. . "Jenn Devaad was a young female Human who was the captain of Devil Squadron, a starfighter formation attached to the Galactic Republic's Grace Command during the Republic Dark Age. She served in the Republic Navy and was part of a group of Republic military personnel who survived a disastrous expedition to Dalaang and five years of enslavement to the Hutt crimelord Zodoh. Following their escape, Jenn and her fellow survivors came into the service of Baron Lemayne's Grace Command which ran intelligence operations for the Republic under the cover of a mercy organization."@en . . . . . . "Jenn Devaad was a young female Human who was the captain of Devil Squadron, a starfighter formation attached to the Galactic Republic's Grace Command during the Republic Dark Age. She served in the Republic Navy and was part of a group of Republic military personnel who survived a disastrous expedition to Dalaang and five years of enslavement to the Hutt crimelord Zodoh. Following their escape, Jenn and her fellow survivors came into the service of Baron Lemayne's Grace Command which ran intelligence operations for the Republic under the cover of a mercy organization. These operations included the top-secret Operation Deluge which involved inundating Sith-occupied worlds with the addictive spice Deluge as a means of stalling the Sith war effort. In 1032 BBY, she encountered Jedi Knight Kerra Holt on Aquilaris Minor during the Aquilaris campaign. Despite their initial friendship, Jenn's obsessive vendetta against Zodoh and involvement in Operation Deluge created friction with Kerra who was ultimately concerned with saving the lives of civilians in Sith territory. Following the Capture of Devil Squadron, Zodoh coerced her into recovering supplies of Deluge spice on the pretext that he would spare the life of her crew. However, he failed to keep his promise and Jenn retaliated by detonating his stock of Deluge spice. Jenn would subsequently reconcile with Kerra and the two women would combine forces to frustrate the schemes of Zodoh. During the Battle of Darkknell, the duo single-handed defeated Zodoh and destroyed his flagship, ending his efforts to flood Darkknell in an artificial flood. Jenn would subsequently atone for the damage committed under Operation Deluge by helping to fly refugees to Republic territory. She would also sabotage Operatioon Deluge by dumping the spice into hyperspace while traveling to pick up refugees in Aquilaris."@en . "Light"@en . . "Jenn Devaad"@en . "Black"@en . "*Galactic Republic\n*Grace Command\n**Devil Squadron"@en . . "Jenn Devaad"@en . "Brown"@en . . . . . . "Galactic Republic"@en . .