. . "Il Mythos \u00E8 una piattaforma con quattro zampe meccaniche, \u00E8 armato con un cannone che spara raggi blu altamente magnetici non identificati (simili al plasma) che provoca un esplosione gigantesca in grado di uccidere svariati bersagli. Sulla fiancata sinistra \u00E8 presente un portellone che conduce alla parte interna del veicolo dove si possono visitare due \"stanze\": la prima, dove si siedono i passeggeri, sembra essere una sala di controllo del cannone con vari computer, l'altra \u00E8 la cabina di pilotaggio. In battaglia, per\u00F2, il Mythos d\u00E0 il meglio di s\u00E9 in fase difensiva come artiglieria mobile piuttosto che come mezzo di assalto, a causa della lentezza dei movimenti, infatti, bench\u00E9 sia estremamente potente la parte posteriore, i lati sono molto vulnerabili ad attacchi aerei o a veloci attacchi di Spectre e Ghost. Categoria:Halo Custom Edition"@it . "1"^^ . . "Mythos is a fast-paced strategy game set in the world of Greek Mythology. Build your settlement, command your villagers, train your army, spy on your enemies and then conquer them! With a focus on settlement micro-management and old-school military strategy, Mythos is the game of choice for die-hard strategy gamers. Over 100 possible starting configurations for your settlement and updates every 40 days ensure that the game constantly has something new to offer."@en . "Good"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Mythos"@de . . . "[[starwars:Zabrak"@en . . "Mythos was a male Zabrak Sith Lord of the Sith Order of Decreto during the War of Twelve Heirs. The main instigator of the conflict, Mythos led the territorially dominant House of Mythos."@en . . "Mitos es el primer cap\u00EDtulo de la Historia de Warcraft. Cuenta la historia m\u00E1s primigenia del Universo Warcraft, desde la creaci\u00F3n del mundo de Azeroth, pasando por los acontecimientos que involucraron a las primeras civilizaciones hasta su ca\u00EDda en la primera gran guerra contra la Legi\u00F3n Ardiente que tuvo como consecuencia el resquebrajamiento de las masas terrestres hasta su ubicaci\u00F3n actual."@es . . "The Mythos are a wide range of creatures that don't fit in any other category."@en . . . "Wildstorm Universe"@en . . . . . . . "While a son of Mythos appears pretending to be him in WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams Vol 1 37, the actual Mythos doesn't appear until the following issue."@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . "Mythos was a male Zabrak Sith Lord of the Sith Order of Decreto during the War of Twelve Heirs. The main instigator of the conflict, Mythos led the territorially dominant House of Mythos."@en . . . "Mythos"@es . "Mythos is a Mythical pokemon of incas city"@en . "yes"@en . . . . . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . "Mythos bezeichnet eine Erz\u00E4hlung, die nur wenig Wahrheitsgehalt hat. Die Andorianer halten die Aenar, bis zu ihrer Entdeckung Anfang des 22. Jahrhunderts, f\u00FCr einen Mythos. (ENT: ) Gegen\u00FCber Commander Sisko und Quark behauptet Eris, die Gr\u00FCnder seien nur ein Mythos. Doch Talak'talan beteuert, dass sie real sind. (DS9: ) Viele Kesat halten die Ba'Neth f\u00FCr einen Mythos. (VOY: )"@de . . "The Mythos is a human vehicle made by Tiamat."@en . . . . . "The Mythos is a human vehicle made by Tiamat."@en . . "Mythos (\u30DF\u30BD\u30B9 Misosu) are one of the four tribes from the Red World."@en . . . . . "I'm bored and I need to vent. You're the perfect scapegoat. Then again, it's much funnier how you said that you didn't care, but the first thing you did after I removed you from my Friends list was vandalize this wiki to say I'm an asshole, even though you were, and still are, perfectly aware that I'm much better than that. Callum, we can keep this up in my free time, if you really think it makes a difference. I don't care; the best you can do is be annoying, and baiting you into being even more stupid is somewhat amusing, so sure. Still, I hope you realize that I was one of the few people on PHW that gave you a chance, and you still blew it. I mean, you also idolized PopwarBunny, but he only chatted to you because he thought you were a retarded, incredibly stupid dick that was fun to mess with. I'm starting to think he might be right."