. "Sebulba is an English STT for Star Wars Episodes I - III. It was an STT given out to members of PTT. A new version from USA was released with 3 others including Zam Wesell and 2 other STTs for Star Wars Episodes IV - VI. The German STTs are: Kampfdroide, Klon-Pilot, Klon-Krieger and Tion Medon. There is also an American STT, Zam Wesell."@en . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@en . . "He did not, however, let this stop him from beating up other kids, being the most popular a*hole in town, and of course taking all the girls. He considered Anakin his greatest rival in all things, which when you consider that Sebulba was 40 and Anakin was only 9, was actually really, really, sad. Anyway, because of this rivalry, when Watto paid him to bump off Anakin in the Boonta Eve podrace, Sebulba readily accepted. The pod was one of Watto's own design, and subsequently blew up, knocking Sebulba out of the race, and giving him his first loss ever in any sport. This would become a trend."@en . "250"^^ . "9675"^^ . "Sebulba was rond 32 BBY \u00E9\u00E9n van de beste en gevreesde Podrace piloten in de Outer Rim."@nl . "1.12"^^ . . "Sebulba"@en . . "Sebulba"@en . "Brains"@en . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@da . . "7962"^^ . . . "Sebulba"@it . . . "Sebulba"@es . . "Sebulba"@en . . . . . "Sebulba"@fr . "Sebulba"@es . . "Sebulba"@en . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@it . "Sebulba"@es . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@hu . . . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@it . "narancs"@hu . . . "Sebulba"@en . "Anyone other than him winning the race"@en . "Sebulba was a Dug from Malastare who first purchased an orange X-Mammoth podracer for 8,000 Troguts. He became a racing champion quickly. Sebulba was a nasty, and dirty cheater. To keep up as a champion, he installed an illegal Nail Gun to fire at his opponents. It is rumored that he designed the Track Sebulba's Legacy. He also become a famed Pod Racer on Tattooine's Mos Espa Arena, which held the Annual Boonta Eve Classic race. During one Boonta, he used a Nail Gun to destroy Fud Sang's podracer. During the Dug Derby race, he threw a empty bottle of rum at a opponent who then crashed and died."@en . "Sebulba"@nl . "Sebulba var en Dug signalsystemet fra Mid Rim planet Malastare. Han var en tidligere slave, der havde k\u00F8bt sin frihed med hans utrolige evner p\u00E5 fors\u00F8get med en h\u00F8j hastighed podracer , og den velkendte \u00E6rkerival af en ung podracing Anakin Skywalker . Inden l\u00E6nge blev Sebulba stjernen racer af den Galaktiske Podracing Circuit , ikke kun baseret p\u00E5 hans formidable k\u00F8reevner, men ogs\u00E5 hans fork\u00E6rlighed for vold. Mange kolleger podracers blev dr\u00E6bt eller s\u00E5ret af Sebulba uforsvarlige styring eller ud-og-ud snyd, men Sebulba var alt for popul\u00E6rt at v\u00E6re skylden eller straffes. Indhold"@da . . "Sebulba"@da . "USA: Star Wars convention"@en . . "2011"^^ . "Sebulba"@fr . "Sebulba"@en . "Sebulba"@fr . . . . "Sebulba"@da . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@es . "\"Neek me chawa, wermo, mo keema ma klounkee!\""@en . "Naranja"@es . . "Sebulba"@it . "Sebulba"@cs . . "Sebulba"@en . . "[Source] Sebulba \u00E9tait un Dug pilote de modules de course. Tricheur mais toujours vainqueur, Sebulba est respect\u00E9 et admir\u00E9 par les aficionados de courses. Lors de la Classique de Boonta Eve de l'an 32 av.BY, il perdit contre le jeune Anakin Skywalker. C'est la peur qui inspire la col\u00E8re de Sebulba envers Anakin : si le jeune humain devait gagner une course, m\u00EAme par hasard, Sebulba serait ridiculis\u00E9, et le haineux Dug n'a pas l'intention que \u00E7a se produise."@fr . . . "Sebulba"@fr . . "Sebulba"@es . . . "Sebulba"@nl . . . . . . . . "Sebulba"@hu . . . . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@da . "1.12"^^ . "Sebulba"@it . "\"Poodoo!