"I am proud of you, Moth Flight. You are ready to fight for what you believe in."@en . "Tallstar's Revenge, Moth Flight's Vision"@en . . . "I will do my best. I will always do my best."@en . "Moth Flight and Pebble Heart"@en . "Moth Flight to Clear Sky"@en . . "226"^^ . "But you're the cat who went to Highstones and found the Moonstone. You're the bravest cat I know. I think you'd endure anything if StarClan wished it."@en . "Mothflight to Talltail"@en . "398"^^ . . . . "You were exiled precisely for the strengths we need. Your curiosity, your visions, your openness to the signs in the world. We choose you to be the first medicine cat."@en . "247"^^ . . "Gray Wing and Moth Flight"@en . "Kit:"@en . "You fought for nothing. Why didn't you let me go home? I could have spoken to Wind Runner. I could have told her what you'd said about Willow Tail and Red Claw. You could have settle this with words. [...] You need to make peace. This must end here."@en . . "Dust Muzzle will make a fine hunter one day, but Moth Flight is special. Can't you see that?"@en . "Gray Wing"@en . . "Gray Wing"@en . "I'm going to give up my kits."@en . . . . "What are you going to do?"@en . . "497"^^ . "Moth Flight was born WindClan and she'll always be WindClan."@en . . "Dew Nose"@en . "She's the one who found the Moonstone. Aren't you proud she's our Clanmate?"@en . . "Storm Pelt"@en . . . "She was destined to bring the Clans together, one flower made of five petals, just like the Blazing Star flower."@en . . . "I hope I can be as brave as you one day."@en . "Moth Flight shrugged, wondering what could be better than roaming the moor alone, searching for new plants. She couldn't imagine being responsible for cats too helpless to look after themselves. But isn't that what a medicine cat has to do?"@en . . "33"^^ . "458"^^ . "Moth Flight"@en . "You are more like your mother than you imagine. It took courage to bring her here. And strength. More than you knew you had. But it also took something even your mother does not share. You are special, Moth Flight. You can see what is hidden from ordinary cats. You can read signs and understand their meaning."@en . "Mate:"@en . . . "461"^^ . "Warrior:"@en . "Moth Flight to Clear Sky and Wind Runner"@en . "Acorn Fur to Moth Flight"@en . "Moth FlightMothflight"@en . "470"^^ . "Mothflight"@en . "Moth Flight"@en . "Loner:Medicine Cat:"@en . "Sister:"@en . . "Gray Wing"@en . . "WindClan, ShadowClan , Rogue, Loner, Tall Shadow's Camp, Wind Runner's Camp"@en . . "Narrator about Moth Flight"@en . . "Moth Flight"@en . "Moth Flight"@en . "Wind Runner"@en . "Moth Flight's Vision"@en . "5"^^ . "Pebble Heart"@en . . "You must understand the importance of this skill."@en . . "I haven't led my Clan anywhere. I only brought you Wind Runner."@en . "Pebble Heart to Moth Flight"@en . "Sons:"@en . "Micah and Moth Flight"@en . . "312"^^ . . "Moth Flight thinking about kits"@en . . . . "257"^^ . "Approx. 23 moons"@en . . . "But I can't! I've been exiled."@en . "270"^^ . . "Reed Tail or Swift Minnow"@en . "Secrets of the Clans, The Ultimate Guide, The First Battle, The Blazing Star, A Forest Divided, Path of Stars, Moth Flight's Vision, Thunderstar's Echo"@en . "Wind Runner to Moth Flight"@en . . . "You have changed the destiny of the Clans. You were always braver and smarter than you thought. It's one of the reasons I loved you, and why I still miss you. But you have so much left to do. Making decisions is easy; living with them is the true courage of test. Only by being true to yourself and becoming the medicine cat you dream will you learn how truly special you are."@en . . "StarClan"@en . "StarClan"@en . "Early Settler:"@en . "Pebble Heart"@en . "I was once a cat just like you. I still am, even though I walk with StarClan. The only difference is that I have watched over all the generations that followed me, as you will one day."@en . . "No. Being a medicine cat is my destiny. It's what I was always supposed to be. The Clans depend on me. Half Moon told me."@en . "Few cats would understand which moth will lead their Clan to safety."@en . . "I can't do it anymore!"@en . . "StarClan"@en . "\"Her dreams belonged to StarClan now. Every hair in her pelt, every beat of her heart, every breath belonged to them.\""@en . . "Moth Flight"@en . "95"^^ . "You are young. Wisdom will come with experience. Until then, let my words guide you."@en . . . . "Gorse Fur to Wind Runner about Moth Flight"@en . . "331"^^ . "Moth FlightMoth FlightMoth Flight"@en . "Welcome, Mothflight. You have found the Moonstone. It is a sacred place. You must take the knowledge of this place back to the forest cats."@en . "Moth Flight on being a medicine cat"@en . "Unspecified causes"@en . "Mothflight had just found the Moonstone"@en . "Mothflight is a graying snowy-white she-cat with bright green eyes. She has soft, short fur."@en . "Moth Flight"@en . . "You don't just care about the wound; you must care about the cat. He said that's why StarClan chose you. Because you always knew that better than anyone."@en . "May StarClan light your path. May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when you sleep."@en . "Mother:Father:"@en . "Mothflight is a graying snowy-white she-cat with bright green eyes. She has soft, short fur."@en . "You already are."@en . . "StarClan"@en . . "Dew Nose and Storm Pelt to Jagged Peak and Holly about Moth Flight"@en . . . "Mothflight to Heatherstar"@en . "Mothflight"@en . "Are you going to stop being a medicine cat?"@en . "Don't waste time!"@en . "Moth Flight and Wind Runner on their journey to the Moonstone"@en . "Tallstar's Revenge"@en . "Moth Flight's Vision, page 479"@en . "Moth Flight to Micah during his burial"@en . . "Any cat can follow a moth."@en . . . . . "Moth Flight"@en . . . "426"^^ . "Micah"@en . "Brothers:"@en . "WindstarGorsestar"@en . . "Daughters:"@en . "431"^^ . . "Mothflight"@en . "Reed Tail, Acorn Fur"@en . . "Queen:StarClan Resident:"@en . "439"^^ . "It's not stealing! Herbs belong to all cats."@en .