"Warboss"@en . . . . . "Warbosses who are particularly powerful, wealthy, and successful on the field of battle often take on the title of Warlord. In doing so, the Warboss consolidates power by bringing together disparate Ork tribes, mobs, and warbands under his banner to serve some greater purpose. Usually, this greater purpose is simply to sweep through star systems to fight as many fights as they can and to collect as much treasure as they can carry. Occasionally, however, such an army turns into a fullblown WAAAGH! and can pose a grave threat to even the most strongly fortified Imperial Sector or Segmentum. Storied and ruthless killers such as the Arch-Arsonist of Charadon and the legendary Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Prophet of the WAAAGH!, are but two examples of the terror Orks who ascend to the rank of Warboss can wreak upon the Imperium and its holdings. A Waboss is invariably the biggest and baddest Ork around, the most wrathful and avaricious of his kin, for it he were not so, he would not be the Warboss. He keeps the other Orks in line with the force of his domineering personality and a brutal beating from time to time. Indeed, thanks to the peculiar Orkish genetic structure, victory in challenge after challenge and the respect of his lessers will act as a growth hormone on the Boss' body, and he will keep putting on size and muscle, his very nature ensuring the Warboss will remain the largest and meanest Ork of his whole WAAAGH!. This will continue until he either dies, or another Ork manages to defeat him in a contest of strength. By virtue of being the strongest, the Warboss gets the pick of any wargear and loot the warband accumulates, and gathers the best Ork fighters from the warband as his bodyguard. Warbosses often have their own entourage of Nobz, Squigs, Gretchin, or other slave creatures. A Warboss often decorates his chosen helm with huge horns, wears a crude banner affixed to his back or allows it to be carried by a Grot, and may replace his own jaw with a massive cybernetic prosthesis that has been grafted onto his skull. Some Warbosses also pursue other bionic enhancements (called \"bioniks\" by the Orks) from his local Mad Doks. Whenever a Warboss is killed, the largest Ork Nob in his retinue will take his place, after brutally restoring order among the klan or WAAAGH! and establishing himself as the new Warboss. At times a Warboss' authority may be challenged by his rivals. The outcome of such struggles for power can be resolved in a number of ways. Some Orks prefer low kunnin' (such as assassination or ambush), whilst others will engage in some ritual duel, whether simple brawls, or more elaborate ritual contests such as the famous \"Eadbuttin' Kontest\" where two Orks keep headbutting one another until one of the contestants passes out from cranial trauma. Among the Orks present in the Jericho Reach, the second option is much preferred, and every Ork settlement in the Reach possesses a fighting pit where the outcome of such challenges can be determined. In fact, many of these pit fights are used as a crude form of Greenskin judicial system, with the outcome of the fight resolving any kind of dispute over loot or position."@en . "Warboss"@en . . "The Ork Warboss is a large Ork who leads the Ork Waagh!."@en . . "Warbosses who are particularly powerful, wealthy, and successful on the field of battle often take on the title of Warlord. In doing so, the Warboss consolidates power by bringing together disparate Ork tribes, mobs, and warbands under his banner to serve some greater purpose. Usually, this greater purpose is simply to sweep through star systems to fight as many fights as they can and to collect as much treasure as they can carry. Occasionally, however, such an army turns into a fullblown WAAAGH! and can pose a grave threat to even the most strongly fortified Imperial Sector or Segmentum. Storied and ruthless killers such as the Arch-Arsonist of Charadon and the legendary Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Prophet of the WAAAGH!, are but two examples of the terror Orks who ascend to the rank of W"@en . . . . "Commander"@en . . . . . . . "The Ork Warboss is a large Ork who leads the Ork Waagh!."@en . . "Space Ork"@en . . "Ork Warboss"@en . . .