\""@en . "Sebulba"@es . "Sebulba"@it . "250"^^ . . . "Sebulba was a male Dug who hailed from the planet of Malastare. A vicious Podracer pilot who flew a massive orange Podracer with a split-x configuration, Sebulba would often bump and smash his way through the competition. A skilled pilot in his own right, he nonetheless opted to install various illegal weapons on his Podracer, such as a flamethrower built into the left engine, to ensure his victories on the track. The crowd favorite of a course known as the Boonta Eve Classic, located on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine, Sebulba maintained a strong rivalry with one of Podracings few human participants, a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. A short while after the Invasion of Naboo, Sebulba and Skywalker competed in a Boonta race together."@en . . "Height"@en . . . "A Lego\u00AE minifigure has been made based on his appearance in Episode I. The Sebulba minifigure was only included in one set up until 2011, when a new, more detailed version of Sebulba was released. The first Sebulba minifigure was a one piece figure. It was made out of all grey plastic, and both legs were attached to a small flat piece. The newer minifigure was much different. It was not all one color, but had many colors. The legs were each separate pieces, and attached to the body. They each could attach onto studs, like normal minifigure feet. His front leg was still part of the body piece, but it was a purple color, with tan spots on it. The \"hand\" on the end of the leg, was the same as normal minifigure hand, allowing it to grab onto normal minifigure items. The head featured him weari"@en . "Sebulba"@hu . . . "Dug"@es . . . . . "Sebulba"@da . . . "siehe links"@de . . . . "Sebulba"@fr . . "Sebulba-2.png"@de . . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@fr . . . . "To win at any cost, even if it means cheating his way to victory"@en . . "\"Yoka to Bantha Poodoo!\""@en . . . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@en . "A Lego\u00AE minifigure has been made based on his appearance in Episode I. The Sebulba minifigure was only included in one set up until 2011, when a new, more detailed version of Sebulba was released. The first Sebulba minifigure was a one piece figure. It was made out of all grey plastic, and both legs were attached to a small flat piece. The newer minifigure was much different. It was not all one color, but had many colors. The legs were each separate pieces, and attached to the body. They each could attach onto studs, like normal minifigure feet. His front leg was still part of the body piece, but it was a purple color, with tan spots on it. The \"hand\" on the end of the leg, was the same as normal minifigure hand, allowing it to grab onto normal minifigure items. The head featured him wearing his leather helmet, which as long with the rest of his outfit, was grey. His two ear flaps protruded out the sides, in a tan color. He wore goggles, which had purple straps coming all the way around its head. The minifigure's eyes could be seen through the goggles, unlike the previous version."@en . . . "Sebulba is a Dug from the planet Malastare in the Star Wars franchise. He is Anakin Skywalker's pod racing rival and always cheats in every podracing event. Many fellow podracers are killed or severely injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but he's far too popular to be blamed or penalized."@en . . "Sebulba"@fr . . . . . . "Jedi Powers"@en . "thumb|Sebulba Vor Anakins Podracer Sebulba war ein Dug.Was also ein Typisches merkmal war das er seine fr\u00FCheren arme als beine benutzt und andersherum"@en . "Sebulba"@en . "Sebulba"@fr . "Sebulba war ein Dug und fr\u00FCherer Sklave, der sich seine Freiheit mit seinem unglaublichen Geschick im Podrennen verdiente. Sein Charakter zeichnete sich besonders durch seine skrupellose und gewaltt\u00E4tige Art aus. Viele Podrenner-Piloten wurden durch Sebulbas Sabotagen und leichtsinnigen Fahrstil schwer verletzt oder get\u00F6tet. Dennoch galt er als zu popul\u00E4r, um f\u00FCr seine Taten verantwortlich gemacht zu werden. Im Jahr 1999 kam die erste Minifigur im Baukasten Mos Espa Podrace 7171 auf den Markt. Im Jahr 2011 ist der zweite Baukasten mit Sebulba geplant (Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers 7962)."