@en . . "Single"@en . "Mythos bezeichnet eine Erz\u00E4hlung, die nur wenig Wahrheitsgehalt hat. Die Andorianer halten die Aenar, bis zu ihrer Entdeckung Anfang des 22. Jahrhunderts, f\u00FCr einen Mythos. (ENT: ) Gegen\u00FCber Commander Sisko und Quark behauptet Eris, die Gr\u00FCnder seien nur ein Mythos. Doch Talak'talan beteuert, dass sie real sind. (DS9: ) Viele Kesat halten die Ba'Neth f\u00FCr einen Mythos. (VOY: )"@de . . "Brandon Choi; Jonathan Peterson; Matt Broome"@en . . . . "Mythos is an online, action role-playing experience set in the land of Uld, a fantasy world arising from the ashes of an epoch-long war of darkness. Join others in a heroic quest to reclaim the land from the creatures while striving to be the first to discover the ancient and powerful secrets of lost civilizations. Players assume the roles of fantasy heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest through entirely randomized dungeons and environments. 'Mythos allows thousands of players to interact within the same world while using entirely \"instanced\" dungeons to create unique gaming experiences suited for both the solo and group-minded player. This means we dynamically construct the adventuring areas for each band of fortune hunters every time. No two play sessions are exactly the same, and there is always something new waiting around the next dimly lit corner. Whether adventuring together or braving the dangers of the world of Uld alone, friendships are formed, alliances are forged, and the competition for knowledge, power and glory is on!"@en . . "\"Mythos\" is the second episode of Star Trek: Remington."@en . "Mythos is a Mythical pokemon of incas city"@en . . "Black"@en . . "Il Mythos \u00E8 una piattaforma con quattro zampe meccaniche, \u00E8 armato con un cannone che spara raggi blu altamente magnetici non identificati (simili al plasma) che provoca un esplosione gigantesca in grado di uccidere svariati bersagli. Sulla fiancata sinistra \u00E8 presente un portellone che conduce alla parte interna del veicolo dove si possono visitare due \"stanze\": la prima, dove si siedono i passeggeri, sembra essere una sala di controllo del cannone con vari computer, l'altra \u00E8 la cabina di pilotaggio. In battaglia, per\u00F2, il Mythos d\u00E0 il meglio di s\u00E9 in fase difensiva come artiglieria mobile piuttosto che come mezzo di assalto, a causa della lentezza dei movimenti, infatti, bench\u00E9 sia estremamente potente la parte posteriore, i lati sono molto vulnerabili ad attacchi aerei o a veloci attac"@it . "\"Mythos\" is the second episode of Star Trek: Remington."@en . . "Mythos"@en . "1"^^ . "Mythos is a fast-paced strategy game set in the world of Greek Mythology. Build your settlement, command your villagers, train your army, spy on your enemies and then conquer them! With a focus on settlement micro-management and old-school military strategy, Mythos is the game of choice for die-hard strategy gamers. Over 100 possible starting configurations for your settlement and updates every 40 days ensure that the game constantly has something new to offer."@en . "Red"@en . . "WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams Vol 1 38"@en . . . "Mythos"@it . . . "Mythos (\u30DF\u30BD\u30B9 Misosu) are one of the four tribes from the Red World."@en . . . . . "2"^^ . "Star Trek: Remington"@en . "The Mythos are a wide range of creatures that don't fit in any other category."@en . "I'm bored and I need to vent. You're the perfect scapegoat. Then again, it's much funnier how you said that you didn't care, but the first thing you did after I removed you from my Friends list was vandalize this wiki to say I'm an asshole, even though you were, and still are, perfectly aware that I'm much better than that. Callum, we can keep this up in my free time, if you really think it makes a difference. I don't care; the best you can do is be annoying, and baiting you into being even more stupid is somewhat amusing, so sure. Still, I hope you realize that I was one of the few people on PHW that gave you a chance, and you still blew it."