. . . "MANAGEMENT"@de . . . . . "List your job search stats here...year, area, #apps, # interviews, etc here...."@en . . "conxunto de co\u00F1ecementos e pr\u00E1cticas para xestionar as empresas."@gl . . "Management"@en . "Le management est une science du spectacle. Le management est l'art de jongler avec des \u00E9l\u00E9ments pour en tirer un effet de style et et cr\u00E9er l'illusion de la comp\u00E9tence pour masquer la vacuit\u00E9 cong\u00E9nitale."@fr . . "Management is a tech component that represents design and testing of policies and process. This tech component is often used components of industrial technologies, supplies technologies, and some naval doctrines. Management is often double time in manufacturing, cryptography, and agriculture. Any good industrial tech team will have this tech component."@en . . . "Manejimento"@en . "\u4EBA\u6750\u6D3E\u9063"@en . . "Management describes both an activity and the senior levels of an organizational hierarchy, typically in a business firm. Premised on increased efficiency, most management activities modify or extend control over the actual producers of wealth for the purpose of justifiying the incomes of managers. As such it is a disguised mechanism for exploitation. Organizations in decline typically become top heavy with layers of parasitic management."@en . . . . "High-Ranking operative"@en . . . . . . . . . "Management is a high-ranking member, or multiple high-ranking members, of the Organization, a professional black ops syndicate that works independently of any known government and utilizes burned spies, assassins, mercenaries, and independent contractors within their own group. The only seen representative of Management is portrayed by John Mahoney"@en . . . "Management in simple terms means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. Management comprises planning, organizing, resourcing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources. Management in Engineering, bridges the gap between engineering and management. Engineering Management involves the overall management of organizations with an orientation to manufacturing, engineering, technology or production. Master's Degrees in Engineering Management provide a technical-based alternative to traditional MBA programs. Specialization areas in this degree may include quality, organizational management, operations management, program management and marketing. Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management."@en . . . . . . . . "Management in simple terms means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. Management comprises planning, organizing, resourcing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources. Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management."@en . . "Male"@en . "Management ist, neben Statistik und Kostenoptimierung, eines der heiligen drei gro\u00DFen B\u00FCcher der BWL-Religion. Es enth\u00E4lt \u00FCberlieferte Texte, h\u00E4ufig in mantrischer Form, wie man sich zu Macht verhilft und diese aufrecht erh\u00E4lt und vermittelt die gro\u00DFe Kunst Elend und Unf\u00E4higkeit zu verwalten und dabei viel Geld zu verdienen."@de . "Management is a high-ranking member, or multiple high-ranking members, of the Organization, a professional black ops syndicate that works independently of any known government and utilizes burned spies, assassins, mercenaries, and independent contractors within their own group. The only seen representative of Management is portrayed by John Mahoney"@en . "Management describes both an activity and the senior levels of an organizational hierarchy, typically in a business firm. Premised on increased efficiency, most management activities modify or extend control over the actual producers of wealth for the purpose of justifiying the incomes of managers. As such it is a disguised mechanism for exploitation. Organizations in decline typically become top heavy with layers of parasitic management."@en . . . "Management"@gl . "StromDaisy 13:55, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:MANAGEMENT"@de . "Unknown"@en . . "Management"@de . "You can't manage what you don't measure. It is an ancient adage that is still accurate today. Until you begin to measure any variable you really will not know if a problem is getting better or worse. It's difficult to manage for improvement if you don't measure and visibly see what is getting better and what isn't. Key performance indicators for data management and metrics to keep in the back of your head are: \n* is it measurable? (can it be Quantitative - dollars, degrees, inches, hours?) \n* is it accurate? (can it be trustworthy and true?) \n* is it reliable? (can it be specific?)"