@de . "Sebulba"@fr . . . "Sebulba"@it . "sebul-new.jpg"@en . . . "Sebulba is a Star Wars minifigure introduced in 1999, with a redesigned version included in the 2011 set 7962 Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers."@en . . . "UK"@en . "Sebulba"@en . . . "Sebulba"@hu . "2007"^^ . . "2005"^^ . . . "[Source] Sebulba \u00E9tait un Dug pilote de modules de course. Tricheur mais toujours vainqueur, Sebulba est respect\u00E9 et admir\u00E9 par les aficionados de courses. Lors de la Classique de Boonta Eve de l'an 32 av.BY, il perdit contre le jeune Anakin Skywalker. C'est la peur qui inspire la col\u00E8re de Sebulba envers Anakin : si le jeune humain devait gagner une course, m\u00EAme par hasard, Sebulba serait ridiculis\u00E9, et le haineux Dug n'a pas l'intention que \u00E7a se produise. Le podracer g\u00E9ant de Sebulba, un Plug-F Mammoth Split-X engine de chez Collor Pondrat, serait disqualifi\u00E9 si les commissaires parvenaient \u00E0 l'examiner de pr\u00E8s. Les armes qu'il y cache, tel son lance-flammes, lui conf\u00E8rent un certain avantage en course. Sebulba consacra l'une de ses premi\u00E8res primes de victoire \u00E0 l'achat d'une tenue de course en cuir, taill\u00E9e sur mesure. Plus d\u00E9corative que fonctionnelle, elle fait la joie de tous ses fans. Sebulba y suspend des pi\u00E8ces de monnaies gagn\u00E9es en course comme autant de m\u00E9dailles. C'est un pilote exp\u00E9riment\u00E9."@fr . . . . "Sebulba-3.png"@en . . "Anakin Skywalker"@nl . "Sebulba"@hu . . "In Star Wars Episode I: Racer, he can be unlocked after beating the final \"story\" race, the Boonta Eve Classic. His podracer has very good statistics when you unlock it, and has very good potential to be one of your best racers. His podracer can actually use a built in flamethrower, that will attack and damage when given the chance."@en . . "Sebulba"@nl . . "Sebulba"@it . . "Cheating, sabotaging, victory"@en . "Sebulba war ein Dug und fr\u00FCherer Sklave, der sich seine Freiheit mit seinem unglaublichen Geschick im Podrennen verdiente. Sein Charakter zeichnete sich besonders durch seine skrupellose und gewaltt\u00E4tige Art aus. Viele Podrenner-Piloten wurden durch Sebulbas Sabotagen und leichtsinnigen Fahrstil schwer verletzt oder get\u00F6tet. Dennoch galt er als zu popul\u00E4r, um f\u00FCr seine Taten verantwortlich gemacht zu werden. Im Jahr 1999 kam die erste Minifigur im Baukasten Mos Espa Podrace 7171 auf den Markt. Im Jahr 2011 ist der zweite Baukasten mit Sebulba geplant (Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers 7962)."@de . . . . "Sebulba"@nl . "Sebulba"@de . "Sebulba"@it . . . "Sebulba"@es . . "Bad"@en . . . . . "*Episode I"@de . "Brown vest, racing goggles"@en . . "Sebulba"@hu . . . . "Sebulba was a Dug from Malastare who first purchased an orange X-Mammoth podracer for 8,000 Troguts. He became a racing champion quickly. Sebulba was a nasty, and dirty cheater. To keep up as a champion, he installed an illegal Nail Gun to fire at his opponents. It is rumored that he designed the Track Sebulba's Legacy. He also become a famed Pod Racer on Tattooine's Mos Espa Arena, which held the Annual Boonta Eve Classic race. During one Boonta, he used a Nail Gun to destroy Fud Sang's podracer."@en . . . "250"^^ . "Sebulba was rond 32 BBY \u00E9\u00E9n van de beste en gevreesde Podrace piloten in de Outer Rim."