@en . . . "Mythos is an online, action role-playing experience set in the land of Uld, a fantasy world arising from the ashes of an epoch-long war of darkness. Join others in a heroic quest to reclaim the land from the creatures while striving to be the first to discover the ancient and powerful secrets of lost civilizations. Whether adventuring together or braving the dangers of the world of Uld alone, friendships are formed, alliances are forged, and the competition for knowledge, power and glory is on!"@en . "Mythos"@en . . . . . "Mitos es el primer cap\u00EDtulo de la Historia de Warcraft. Cuenta la historia m\u00E1s primigenia del Universo Warcraft, desde la creaci\u00F3n del mundo de Azeroth, pasando por los acontecimientos que involucraron a las primeras civilizaciones hasta su ca\u00EDda en la primera gran guerra contra la Legi\u00F3n Ardiente que tuvo como consecuencia el resquebrajamiento de las masas terrestres hasta su ubicaci\u00F3n actual. Esta parte de la historia fue creada para ambientar los sucesos de Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos de manera que es posterior al lore de los dos primeros juegos de Warcraft pero cronol\u00F3gicamente m\u00E1s antiguo. Cuando Blizzard ampli\u00F3 posteriormente el lore, reorganiz\u00F3 los cap\u00EDtulos y lo incluy\u00F3 dentro del Cap\u00EDtulo primero de la Historia de Warcraft. Lamentablemente, con el paso del tiempo, la traducci\u00F3n espa\u00F1ola ha sido modificada en numerosas ocasiones, generando una gran cantidad de inexactitudes dificiles de englobar a la hora de clasificarlas en este wiki. As\u00ED pues, la primera traducci\u00F3n ven\u00EDa incluida en el manual de Image:LogoWC3Mini.gif y posteriormente fue copiada literalmente cuando Blizzard lanz\u00F3 su p\u00E1gina web en espa\u00F1ol. Con el lanzamiento de World of Warcraft, muchas de las acepciones originales fueron eliminadas y traducidas, algunas desde el ingl\u00E9s como se conoc\u00EDan inicialmente pero otras a pesar de estar ya traducidas al espa\u00F1ol fueron modificadas nuevamente con otro nombre (por ejemplo a los Altos Elfos se les llam\u00F3 Elfos Nobles). Para terminar el desprop\u00F3sito, en Image:IconoWoWMini.gif se incluyeron peque\u00F1os libros que los jugadores pod\u00EDan leer con toda la historia sin necesidad de comprar Warcraft III o de visitar la p\u00E1gina web de Blizzard pero la traducci\u00F3n que se us\u00F3 no fue ninguna de las dos anteriores sino otra distinta. Esto ha originado que algunos t\u00E9rminos tengan 2, 3 e incluso 4 acepciones distintas, como por ejemplo el Gran Cataclismo y que sea muy dif\u00EDcil homogeneizar los t\u00E9rminos a la hora de realizar un \u00EDndice para que los interesados en el lore lo consulten. En Internet es habitual encontrar en foros o p\u00E1ginas web, los cap\u00EDtulos de la historia de Warcraft pero es una odisea saber, si no se conocen estos detalles, a qu\u00E9 traducci\u00F3n pertenecen y qu\u00E9 quieren decir algunos nombres que hoy en d\u00EDa tienen otra acepci\u00F3n. En este wiki, se han recogido las traducciones de la p\u00E1gina web de Blizzard, que son una revisi\u00F3n de la primera traducci\u00F3n del manual de Warcraft III, y adem\u00E1s la de los libros que se pueden encontrar en Image:IconoWoWMini.gif con sus correspondientes enlaces para consulta a diversas p\u00E1ginas que recogen una gran base de datos de objetos del juego. No se incluyen pues los primeros textos del manual de Reign of Chaos para no saturar los art\u00EDculos con tres tipos distintos de traducciones aunque en aquellas entradas espec\u00EDficas de lugares o personajes afectados, s\u00ED que se hace una referencia a su nombre original y una redirecci\u00F3n para que sea m\u00E1s f\u00E1cil y sencillo encontrar la informaci\u00F3n."@es . "2383"^^ . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en .