. "Cetus"@sv . "4598"^^ . . "-"@en . "Harnesses the waters to greatly increase Strength."@en . "164"^^ . "163"^^ . . "Red Whale Ranger"@en . . . "Cetus (Image:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgi/i\u02D0t\u0259s/) is a constellation. Its name refers to Cetus, a sea monster in Greek mythology, although it is often called 'the whale' today. Cetus is located in the region of the sky that contains other water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, and Eridanus."@en . . "Faunation"@en . . . . . . "Cetus becomes Red Whale Ranger"@en . . . "Cetus"@sv . "The Cetus is a large organism that lives in the vacuum of space. It is very large, and is at least 15 times larger than the Andromeda Ascendant. The crew encountered it in the episode Belly of the Beast."@en . "53"^^ . . . . "Remains with Eris after she revives him."@en . . "4"^^ . "Cetus is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . . "Cetae are both fish-like and amphibian-like, but have a strong affinity to water and the deep sea in particular, being comparably helpless when caught on land. They are capable of breathing underwater through their skin. Despite their animalistic appearance, they are highly intelligent and possess innate psionic abilities through their contact with the Farplane, allowing them to manipulate matter and minds with thoughts alone. However, they also possess tentacle-like prehensile barbels lining their mouths and the back of their head, which they can use like a human would use arms and hands to manipulate their surroundings and which can wield weapons, although the Cetae do not usually chose to do so. The tips of these tendrils end in a roughly triangular shape lines with suckers and armed wi"@en . "2.0"^^ . . . "Hatcher"@en . "13152"^^ . . . . . "The Cetus Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Cetus was visible in the lower right corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . . . "18"^^ . "4455"^^ . . "Critical DMG to a single enemy / 20% chance"@en . "\u5DE8\u9BE8\u795E\u30B1\u30A4\u30C8\u30B9"@en . . "90"^^ . "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas"@en . . . . . . . "Critical DMG to a single enemy / 20% chance"@en . . . "7517"^^ . "Uh-oh, the enemy's here."@en . "2"^^ . "24456"^^ . "0"^^ . "Asurans"@en . "4050"^^ . "13981"^^ . "4180"^^ . . . . . "To eat something"@en . . . "Cetus var en Asuraner, som serverar under Talus under Asuraner angrepp p\u00E5 Atlantis. N\u00E4r Generalmajor Jonathan J. O'Neill och Richard P. Woolsey f\u00E5ngades, sonderade Cetus Woolsey sinne f\u00F6r vad information han hade. N\u00E4r Asuranerna hade reparerat skadorna p\u00E5 Atlantis, Cetus aktiverat sk\u00F6ld som en f\u00F6rberedelse f\u00F6r Atlantis resa till Asuras. Emellertid \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant John Sheppards team hade riggade sk\u00F6ld s\u00E4ndarna med Replikator disruptor kristaller som resulterade i ett avbrott v\u00E5g sprids genom staden, f\u00F6rst\u00F6ra Cetus och den andra Asuranerna. (ATL: \"The Return, Part 1\", \"The Return, Part 2\")"@sv . "1"^^ . "Cetus (\u30B1\u30BF\u30B9 Ketasu) is an ancient Zyuman who became Zyuoh Whale (\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AA\u30A6\u30DB\u30A8\u30FC\u30EB J\u016B\u014D Ho\u0113ru) a sole Red Ranger and the original Zyuohger in a past fight against an enemy that threatened the Zyumans."@en . . "-"@en . . . "Deal 10X DMG to Archwitches."@en . "If the Denizen looks like Rose's browser icon, then it should be noted that she shares skin colour with Rose's consorts (and is lavender, which is Rose's typing colour) and looks like a half-human, half-fish (?) monster with two fins, one tail and a white head."@en . . . . "Super Mega Comeback, pt. 1"@en . . . "1"^^ . "70"^^ . . "Cetus (Image:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgi/i\u02D0t\u0259s/) is a constellation. Its name refers to Cetus, a sea monster in Greek mythology, although it is often called 'the whale' today. Cetus is located in the region of the sky that contains other water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, and Eridanus."