@nl . . . "Sebulba"@da . "thumb|Sebulba Vor Anakins Podracer Sebulba war ein Dug.Was also ein Typisches merkmal war das er seine fr\u00FCheren arme als beine benutzt und andersherum"@en . "Purple and beige"@en . . . . "Sebulba"@hu . "Lewis MacLeod"@en . . "Sebulba"@it . . "Sebulba"@es . . . . "Sebulba is the senary antagonist of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. He is a Dug podracer and is the young Anakin Skywalker's arch-rival. Originally hailing from Malastare, he was a former slave who had bought his freedom with his incredible skills at podracing. Before long, Sebulba became the star racer of the Galactic Podracing Circuit, based not only on his formidable racing skills but also his penchant for violence. Many fellow podracers were killed or injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but Sebulba was far too popular to be blamed or penalized. According to junk dealer Watto, Sebulba won every race he participated in, usually by cheating. Sebulba is first encountered by Jar-Jar Binks after Jar-Jar accidently spit a Gorg at him. Sebulba attacks Jar-Jar, but it's stopped by Anakin. The Dug is a participant in the Boonta Eve Podrace, and is the obvious candidate to win. He secretly sabotages part of Anakin's pod, which causes one of the turbines in Anakin's pod to overheat and almost burn out later in the race. In the first lap, he destroyed Mawhonic's podracer in the first stretch of the course. In the second lap, he used an illegal flamethrower mounted on his Plug-F Mammoth to roast Clegg Holdfast's engines, destroying his pod. He also ditched a piece of iron into Mars Guo's giant engine turbines, blowing it up. In addition, he also was targetted by fellow racer Ratts Tyerell for death in large part due to his cheating methods, although Tyerell never got the opportunity to kill him, ending up killed in the Laguna Cave during the second lap. However, during the last lap, Skywalker caught up with him. After a few attempts to ram his podracer into Anakin's to knock him off course, their pods tangled with each other. Anakin boosted his engines, sending Sebulba's left engine flying. It hit a rock, went spinning, and then burst into three flaming pieces. His right engine was devastated when it hit the ground and exploded. Sebulba did survive; in fact, he wasn't even physically injured, exclaiming 'Poodoo!' in frustration over his defeat. The loss was a temporary blow to Sebulba's reputation and ego. Sebulba recovered quickly: purchasing Anakin's podracer from Qui-Gon Jinn, he showed up his rivals at the Vinta Harvest Classic and the Phoebos Memorial Run race on his home planet of Malastare the following season. Sebulba went on to win many more races, with his brutal competitive edge. At some point at 32 BBY Sebulba had learned that a Dug called Gazurga had bet against him in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace. Sebulba considered Gazurga a traitor and posted a bounty on him of 4,000 credits. This bounty was claimed by Jango Fett. Sebulba, after a while, took a rest and quit podracing. His son, Hekula, was allowed to fly Sebulba's podracer (the one he bought from Qui-Gon) six years after the Boonta Eve Classic, also being beat by Anakin. Hekula, however, was a rookie, and he smashed the podracer in his debut race. Sebulba then purchased a Plug-F Gargantuan, a remake of his famous podracer that crashed in the Boonta Eve Classic. After purchasing the pod, Sebulba forbade Hekula from podracing, never letting him near any podracer and podrace again. Eight years after Anakin Skywalker had won the Boonta Eve Classic, Sebulba wanted revenge and challenged Anakin one last time to race on his home turf once more, with his newly acquired Gargantuan. After Anakin salvaged parts of his podracer that Hekula crashed, he entered the race. But the results of the race are unknown. Though Sebulba eventually met a fatal end (much to the joy of those whose enmity he had earned), his legacy survived into the Imperial Era, where a grandson of his named Pugwis continued the podracing tradition, winning frequently because of his skills inherited not from his father, Hekula, but his grandfather, Sebulba. He also used his pod-racer in Jabba the Hutt's demolition games."