"No"@en . . "No"@en . "14"^^ . "+12/+7"@en . "30"^^ . "Cowhide"@en . . . . "magic"@en . "Mindspike"@en . "Spirit ruby"@en . . "90"^^ . . "Cooked meat"@en . "2012-01-31"^^ . "Trolls"@en . "Rare"@en . "15"^^ . . "Wizard robe top"@en . "10"^^ . "Bare Hands (bludgeoning damage)"@en . "0"^^ . "cleric 4"@en . "1"^^ . "Troll Shaman"@en . "Grimy marrentill"@en . . "3"^^ . . "Troll Shamans were those rare trolls which still possessed magical abilities. They seldom left their tribe's burrows, and when disturbed they could hide their location very effectively."@en . . "1"^^ . . "14982"^^ . "nw_trollwiz"@en . "Baked potato"@en . "Staff of air"@en . "d6 +6"@en . "Race: giant Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 18 Hit points: 105 Attack bonus: +12/+7 Damage: d6 +6 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) Hit dice (level): 10 Spellcasting: cleric 4 Challenge rating: 7 Size: large Regeneration: +5 Trained skills:(\u2021) concentration (10), heal (4), listen (9), spellcraft (1), spot (9) Feats: alertness, combat casting, darkvision, iron will, turn undead, weapon proficiency (creature)"@en . "55"^^ . "6.4"^^ . . . "No"@en . "Black robe skirt"@en . "Troll shaman"@en . "Cooked chicken"@en . "110"^^ . "Bones"@en . "Brings fire and brimstone upon you."@en . "Arrows"@en . "Crayfish"@en . "Spellstorm drape"@en . "0"^^ . "9"^^ . "15"^^ . "0"^^ . "45"^^ . "Coins"@en . . "Yes"@en . . "5"^^ . "Troll shamans are monsters that were introduced with the Burthorpe tutorial that can be fought in the troll tunnels north of Burthorpe, along with troll chuckers and troll brutes. Although troll brutes and troll chuckers drop gold charms for free players, troll shamans do not."@en . . "Wizard robe skirt"@en . "No"@en . . "Bread"@en . "Race: giant Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 18 Hit points: 105 Attack bonus: +12/+7 Damage: d6 +6 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) Hit dice (level): 10 Spellcasting: cleric 4 Challenge rating: 7 Size: large Regeneration: +5 Trained skills:(\u2021) concentration (10), heal (4), listen (9), spellcraft (1), spot (9) Feats: alertness, combat casting, darkvision, iron will, turn undead, weapon proficiency (creature)"@en . . "Black wizard robe top"@en . . . "Yes"@en . . . "Black robe top"@en . . "110"^^ . "Rabbit sandwich"@en . "18"^^ . . . "23"^^ . "65"^^ . . . "7"^^ . . "10"^^ . . . . . "Grimy guam"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "Spirit sapphire"@en . . "Common"@en . . . "50"^^ . "4"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "Poorly-cooked bird meat"@en . "1"^^ . "Troll Warzone"@en . "Bare Hands (bludgeoning damage)"@en . "50"^^ . "Poorly-cooked beast meat"@en . . . "Troll shamans are monsters that were introduced with the Burthorpe tutorial that can be fought in the troll tunnels north of Burthorpe, along with troll chuckers and troll brutes. Although troll brutes and troll chuckers drop gold charms for free players, troll shamans do not."@en . . "No"@en . . . "Troll Shamans were those rare trolls which still possessed magical abilities. They seldom left their tribe's burrows, and when disturbed they could hide their location very effectively."@en . . "no"@en . "Evil turnip seed"@en . . "23"^^ . "6.8"^^ . "10"^^ . . . . "105"^^ . "Always"@en . . "Troll shaman"@en . "large"@en . "1"^^ . "Black wizard robe skirt"@en . . "5"^^ . . . "15"^^ . "Grimy tarromin"@en . "Sumona, Chaeldar, Turael, Spria"@en . "1"^^ . "Uncommon"@en . "No"@en . "Spirit emerald"@en . "6"^^ . "1"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "Cooked rabbit"@en . "Raw potato"@en .