"Ancient Magic is the term that describes a series of spells in Final Fantasy XI. These are generally considered to be the 6 Elemental Magic Spells available to Black Mages only between the levels of 50 and 60. All of them take about 18 seconds to cast and do relatively similar amounts of damage. Tier 1 Ancient Magic is generally regarded as useless by the player base due to its hideous mp-to-damage ratio as well as its obscenely long casting time, but if used with proper timing and skill it can be very deadly. Ancient Magic is also usable by black mage enemies (usually beastmen, most undead, and wild elementals, but certain notorious beasts are well-known for using it), and is usually difficult to interrupt in such cases."@en . . . . "Ancient Magic: Bazoo! Mahou Sekai! is an obscure console RPG released for the Super Famicom in 1993; it was never released outside of Japan, but an unofficial fan translation is available. \n* Alas, Poor Villain: Shadozel \n* Artifact of Doom: The titular Bazoo. \n* Arbitrary Headcount Limit: For most of the game, fate conspires to limit your party to four people. When it's time for the big final assault, though, it's revealed that Palu's Mirror can only teleport four people. \n* Ascended Extra: At one point in the game, a random castle guard, Garland, joins you for a single battle. Some twenty to thirty hours of play later, near the very end of the game when you're assembling your party for the big final assault, you have the option of magically summoning him to bring him with you. He reacts with suitable shock to someone he barely knows yanking him out of his life to save the world. \n* Awesome but Impractical: The titular Ancient Magic spells tend to be overpriced and not very useful against bosses, which are the only really hard part of the game. \n* Boring but Practical: The 'Charm' spell (which inflicts sleep very cheaply and with almost no chance of failure) remains useful throughout the entire game. \n* But Thou Must!: You can actually accept an offer to stay and become the heir to your uncle's title rather than become a wizard... but the plot won't advance until you go back and tell him you've changed your mind, at which point it proceeds as if you'd refused originally. \n* Dropped a Bridge on Him: Lot and Nash are immediately stated to have been killed offscreen at the start of the playable stinger. \n* False-Flag Operation: Nash had the princess of the elves kidnapped and made it look like the Veranede tribe was responsible in order to get them on your side in the war... and ultimately just to make the Sword of Plot Advancement that he needs for his big plan. \n* Gondor Calls for Aid: Near the end, you have to go from kingdom to kingdom meeting with leaders to gather support. \n* Hidden Elf Village \n* Immortality Immorality: The mages at the mage guild immediately react with horror to the fact that Jerah would use his magic to seek something as crass as immortality. When you actually meet him, Lot instantly demands to know how many people died in order to let him live forever. \n* Optional Party Member: You can get the archmage-king of Selas and the and the king of your elves on your party near the end of the game, if you reject every other character when they're presented as options. \n* Required Party Member: The game pretends to give you the option not to bring Romal with you near the end, but even if you say 'no' to him, he'll force you to take him anyway. \n* Sealed Evil in a Can: Played with twice. \n* First, there's Emperor Jerah. The player accidentally opens the tomb of the ancient, immortal undead king Jerah, which looks like this trope... and then Lot casually suggests that they just walk out, close the door again, and leave Jerah locked in his tomb. Later, an invading army releases him by mistake and gets brutally murdered when they attack him, but after that he doesn't really seem interested in doing anything beyond wandering the desert. \n* And then there's the entire Veranede Tribe, who may not have been so 'evil'. \n* Shout-Out: If you use a magic pool to summon the barbarian-type character for the final assault, he exclaims \"What sorcery is this?!