@en . . . . "Sebulba"@da . "Dark Side"@en . . "Sebulba"@da . "Sebulba"@fr . . . . . "Sebulba"@it . "Sebulba"@fr . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@es . "Sebulba"@es . . . . "Sebulba"@es . . . . "Sebulba var en Dug signalsystemet fra Mid Rim planet Malastare. Han var en tidligere slave, der havde k\u00F8bt sin frihed med hans utrolige evner p\u00E5 fors\u00F8get med en h\u00F8j hastighed podracer , og den velkendte \u00E6rkerival af en ung podracing Anakin Skywalker . Inden l\u00E6nge blev Sebulba stjernen racer af den Galaktiske Podracing Circuit , ikke kun baseret p\u00E5 hans formidable k\u00F8reevner, men ogs\u00E5 hans fork\u00E6rlighed for vold. Mange kolleger podracers blev dr\u00E6bt eller s\u00E5ret af Sebulba uforsvarlige styring eller ud-og-ud snyd, men Sebulba var alt for popul\u00E6rt at v\u00E6re skylden eller straffes. Indhold [hide] 1 Biografi 1,1 Boonta Eve Classic 1,2 Senere liv 2 Bag kulisserne 3 Optr\u00E6dener 3,1 Ikke-canon optr\u00E6dener 4 Kilder 5 Noter og referencer 6 Eksterne links 7 Se ogs\u00E5 7,1 Andre sprog Biografi Rediger Sebulba modtager en massage fra sine to Twi'lek slaver Sebulba blev en Dug fra byen Pixelito [3] p\u00E5 planeten Malastare . Som med de fleste Dugs, var Sebulba krigerisk, aggressiv og konstant f\u00F8lte behov for at bevise sin overlegenhed over alle andre. Trods deres kamel-lignende ansigtet strukturer, var Dugs tr\u00E6levende, og kunne bruge alle fire af deres lemmer ens. Sebulba foretrak at st\u00F8tte sin v\u00E6gt med armene og udf\u00F8re fine opgaver med benene. Mens der i s\u00E6det af en podracer men han brugte alle fire lemmer, til armene styre og hans ben til at manipulere de finere instrumenter i pod. Sebulba tilbragte sine indtjening p\u00E5 en dekadent livsstil nydes af meget f\u00E5 Dugs. Hans mest v\u00E6rdsatte besiddelser omfattede et par Twi'lek s\u00F8stre, som er opkaldt Ann og Tann Gella , der var dygtige mass\u00F8rer. Han har ogs\u00E5 ejet mindst to flere kvindelige Twi'lek slaver, en Rutian og en Lethan , der var i hans lejlighed ved 32 BBY . Sebulba ofte brugte sin ber\u00F8mmelse efter billige dalliances med Dug hunner. Sebulba havde ogs\u00E5 sine h\u00E6nder i flere slider ringe til Gardulla den \u00C6ldre , eventuelt som geng\u00E6ldelse for sine egne elendige oplevelser som en slave. Selvom Sebulba kunne behandle slaver grusomt, han havde respekt for dem, fordi han var en slave selv og udbr\u00F8d, at han ville engang squash Anakin, hvis den menneskelige dreng ikke var en slave. N\u00E5r decked ud for en race, Sebulba altid set hans fineste. P\u00E5 sin st\u00E6rkt polstret k\u00F8redragt hang adskillige trof\u00E6 m\u00F8nter, et bevis p\u00E5 hans fantastiske (omend forbryderisk) succes. For at sikre sejren, ville den snu Dug stoppe ved intet. Mens bestikke og flad-out snyd var bestemt nyttigt, Sebulba stort set foretrak enten at trykke hans modstandere fra banen og ind i forhindringer eller ved hj\u00E6lp af indbyggede v\u00E5ben p\u00E5 hans podracer. Han ville endda leget\u00F8j og sabotage andre b\u00E6lg n\u00E5r racere ledte ikke. P\u00E5 et tidspunkt blev hans k\u00F8ret\u00F8j beregnet til at skyde s\u00F8m i modstanderne, senere, han h\u00E6ldte penge i hans racer at installere en flammekaster. Boonta Eve Classic Rediger \"Yoka til Bantha poodoo!