the room in the East Wing. At Collinwood, Hoffman suspects that Barnabas' story is fake, but Quentin verifies that it really is Barnabas. Barnabas appears and is escorted by Quentin to the East Wing. Angelique and Hoffman are noticeably shocked at Barnabas' appearance. In the East Wing, Quentin and Barnabas open the doors and see Julia in the regular time-band. Julia is calling out for Barnabas, distraught at the possibility of never seeing him again."@en . . . "Durch Hallbachs \u00FCberraschenden Abtritt verliert Claudia ihren wichtigsten Trumpf im Machtspiel gegen Simone. Durch eine Unachtsamkeit ger\u00E4t sie auch gegen\u00FCber Jenny ins Abseits. Ihre gemeinsame Allianz steht auf der Kippe. Triumphierend prophezeit Simone ihrer neuen Gegenspielerin das baldige Ende. Claudia muss handeln und geht bei Richard in die Offensive. Deniz' Jobsuche gestaltet sich nach einer erneuten Absage nicht unbedingt einfacher. Da hat er die Idee, sein Gl\u00FCck im Steinkamp-Zentrum zu versuchen. Zu seiner Entt\u00E4uschung prallt er damit jedoch bei Jenny ab, die ihm eine r\u00FCde Absage erteilt. Doch er hat nicht mit Roman gerechnet. Das Ultimatum des Baukontrolleurs stellt Annettes gesamte Existenz in Frage. Verzweifelt versucht sie zu verhindern, dass der Imbiss abgerissen werden muss."@de . . "1012"@de . "1012"^^ . . . "1970-05-05"^^ . . "1012"@en . ""@en . "1012"@es . . . "997"^^ . "1970-05-12"^^ . . .