@en . "Management ist die Bezeichnung f\u00FCr eine Gruppe von Personen, die wichtige Entscheidungen in einer Organisation treffen. Nachdem Julian Bashir sein Examen an der Akademie der Sternenflotte erfolgreich ablegt, bekommt er vom Vater seiner Freundin Palis Delon das Angebot in einem Medizinzentrum in Paris, in dem er im Top-Management ist, zu arbeiten. Er hat dabei die Chance in f\u00FCnf Jahren Chef der Chirurgie zu werden. Doch Bashir zieht eine Karriere bei der Sternenflotte vor. (DS9: )"@de . . . "From manage +\u200E -ment"@ia . . . . . . . "Novel"@en . . . . "Management ist, neben Statistik und Kostenoptimierung, eines der heiligen drei gro\u00DFen B\u00FCcher der BWL-Religion. Es enth\u00E4lt \u00FCberlieferte Texte, h\u00E4ufig in mantrischer Form, wie man sich zu Macht verhilft und diese aufrecht erh\u00E4lt und vermittelt die gro\u00DFe Kunst Elend und Unf\u00E4higkeit zu verwalten und dabei viel Geld zu verdienen."@de . "Management is a tech component that represents design and testing of policies and process. This tech component is often used components of industrial technologies, supplies technologies, and some naval doctrines. Management is often double time in manufacturing, cryptography, and agriculture. Any good industrial tech team will have this tech component."@en . . . "From manage +\u200E -ment"@ia . "Management"@en . "Management"@fr . . . . "Deceased"@en . "You can't manage what you don't measure. It is an ancient adage that is still accurate today. Until you begin to measure any variable you really will not know if a problem is getting better or worse. It's difficult to manage for improvement if you don't measure and visibly see what is getting better and what isn't. Key performance indicators for data management and metrics to keep in the back of your head are: \n* is it measurable? (can it be Quantitative - dollars, degrees, inches, hours?) \n* is it accurate? (can it be trustworthy and true?) \n* is it reliable? (can it be specific?)"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Management ist die Bezeichnung f\u00FCr eine Gruppe von Personen, die wichtige Entscheidungen in einer Organisation treffen. Nachdem Julian Bashir sein Examen an der Akademie der Sternenflotte erfolgreich ablegt, bekommt er vom Vater seiner Freundin Palis Delon das Angebot in einem Medizinzentrum in Paris, in dem er im Top-Management ist, zu arbeiten. Er hat dabei die Chance in f\u00FCnf Jahren Chef der Chirurgie zu werden. Doch Bashir zieht eine Karriere bei der Sternenflotte vor. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Management"@ia . "List your job search stats here...year, area, #apps, # interviews, etc here...."@en . . . "The management of a hockey team is, depending on the level of the team, more or less big in size. For most professional teams, a typical executive staff will be made up by the owner, the president, the general manager (who is often executive vice-president as well), a director of player personnel and a director of player development; many of these executives will have their assistant. Their roles are to literally manage all the aspects of the team outside of the game itself, from player recruiting to finances."@en . "The management of a hockey team is, depending on the level of the team, more or less big in size. For most professional teams, a typical executive staff will be made up by the owner, the president, the general manager (who is often executive vice-president as well), a director of player personnel and a director of player development; many of these executives will have their assistant. Their roles are to literally manage all the aspects of the team outside of the game itself, from player recruiting to finances."@en . "conxunto de co\u00F1ecementos e pr\u00E1cticas para xestionar as empresas."@gl . "Management (\u4EBA\u6750\u6D3E\u9063 (\u30DE\u30CD\u30B8\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8) Jinzai Haken (Manejimento)?, lit. \"Temporary Employee Placement\") is a minor character introduced during the Battle Royale Arc of Toaru Majutsu no Index. He is an independent operator in the Dark Side of Academy City dealing with aiding parties in their various schemes, acting like a \"manager\" to their jobs. His true name is unknown."@en . "Le management est une science du spectacle. Le management est l'art de jongler avec des \u00E9l\u00E9ments pour en tirer un effet de style et et cr\u00E9er l'illusion de la comp\u00E9tence pour masquer la vacuit\u00E9 cong\u00E9nitale."@fr . . . "StromDaisy 13:55, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:MANAGEMENT"@de . "Management (\u4EBA\u6750\u6D3E\u9063 (\u30DE\u30CD\u30B8\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8) Jinzai Haken (Manejimento)?, lit. \"Temporary Employee Placement\") is a minor character introduced during the Battle Royale Arc of Toaru Majutsu no Index. He is an independent operator in the Dark Side of Academy City dealing with aiding parties in their various schemes, acting like a \"manager\" to their jobs. His true name is unknown."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Management"@en .