. "Man"@nl . . "Gul Benil was een commandant in de Achtste orde in 2371, toen commandant Benjamin Sisko, Elim Garak en de bemanning probeerden om majoor Kira Nerys te redden. Sisko gebruikte eerst een holofilter om zich voor te doen als een Kobheerian, maar toen Benil aankondigde om aan boord van de USS Defiant te komen, schakelde Garak het filter uit en vaardigde een toegangscode van de Obsidian orde uit. Benil verontschuldigde zich daarna en ging verder met waar hij mee bezig was. (DS9: \"Second Skin\")"@nl . "Officer, Arms dealer"@en . . . "no"@en . . . . . . . . . . "none"@en . . "Gul Benil was a Cardassian military officer who commanded a Galor-class starship in the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. His ship had been assigned to a patrol route inside Cardassian space when Commander Benjamin Sisko, Odo, and Elim Garak tried to rescue Major Kira Nerys from Cardassia Prime in 2371. Immediately upon their discovery Sisko used a holo-filter to impersonate a Kobheerian, but when Benil announced that he was going to board the Defiant, Garak shut down the filter and issued an Obsidian Order access code. Once the code was accepted Benil immediately apologized and continued patrolling."@en . . . "Commanding officer of a Cardassian warship"@en . "black"@en . "2371"^^ . . . . "Benil in 2371."@en . "thumb|Gul Benil (2371) Gul Benil ist im 24. Jahrhundert ein Kommandant des Cardassianischen Zentralkommandos und kommandiert ein cardassianisches Raumschiff. Er ist Mitglied des achten Ordens. Im Jahr 2371 wird die USS Defiant, die auf dem Weg mach Cardassia Prime ist, von Gul Benil gestoppt. Die Defiant t\u00E4uscht die Sensoren der cardassianischen Schiffe und so w\u00E4re ein N\u00E4herkommen sehr verh\u00E4ngnisvoll. Garak kann ihn jedoch vor zu viel Eifrigkeit abhalten. (DS9: ) Gul Benil wurde von Christopher Carroll gespielt und von Dieter Memel synchronisiert."@de . "Benil"@en . . "Benil"@nl . "Gul Benil (pronounced Beh-neel) was an officer in the Eighth Order in 2371. He commanded a Cardassian warship, which was assigned a patrol route inside Cardassian space when Commander Benjamin Sisko, Odo, and Elim Garak attempted to rescue Major Kira from Cardassia. Sisko initially used a holofilter to impersonate a Kobheerian, but when Benil announced that he was going to board the USS Defiant, Garak disengaged the filter and issued an Obsidian Order access code, claiming that he was on an Alpha Red priority mission. Benil, recognizing a valid Order code, immediately apologized to Garak and allowed the Defiant to continue unimpeded. (DS9: \"Second Skin\") Gul Benil was played by actor Christopher Carroll."@en . . . . . . "Benil"@nl . . . . . "Benil was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. In the 2370s he held the rank of Gul and served in the Cardassian 8th Order. He also commanded a Galor-class starship. In 2371, Benil intercepted the USS Defiant, which was on its way to Cardassia disguised as a Kobheerian freighter. Benil planned to board the ship, as the Central Command had ordered all incoming ships are to be stopped and searched, due to the Maquis threat. Elim Garak later had Defiant crew deactivate the holo-filter they were using to project the bridge crew as Kobheerians and gave Benil an Obsidian Order code. Awestruck, Benil immediately apologized and let the Defiant continue on its way. (DS9 episode: \"Second Skin\") Benil was a covert arms dealer and was suspected to have connections to the Kressari. (ST CCG: Rules of Acquisition)"@en . "Benil was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. In the 2370s he held the rank of Gul and served in the Cardassian 8th Order. He also commanded a Galor-class starship. In 2371, Benil intercepted the USS Defiant, which was on its way to Cardassia disguised as a Kobheerian freighter. Benil planned to board the ship, as the Central Command had ordered all incoming ships are to be stopped and searched, due to the Maquis threat. Elim Garak later had Defiant crew deactivate the holo-filter they were using to project the bridge crew as Kobheerians and gave Benil an Obsidian Order code. Awestruck, Benil immediately apologized and let the Defiant continue on its way. (DS9 episode: \"Second Skin\")"@en . "24"^^ . "Male"@en . . "male"@en . . . . "Gul Benil (pronounced Beh-neel) was an officer in the Eighth Order in 2371. He commanded a Cardassian warship, which was assigned a patrol route inside Cardassian space when Commander Benjamin Sisko, Odo, and Elim Garak attempted to rescue Major Kira from Cardassia. Gul Benil was played by actor Christopher Carroll."@en . . "Active"@en . "Benil"@en . "Benili"@en . . . . . . "Gul Benil was a Cardassian military officer who commanded a Galor-class starship in the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. His ship had been assigned to a patrol route inside Cardassian space when Commander Benjamin Sisko, Odo, and Elim Garak tried to rescue Major Kira Nerys from Cardassia Prime in 2371."@en . . "Benil"@de . "Benil"@en . . . . "Gul Benil was een commandant in de Achtste orde in 2371, toen commandant Benjamin Sisko, Elim Garak en de bemanning probeerden om majoor Kira Nerys te redden. Sisko gebruikte eerst een holofilter om zich voor te doen als een Kobheerian, maar toen Benil aankondigde om aan boord van de USS Defiant te komen, schakelde Garak het filter uit en vaardigde een toegangscode van de Obsidian orde uit. Benil verontschuldigde zich daarna en ging verder met waar hij mee bezig was. (DS9: \"Second Skin\")"@nl . . . . "Benil.jpg"@nl . . . . . "thumb|Gul Benil (2371) Gul Benil ist im 24. Jahrhundert ein Kommandant des Cardassianischen Zentralkommandos und kommandiert ein cardassianisches Raumschiff. Er ist Mitglied des achten Ordens. Im Jahr 2371 wird die USS Defiant, die auf dem Weg mach Cardassia Prime ist, von Gul Benil gestoppt. Die Defiant t\u00E4uscht die Sensoren der cardassianischen Schiffe und so w\u00E4re ein N\u00E4herkommen sehr verh\u00E4ngnisvoll. Garak kann ihn jedoch vor zu viel Eifrigkeit abhalten. (DS9: ) Gul Benil wurde von Christopher Carroll gespielt und von Dieter Memel synchronisiert."@de . "card"@en . .