. . "The Nama-samgiti was preached by Shakyamuni Buddha for his disciple Vajrapani and his wrathful retinue in order to lead them into buddhahood. The essence of the Nama-samgiti is that Manjushri bodhisattva is the embodiment of all knowledge. The Nama-samgiti is a short text, only circa 160 verses and a prose section. It is a fraction of the vast Sutras such as Avatamsaka Sutra and Praj\u00F1\u0101p\u0101ramit\u0101 Sutras or the endless ocean of tantras such as manjushri-mula-kalpa and the mountainous Hinayana teachings and sea of sundry extra-canonical works. And yet, the Nama-samgiti contains all of the Buddha's dharmas. It summarizes everything he taught. As Shakyamuni Buddha says of the Nama-samgiti, it is \"the chief clarification of words\". It is the \"nondual reality\". Therefore all sentient beings should definitely study and recite the manjushri-nama-samgiti."@en . "rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa"@en . . "Ma\u00F1ju\u015Br\u012Bn\u0101masamg\u012Bti"@en . . "\u0F60\u0F55\u0F42\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B\u0F60\u0F47\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F54\u0F63\u0F0B\u0F42\u0FB1\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F7C\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F60\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F61\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F62\u0F97\u0F7C\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F54"@en . "\u0F60\u0F55\u0F42\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B\u0F60\u0F47\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F54\u0F63\u0F0B\u0F42\u0FB1\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F61\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F62\u0F97\u0F7C\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F54"@en . "The Nama-samgiti was preached by Shakyamuni Buddha for his disciple Vajrapani and his wrathful retinue in order to lead them into buddhahood. The essence of the Nama-samgiti is that Manjushri bodhisattva is the embodiment of all knowledge. The Nama-samgiti is a short text, only circa 160 verses and a prose section. It is a fraction of the vast Sutras such as Avatamsaka Sutra and Praj\u00F1\u0101p\u0101ramit\u0101 Sutras or the endless ocean of tantras such as manjushri-mula-kalpa and the mountainous Hinayana teachings and sea of sundry extra-canonical works. And yet, the Nama-samgiti contains all of the Buddha's dharmas. It summarizes everything he taught. As Shakyamuni Buddha says of the Nama-samgiti, it is \"the chief clarification of words\". It is the \"nondual reality\". Therefore all sentient beings should "@en . "'jam dpal mtshan brjod"@en . . . . . "\u0F60\u0F47\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F54\u0F63\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F62\u0F97\u0F7C\u0F51"@en . "\u0F62\u0F92\u0FB1\u0F74\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F50\u0F58\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F45\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F40\u0FB1\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F62\u0F92\u0FB1\u0F63\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F60\u0F55\u0F42\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B\u0F60\u0F47\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F54\u0F63\u0F0B\u0F42\u0FB1\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F61\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F62\u0F97\u0F7C\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F54"@en .