. "Giselle came home from work one day and found her daughter, Amy Rose, playing the castanets. Amy saw her mother and stopped playing. She put the castanets down, went over to her mother, and said \"Hi, Mom!\" Giselle said \"Hello, dear!\" Giselle and Amy embraced. Amy said \"Do you want to play music with me, Mom? Giselle smiled and said \"Sure! Let me go get a harmonica!\" So Giselle got a golden harmonica. Amy saw a harmonica that her mother was holding and said \"What kind of harmonica is that, Mom?\" Giselle said \"It's a golden harmonica!\" Amy said \"Wow!\" She picked up her castanets and said \"Do you want to start playing?\" Giselle said \"Sure!\" Amy and Giselle then started playing. Amy played her castanets and Giselle played her golden harmonica. The two sounded really good. They had a good time!"@en . . "Amy Rose and Giselle play music together"@en . . "Giselle came home from work one day and found her daughter, Amy Rose, playing the castanets. Amy saw her mother and stopped playing. She put the castanets down, went over to her mother, and said \"Hi, Mom!\" Giselle said \"Hello, dear!\" Giselle and Amy embraced. Amy said \"Do you want to play music with me, Mom? Giselle smiled and said \"Sure! Let me go get a harmonica!\" So Giselle got a golden harmonica. Amy saw a harmonica that her mother was holding and said \"What kind of harmonica is that, Mom?\" Giselle said \"It's a golden harmonica!\" Amy said \"Wow!\" She picked up her castanets and said \"Do you want to start playing?\" Giselle said \"Sure!\" Amy and Giselle then started playing. Amy played her castanets and Giselle played her golden harmonica. The two sounded really good. They had a good time!"@en . .