"The Foundation series is a series of science fiction novels set in the Trantor universe. They were written by Isaac Asimov and are set in a far future when humans have colonized the Galaxy and have formed an Empire with capital on Trantor planet. The original trilogy, written between 1942 and 1953, consisted of: \n* Foundation \n* Foundation and Empire \n* Second Foundation After many years, Asimov wrote two prequels and two sequels: \n* Prelude to Foundation (prequel 1) \n* Forward the Foundation (prequel 2, set after 10 years) \n* Foundation's Edge \n* Foundation and Earth"@en . "The Foundation series is a series of science fiction novels set in the Trantor universe. They were written by Isaac Asimov and are set in a far future when humans have colonized the Galaxy and have formed an Empire with capital on Trantor planet. The original trilogy, written between 1942 and 1953, consisted of: \n* Foundation \n* Foundation and Empire \n* Second Foundation After many years, Asimov wrote two prequels and two sequels: \n* Prelude to Foundation (prequel 1) \n* Forward the Foundation (prequel 2, set after 10 years) \n* Foundation's Edge \n* Foundation and Earth Authorized by the Asimov estate, other science fiction writers created: \n* Foundation's Fear, by Gregory Benford. \n* Foundation and Chaos, by Greg Bear. \n* Foundation's Triumph, by David Brin."@en . "The Foundation series is a group of seven novels by Isaac Asimov. The series was written in two groups. The first group are not literally novels but are a chronological collection of stores originally published in Astounding magazine between 1942 and 1950. The second group comprises three novels and and additional short story collection published between 1982 and 1993."@en . . "Isaac Asimov's Foundation series originally started with what is known as the Foundation trilogy. These consisted of the following: \n* Foundation \n* Foundation and Empire \n* Second Foundation Together they introduced the idea of Psychohistory, and the potential for predicting and possibly managing future social development. Many years after that, Asimov wrote several new novels as sequel and prequels. \n* Foundation's Edge \n* Foundation and Earth \n* Prelude to Foundation \n* Forward the Foundation"@en . "The Foundation series is a group of seven novels by Isaac Asimov. The series was written in two groups. The first group are not literally novels but are a chronological collection of stores originally published in Astounding magazine between 1942 and 1950. The second group comprises three novels and and additional short story collection published between 1982 and 1993."@en . . . "Foundation series"@en . . . "Foundation Series"@en . . "Isaac Asimov's Foundation series originally started with what is known as the Foundation trilogy. These consisted of the following: \n* Foundation \n* Foundation and Empire \n* Second Foundation Together they introduced the idea of Psychohistory, and the potential for predicting and possibly managing future social development. Many years after that, Asimov wrote several new novels as sequel and prequels. \n* Foundation's Edge \n* Foundation and Earth \n* Prelude to Foundation \n* Forward the Foundation"@en . .