@en . . . . . "Evolution"@en . . . . . . "25"^^ . "2006"^^ . . "*Aries\n*Pisces\n*Aquarius\n*Sculptor\n*Fornax\n*Eridanus\n*Taurus"@es . . "Cetus is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . "Aged Buckle"@en . "Cetus"@es . "*The Return, Part 1\n*The Return, Part 2"@sv . "1.42"^^ . . . "4400"^^ . . "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger"@en . . . . "β Cet †"@es . "Cet"@en . . "The Fool"@en . . . "blow lots of big ones!"@en . "Cetus is one of Eris' Pets in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. He resembles a giant kraken-like sea monster as his name and story in Greek mythology suggests."@en . . "Was it you who summoned me?"@en . "30"^^ . . ""@en . "Cetus (la ballena o el monstruo marino) es una constelaci\u00F3n del hemisferio sur, en una regi\u00F3n conocida como Agua, cerca de otras constelaciones como Aquarius, Piscis y Eridanus."@es . . "Cetus is a rare marine animal inhabiting the warm waters of the Boeric Ocean, occasionally migrating south to the Waking Sea."@en . . "9"^^ . "−11.35"@es . "\u221211.35"@en . "I love blowing bubbles."@en . . . . . "Non applicable"@en . "Shining Cetus Splash - 17 Turns"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . "2.04"^^ . . "1231"^^ . . . "3"^^ . . . . "la Ballena o Monstruo marino"@es . . . . "Large and slender green sea monster with tentacles, yellow eyes, tan fins on his head, long orange spiked tongue, red mouth, dark red shell"@en . . . . . . "Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return"@en . . . "114.57"^^ . . "Critical DMG to a single enemy / 15% chance"@en . "Cetae are both fish-like and amphibian-like, but have a strong affinity to water and the deep sea in particular, being comparably helpless when caught on land. They are capable of breathing underwater through their skin. Despite their animalistic appearance, they are highly intelligent and possess innate psionic abilities through their contact with the Farplane, allowing them to manipulate matter and minds with thoughts alone. However, they also possess tentacle-like prehensile barbels lining their mouths and the back of their head, which they can use like a human would use arms and hands to manipulate their surroundings and which can wield weapons, although the Cetae do not usually chose to do so. The tips of these tendrils end in a roughly triangular shape lines with suckers and armed with a poisonous stinger on the upper side, which constantly secrets a powerful neurotoxin that is known to cause seizures, hallucinations and \"lock in\". The head of a Cetus is formed like a boomerang, similar to the head of a hammerhead shark, with large, milky, nearly blind eyes at both ends. The Cetus feeds via a beak-like maw on the frontal underside of their head and has three additional eyes mounted on a single large barbel protruding from the center of its head, stacked on top of each other and glowing in a vile red. These eyes are not blind at all and can discern their surroundings in clear vision. The cetae are capable of darkvision and perhaps even truevision, although it is not certain which pair of eyes accomplishes these feats. However, they are also capable of detecting their prey through faintest vibrations in the surrounding water, as well as through electric and psionic fields given off by any creature. Psionic detection allows them to sense sentient creatures over a distance of several miles, attracting them for a snack. As mentioned, Cetae are powerful psionic creatures and often use their abilities to subtly manipulate potential prey to come to them, even over large distances. As one approaches the creature, the psionic field given off by them becomes stronger and when face-to-face with the creature, it can generate an attractive, idealized \"light\" with its central tentacle which lures potential prey with an illusion that promises to be everything the person has ever desired. However, the Cetus is not at all an immobile \"psychic fisherman\" - its long, snake-like body is propelled through the water at high speeds, using the webbed tentacles that grow from its torso section as fins. The underside of the creature is lined with openings that secrete a vile mucus (such as that which covers the entire creature, but to a greater extent) on which it slides along the sea floor, but can also creep at an exceedingly slow pace on land. When on land, the soft, slimey skin of the creature will dry up fast, forming a rock-hard shell and while this is not fatal, it will cause it to fall