"As a sacrier, your most vital characteristic is Vitality. As such, you must devote all of your characteristic points to getting up vitality. You should never spend points on anything else. Of course, devoting all your points to vitality leaves your attacks weak. Sacriers rely on equipment and scrolling to boost their other characteristics and with the addition of the Dopple system, scrolling is easier than ever! You should aim to fully scroll all of your stats, but certainlystrength is the most important characteristic to scroll to 101, closely followed by Wisdom Agility is also a good idea to scroll, as it means that you are able to dodge hits and obtain critical hits more readily. It is not compulsory to scroll intelligence or chance for a strength sacrier, though if you are able to do i"@en . "As a sacrier, your most vital characteristic is Vitality. As such, you must devote all of your characteristic points to getting up vitality. You should never spend points on anything else. Of course, devoting all your points to vitality leaves your attacks weak. Sacriers rely on equipment and scrolling to boost their other characteristics and with the addition of the Dopple system, scrolling is easier than ever! You should aim to fully scroll all of your stats, but certainlystrength is the most important characteristic to scroll to 101, closely followed by Wisdom Agility is also a good idea to scroll, as it means that you are able to dodge hits and obtain critical hits more readily. It is not compulsory to scroll intelligence or chance for a strength sacrier, though if you are able to do it it does have its advantages."@en . "Sacrier/Strength/4"@en . .