"As part of his intimidation of Alexander Rozhenko, Ch'Targh added a large amount of grapok to Alexander's bregit lung. (DS9: \"Sons and Daughters\")"@en . . . . . . . "Grapok sauce"@en . "Grapok sauce is a type of food condiment, a sauce formulated by the Klingon civilization. Grapok sauce is often used on dishes such as gagh and racht. (DS9 episode: \"Sons and Daughters\")"@en . "As part of his intimidation of Alexander Rozhenko, Ch'Targh added a large amount of grapok to Alexander's bregit lung. (DS9: \"Sons and Daughters\")"@en . "Grapok sauce is a type of food condiment, a sauce formulated by the Klingon civilization. Grapok sauce is often used on dishes such as gagh and racht. (DS9 episode: \"Sons and Daughters\")"@en . .