into a state of suspended animation until exposed to water - or other liquids palatable to its metabolism. A cocooned cetus gains extreme damage resistance, but can be afflicted with various ailments - however damage-over-time effects or timers will have no effect while the stasis persists. If one does however manage to break the cocoon, the creature will soon dry up entirely and perish. If exposed to water, the cocoon will turn into its former smooth, soft form again and in the process, all status ailments will be shed together with the molted cocoon. Cetae usually travel in broods, consisting of an adult and one to three young, which follow the adult and subordinate themselves to it. Cetae are believed to be neither distinctly male nor female, possessing both gender's reproductive organs, and replicate with themselves, laying a single egg which they usually hide in a deep cavern. An egg takes 5 years to hatch, during which it is guarded by its parent, and another 10 years to grow to maturity, during which it follows its parent subserviently. Cetae are born with the complete memory of every single of their ancestors already imprinted into their own memory. Born the size of a tadpole, Cetae grow their entire lifetime and do not die from old age, allowing some fantastically ancient specimen to grow to collossal size. Cetae are omnivorous and feed on algae and plankton due to their environment, but will consume sentient prey whenever available, as they have the ability to not only consume their prey physically, but also mentally, adding its memories to its own. As a Cetus matures and ages, its psionic powers grow larger and larger through the consumption of other minds, and with them, its brain expands along along the back of the head, into the dorsal tentacle. Unlike Arboleths of D&D, Cetae are not necessarily evil, although their mindset, despite their intelligence, is often alien and feral. Nonetheless, those who do show a benefactory attitude towards humans often show great wisdom. Cetae live solitarily or with their brood and seldom form larger congregations. They do not customarily manipulate their surroundings to generate a fixed abode, but will instead dwell in natural caves and caverns in the deep sea if they feel the need for additional protection, for example when watching an egg. Cetae trace their progeny to the Leviathan, a certain creature they honor with the epithet Lord of the Deep, a colossal cetus that is said to have been the first of their kind, crossing over into the foreign dimension. By now, the Leviathan has grown to a gargantuan size, residing in the marianna trench. Its mile-wide body is continually covered in numerous lesser cetae ranging in size from a few meters to hundreds of meters, which hold onto it with their suckers, feeding off its Ichor and psionic field, gaining both its memories and strength. This is the only known larger congregation of Cetae."@en . . . "Archwitch 10x dmg"@en . "Cet"@es . "the Whale, Shark, or Sea Monster"@en . . "really big bubbles."@en . . . "Male"@en . . . "-"@en . "with me?"@en . "Ceti"@es . . . . . "Cetus"@en . . "Cetus"@en . . "Ralph Votrian"@en . . . . "Constellation"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "443"^^ . . "Cetus (la ballena o el monstruo marino) es una constelaci\u00F3n del hemisferio sur, en una regi\u00F3n conocida como Agua, cerca de otras constelaciones como Aquarius, Piscis y Eridanus."@es . "This gentle ruler of sea monsters is beloved by all the creatures of the sea."@en . . . "Asurans"@en . . "Zyuoh Whale"@en . "Attacks upward and downward with 2 medium-sized elemental lasers."@en . "Why don't you join the fun?"@en . . . . "Etherean"@en . "\u30B1\u30A4\u30C8\u30B9"@en . . "That's why she's spraying now."@en . . "SQ1"@en . . . . . "Cetus2.jpg"@en . . . . "443"^^ . "5280"^^ . "SR"@en . "She squirts when she's happy."@en . "Ej till\u00E4mpligt"@sv . "Note: \u2020Mira is magnitude 2.0 at its brightest."@en . "Whale Splash - 14 Turns"@en . "Red"@en . . . ", genitive"@en . . . "270"^^ . . . . . "3800"^^ . . . . "30"^^ . "Cetus (\u30B1\u30BF\u30B9 Ketasu) is an ancient Zyuman who became Zyuoh Whale (\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AA\u30A6\u30DB\u30A8\u30FC\u30EB J\u016B\u014D Ho\u0113ru) a sole Red Ranger and the original Zyuohger in a past fight against an enemy that threatened the Zyumans."