"270"^^ . "Arenas of Destruction"@en . . "Concerto"@en . "Katharsis is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a super heavyweight class robot with a high classic wedge body. Its weapon is a flywheel and it is armoured in titanium. It cost 12,930 credits and does not have the capability to self-right."@en . "Vuelo"@es . "2009-08-09"^^ . "-"@es . "4"^^ . "1121"^^ . "1"^^ . "Misc"@en . . . "Katharsis is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a super heavyweight class robot with a high classic wedge body. Its weapon is a flywheel and it is armoured in titanium. It cost 12,930 credits and does not have the capability to self-right."@en . . . . "Katharsis fue una forma de juego vista en el planeta Telos IV durante el liderazgo de X\u00E1natos. Se basaba en apuestas sobre juegos extremadamente violentos y peligrosos. Los ganadores ir\u00EDan participando en otros cada vez peores. Muchos de los participantes fallec\u00EDan, y no se contaba con asistencia m\u00E9dica. El \u00FAltimo evento contar\u00EDa con tres ganadores, que participar\u00EDan en la prueba m\u00E1s peligrosa de todas. S\u00F3lo uno de ellos podr\u00EDa ganar y los otros acabar\u00EDan gravemente heridos como m\u00EDnimo. Sin embargo, Qui-Gon Jinn y Obi-Wan Kenobi descubrieron el complot entre UniFy y Offworld, quienes ya hab\u00EDan elegido qui\u00E9n ser\u00EDa el ganador para obligarle a donar la mitad del premio a la compa\u00F1\u00EDa."@es . . "Katharsis was a form of gambling seen on the planet Telos IV during the reign of Xanatos. It involved betting on a series of very violent and extremely dangerous sporting events. The winners of the challenges would go on into others, even more rigorous than the first few. Many competitors died, and the game did not support medical facilities. The final event would comprise of three winners, who would be involved in the most dangerous event of all. Only one of the competitors could win, and almost all of the time, the other two men would be gravely injured, at the very least. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn exposed a plot by UniFy and Offworld Mining Corporation, which involved pre-selecting the daily Katharsis winner and forcing that person to donate half of their earnings to the corporation."@en . . . . . . . . . "Kestral K13 \"Samson\" 12 volt sealed lead acid battery"@en . "Gail Simone"@es . . . . "Katharsis was a form of gambling seen on the planet Telos IV during the reign of Xanatos. It involved betting on a series of very violent and extremely dangerous sporting events. The winners of the challenges would go on into others, even more rigorous than the first few. Many competitors died, and the game did not support medical facilities. The final event would comprise of three winners, who would be involved in the most dangerous event of all. Only one of the competitors could win, and almost all of the time, the other two men would be gravely injured, at the very least. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn exposed a plot by UniFy and Offworld Mining Corporation, which involved pre-selecting the daily Katharsis winner and forcing that person to donate half of their earnings to the corporati"@en . . . . "Katharsis es la integrante voladora del grupo Disgraced. Tras la disulucion de ese equipo, ella se uni\u00F3 al Movement en Coral City."@es . "High Classic Wedge"@en . "Titanuim"@en . "74"^^ . . "Big Flywheel"@en . "Katharsis"@es . "Katharsis"@es . . . . "2008-04-03"^^ . "82.0"^^ . "Katharsis es la integrante voladora del grupo Disgraced. Tras la disulucion de ese equipo, ella se uni\u00F3 al Movement en Coral City."@es . . "140.0"^^ . . "Katharsis"@en . "4"^^ . "Katharsis"@es . . . "Alitha Martinez"@es . "2"^^ . "Katharsis"@en . "Katharsis"@es . "Katharsis fue una forma de juego vista en el planeta Telos IV durante el liderazgo de X\u00E1natos. Se basaba en apuestas sobre juegos extremadamente violentos y peligrosos. Los ganadores ir\u00EDan participando en otros cada vez peores. Muchos de los participantes fallec\u00EDan, y no se contaba con asistencia m\u00E9dica. El \u00FAltimo evento contar\u00EDa con tres ganadores, que participar\u00EDan en la prueba m\u00E1s peligrosa de todas. S\u00F3lo uno de ellos podr\u00EDa ganar y los otros acabar\u00EDan gravemente heridos como m\u00EDnimo. Sin embargo, Qui-Gon Jinn y Obi-Wan Kenobi descubrieron el complot entre UniFy y Offworld, quienes ya hab\u00EDan elegido qui\u00E9n ser\u00EDa el ganador para obligarle a donar la mitad del premio a la compa\u00F1\u00EDa."@es . . "Classical Rave"@en . "57"^^ . . "1296"^^ . "Kulap Vilaysack"@es . "250"^^ . .