"Cecilia Sinclair was the child of Beast and Wolfsbane. She was created purely to save lives. Wolfsbane was losing control of her powers. She was manifesting the behavior of her feral form in all of her forms, and she was starting to unknowingly hurt people. Beast wanted to gain control over his powered and normal forms. He theorized that if he had a child with Wolfsbane, and she was injected with some DNA from her child, she would be able to regain her behavior back, and Beast could be able to shift his forms if he had some DNA. So, they decided to carry it out.\n\nAll went well to start with. Beast and Wolfsbane were able to successfully have a healthy baby girl. They were able to take some of her DNA and give it to each parent. Wolfsbane was cured of her affliction, which was good, as there was only a small chance that it would actually work. Beast, however, was not helped by the DNA implant, and was trapped in his bestial form. She was raised mostly by her father, and she felt guilty about it. When she gained her mutant powers, she ran away, and decided to live in the forest. She created a legend of a blue werewolf living off the wild that proved to be a reality.\n\nWhen word of the Skrulls came around, she decided to confront her past. She came back to the Xavier Mansion and asked to join the rescue squad. They agreed, and she helped, going around to find other recruits. In space, she was able to free many of her team, and her wildness was a great asset in the battle. She was greatly useful in savagery because she had only been among people for 1 day. But, she survived the battle unharmed, and she joined the X-Men afterwards as the new Beast."@en . . . "Xavier Institute for Those who are Gifted"@en . "Cecilia McCoy"@en . "Beast"@en . "250"^^ . ", blue/brown"@en . "Public"@en . . . "Earth-1175"@en . . "Adventurer, scientist"@en . "Beast, father"@en . . . . "X-Men"@en . "Mutant daughter of Beast and Wolfsbane."@en . "Cecilia has blue fur, unusual feet, and an elongated snout in her lupine form, as well as brown fur, fangs, and an overall wolfish body is her feral form."@en . "Brown"@en . "Good"@en . . . . . . . "Lycanthropy: Beast II can shift into 2 wolf forms. Each form has different powers. She can shift into:\n\nLupine Form: Cecilia's lupine form is a combination of human and wolf-like traits. She appears as her main image, but with blue fur in place of the brown. In this form, she has these powers:\n\n*Enhanced Strength: Able to lift up to 13 tons, at most.\n*Enhanced Speed: Able to run at 15 miles per hour.\n*Enhanced Senses: Greater hearing, smell, and sight, can see some emotions.\n*Peak Human Reflexes: Capable of reacting twice as fast as most humans.\n*Healing Factor: Heals injuries 15x faster than humans.\n*Superhuman Intelligence: The first mutant with a power of intelligence, she is nearly as smart as her father.\n*Pheromone Creation: Able to secrete pheromones attracting people to her.\n*Adhesion: Able to stick to walls.\n\nthumb|left|275px|Beast's feral form.Feral Form: Cecilia's feral form appears as that of a wolf, and allows these powers:\n*Super-strength \n*Greater speed \n*Far greater enhanced senses\n*Reflexes sometimes fast enough to dodge bullets\n*Healing factor 5x faster than humans\n*Claws and fangs capable of cutting steel\n*Feral, only core emotions remain\n*Possible animal communication"@en . "Female"@en . . . ", blue"@en . "Cecelia McCoy (Earth-1175)"@en . . . . "Green"@en . "Wolfsbane, mother"@en . . "Beast II, Blue Wolf"@en .