\" \n* So Long and Thanks For All the Gear: Happens constantly, since for the vast majority of the game you have no control over your party, and people leave or join without warning. Not only do you have to buy gear for people, but spells as well, and spells can't be swapped between characters once they've been learned. \n* Spanner in the Works: Lot, for Nash's plans. \n* The Chessmaster: Nash is responsible for just about everything that happens in the plot. \n* The Magic Goes Away \n* The Stinger: A playable stinger with one final dungeon follows the credits, set several years after the end of the game. \n* What the Hell, Hero?: The player gets a lot of flack for genociding the Veranede Tribe. \n* Who Wants to Live Forever?: Jerah doesn't seem particularly happy with the eternal undeath that his immortality serum got him. \n* With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Lot can't control the Bazoo as well as he thinks he can. \n* Wizarding School: Most of the game revolves around one of these."@en . . . "Ancient Magic is the term that describes a series of spells in Final Fantasy XI. These are generally considered to be the 6 Elemental Magic Spells available to Black Mages only between the levels of 50 and 60. All of them take about 18 seconds to cast and do relatively similar amounts of damage. Tier 1 Ancient Magic is generally regarded as useless by the player base due to its hideous mp-to-damage ratio as well as its obscenely long casting time, but if used with proper timing and skill it can be very deadly. Ancient Magic is also usable by black mage enemies (usually beastmen, most undead, and wild elementals, but certain notorious beasts are well-known for using it), and is usually difficult to interrupt in such cases. The second tier of Ancient Magic is attainable through the merit system (and even more monsters to use it as well), and though it has a shorter casting time than the first tier it is considered very powerful."@en . . . "Ancient Magic"@en . . . . . . . "Ancient Magic: Bazoo! Mahou Sekai! is an obscure console RPG released for the Super Famicom in 1993; it was never released outside of Japan, but an unofficial fan translation is available. \n* Alas, Poor Villain: Shadozel \n* Artifact of Doom: The titular Bazoo. \n* Arbitrary Headcount Limit: For most of the game, fate conspires to limit your party to four people. When it's time for the big final assault, though, it's revealed that Palu's Mirror can only teleport four people. \n* Ascended Extra: At one point in the game, a random castle guard, Garland, joins you for a single battle. Some twenty to thirty hours of play later, near the very end of the game when you're assembling your party for the big final assault, you have the option of magically summoning him to bring him with you. "@en . . "After Leonard discovers the Ark of the White Knight underneath Balandor castle, Princess Cisna uses the Ancient Magic that lay dormant within her, not fully aware of what she is doing. This awakens the Knight's power fully, allowing Leonard to defeat Belcitane's rampaging creature, the pyredaemos. Later, the party witnesses Cisna reciting another spell that breaks the seal of the Argent Shield in the desert ruins of the Lagnish Desert. Leonard then uses the shield to gain the edge in his battle against another of Belcitane's gigantes there. Cisna also uses these magical chants to break the seals of the Dragon Knight and the Sun King, though the latter was performed against her will because of Grazel's threats. It is also shown that the Ancient Magic is capable of doing other things, namely feats such as carrying Cisna's voice from aboard the Magi's monoship down to the area where Leonard's Team was dueling the Black Knight for possession of the sword, Talion."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ancient Magic is the term given to an ancient varity of elemental spells; each of which are tremendously powerful, yet require a large amount of mystical energy and long periods of steadfast concentration to properly cast. Due to the extreme nature and power of these spells, they are only available to the most learned sorcerers of Vana'diel."@en . . . . . "After Leonard discovers the Ark of the White Knight underneath Balandor castle, Princess Cisna uses the Ancient Magic that lay dormant within her, not fully aware of what she is doing. This awakens the Knight's power fully, allowing Leonard to defeat Belcitane's rampaging creature, the pyredaemos. It is also shown that the Ancient Magic is capable of doing other things, namely feats such as carrying Cisna's voice from aboard the Magi's monoship down to the area where Leonard's Team was dueling the Black Knight for possession of the sword, Talion."@en . . . . . . "Ancient Magic is the term given to an ancient varity of elemental spells; each of which are tremendously powerful, yet require a large amount of mystical energy and long periods of steadfast concentration to properly cast. Due to the extreme nature and power of these spells, they are only available to the most learned sorcerers of Vana'diel."@en . .