@en . . "Oh no, my bubble burst."@en . "His tentacles, his spiked tongue"@en . "2.68"^^ . . . . . . "2"^^ . . . . "Cetus"@en . "Bounce"@en . . "142"^^ . . . . . "Treacherous, violent, brutal, hateful, unkind, rude, hungry, belligerent, savage, ferocious, disloyal, precarious, scary"@en . "Nota: †Mira tiene magnitud 2.0 cuando alcanza su m\u00E1ximo brillo."@es . . "Cetus var en Asuraner, som serverar under Talus under Asuraner angrepp p\u00E5 Atlantis. N\u00E4r Generalmajor Jonathan J. O'Neill och Richard P. Woolsey f\u00E5ngades, sonderade Cetus Woolsey sinne f\u00F6r vad information han hade. N\u00E4r Asuranerna hade reparerat skadorna p\u00E5 Atlantis, Cetus aktiverat sk\u00F6ld som en f\u00F6rberedelse f\u00F6r Atlantis resa till Asuras. Emellertid \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant John Sheppards team hade riggade sk\u00F6ld s\u00E4ndarna med Replikator disruptor kristaller som resulterade i ett avbrott v\u00E5g sprids genom staden, f\u00F6rst\u00F6ra Cetus och den andra Asuranerna. (ATL: \"The Return, Part 1\", \"The Return, Part 2\")"@sv . "2006"^^ . "5346"^^ . . "The Cetus Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Cetus was visible in the lower right corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . . . "Gusher"@en . "It's really hard to blow"@en . . "Power"@en . "Okay, let's get started."@en . "Cool"@en . "Critical DMG to a single enemy / 25% chance"@en . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . "Eris , other monsters"@en . . . "8.73"^^ . . . "Ceti"@en . "What? You'll blow bubbles"@en . . . . "204"^^ . . "2014-09-12"^^ . "Noviembre"@es . . "4"^^ . . "Aquila"@en . "15"^^ . . "Cetus becomes Red Whale Ranger"@en . "November"@en . . "88"^^ . "Sinbad: The Video Game"@en . "Cetus is one of Eris' Pets in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. He resembles a giant kraken-like sea monster as his name and story in Greek mythology suggests."@en . . "Deal 15X DMG to Archwitches."@en . . . . . . . "1231"^^ . "133.83"^^ . . . "That's great news! Let's"@en . "Bad, later good"@en . . "Cetus is a rare marine animal inhabiting the warm waters of the Boeric Ocean, occasionally migrating south to the Waking Sea."@en . "30"^^ . "1.0"^^ . . "Only available against current Archwitches."@en . "Cetus"@es . "Eris's Sea Monster"@en . "Attacks upward and downward with 2 large elemental lasers."@en . . "Cet\u00E1ceo"@es . "72"^^ . . . . "*October Cetids\n*Eta Cetids\n*Omicron Cetids"@es . "4000"^^ . . "Vengeance on Varos"@en . "Deals a ton of damage on contact with enemy weak point."@en . "48"^^ . . . . "-"@en . . . . "If the Denizen looks like Rose's browser icon, then it should be noted that she shares skin colour with Rose's consorts (and is lavender, which is Rose's typing colour) and looks like a half-human, half-fish (?) monster with two fins, one tail and a white head. Cetus' browser icon looks least human and most monstrous of all of the Denizens: Echidna's has a white human torso with breasts and head (perhaps, lacking arms) with two snake tails on its bottom; Typheus' has a white torso with head and a snake tail on its bottom; Hephaestus' browser icon version is engulfed in flames, but seems to be humanoid with a black torso and black head, making him most human, and Cetus' has a fish body with a white human-like head. This would relate to Rose Lalonde's strong connection with The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors, and to her actions, which seemed to be the least human and most reckless of the kids."@en . . "The Cetus is a large organism that lives in the vacuum of space. It is very large, and is at least 15 times larger than the Andromeda Ascendant. The crew encountered it in the episode Belly of the Beast. It eats any type of matter (except antimatter), and has a very slow metabolism, only needing to eat every 6,720 years. When Andromeda scanned it, it found no central nervous system or brain, but patches of spread out neural fibre that control it. It has 5 large, petal shaped jaws that it uses to consume its food. The Cetus was killed by the ejection of Andromeda's Slipstream core. Its length is approx. 20-25 kilometers (~20 miles) (with closed petals). Without closed petals it is approx. 12-14 miles long."@en . "90"^^ . . "40"^^ .