\" -Sebulba til Anakin Skywalker [src] Sebulba under Boonta Eve Classic . I \u00E5ret for invasionen af Naboo , var Sebulba den oplagte favorit til at vinde Boonta Eve Classic . Han fik ogs\u00E5 ind i en kamp med Jar Jar Binks i geng\u00E6ldelse for Binks uheld spyttende en Gorg han fors\u00F8gte at spise efter at l\u00E6re af sine dyre omkostninger, ind i Sebulba suppe. Men den lokale slavedreng Anakin Skywalker br\u00F8d, som ogs\u00E5 var en af hans modstandere i Classic, kampen op, f\u00F8r den begyndte. Engang f\u00F8r l\u00F8bet, gav han en hemmelig note til en pit droid kaldet DUM-4 , til at levere til Jabba the Hutt . I f\u00F8rste omgang, \u00F8delagde han Mawhonic 's podracer i den f\u00F8rste str\u00E6kning af kurset. I den anden omgang, brugte han en ulovlig flammekaster monteret p\u00E5 hans Plug-F Mammoth at stege Clegg Holdfast 's motorer, \u00F8del\u00E6gge hans pod. Han har ogs\u00E5 droppet et stykke jern ind i Mars Guo 's gigantiske motor m\u00F8ller, bl\u00E6ser det op. Desuden blev han m\u00E5lrettet med kollega racer Ratts Tyerell for d\u00F8d for en stor del p\u00E5 grund af hans snyd metoder, selvom Tyerell aldrig fik mulighed for at sl\u00E5 ham ihjel, ender dr\u00E6bt i Laguna Cave i anden omgang. Men i l\u00F8bet af den sidste omgang, fanget Skywalker op med ham. Efter et par fors\u00F8g p\u00E5 at ram hans podracer i Anakins at banke ham ud af kurs, viklet deres b\u00E6lg med hinanden. Anakin boostet hans motorer, sende Sebulba venstre motor flyve. Det ramte en sten, gik spinning, og derefter brast i tre flammende stykker. Hans h\u00F8jre motor blev knust, da det ramte jorden og eksploderede. Sebulba gjorde overleve, faktisk var han ikke engang fysisk skadet, udbr\u00F8d 'Poodoo!' i frustration over hans nederlag. Tabet var en midlertidig slag for Sebulba omd\u00F8mme og ego. Sebulba rettede sig hurtigt: k\u00F8b Anakins podracer fra Qui-Gon Jinn , han dukkede op hans rivaler p\u00E5 vinta Harvest Classic og Phoebos Memorial Run race p\u00E5 hans hjem planet Malastare den f\u00F8lgende s\u00E6son. Sebulba gik p\u00E5 at vinde mange flere l\u00F8b, med hans brutale konkurrencefordel. [4] Senere liv Rediger P\u00E5 et tidspunkt p\u00E5 32 BBY Sebulba havde erfaret, at en Dug kaldet Gazurga havde v\u00E6dde imod ham i Boonta Eve Classic podrace. Sebulba betragtede Gazurga en forr\u00E6der og sendt en dus\u00F8r p\u00E5 ham p\u00E5 4.000 point. Denne dus\u00F8r blev h\u00E6vdet af Jango Fett . Sebulba, efter et stykke tid, tog et hvil, og afslut podracing. Hans s\u00F8n, Hekula , fik lov til at flyve Sebulba s podracer (den, han k\u00F8bte fra Qui-Gon) seks \u00E5r efter Boonta Eve Classic, ogs\u00E5 er sl\u00E5et af Anakin. Hekula var dog en rookie, og han smadrede podracer i hans debut l\u00F8b. Sebulba derefter k\u00F8bt en Plug-F gigantiske , en genindspilning af hans ber\u00F8mte podracer, der styrtede ned i Boonta Eve Classic. N\u00E5r du har k\u00F8bt den pod, forb\u00F8d Sebulba Hekula fra podracing, aldrig lade ham n\u00E6r enhver podracer og podrace igen. [5] Otte \u00E5r efter Anakin Skywalker havde vundet Boonta Eve Classic, Sebulba \u00F8nskede h\u00E6vn og udfordret Anakin en sidste gang for at race p\u00E5 hans hjemmebane en gang mere, med sin nyerhvervede gigantiske. Efter Anakin bj\u00E6rget dele af hans podracer at Hekula styrtede ned, tr\u00E5dte han l\u00F8bet. Men resultaterne af l\u00F8bet, er ukendt. [6] Sebulba sk\u00E6bne blev ikke registreret i historien, men det blev kendt, at han havde et barnebarn ved navn Pugwis , der fortsatte den podracing tradition, at vinde ofte p\u00E5 grund af hans evner arvet ikke fra sin far, Hekula, men hans bedstefar, Sebulba. Bag kulisserne Rediger Koncept kunst Sebulba Sebulba var en helt CGI karakter, og blev spillet af Star Wars voice-skuespiller Lewis MacLeod i Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace . MacLeod ville senere gentage sin rolle som Sebulba i videospil: Star Wars: Episode I Racer , Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing , Star Wars: Racer Revenge , LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game og Kinect Star Wars. Han spillede ogs\u00E5 Obi-Wan Kenobi i Star Wars: Obi-Wan , Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds og Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing. Nogle fans fejlagtigt tror Sebulba g\u00F8r en cameo i Attack of the Clones , i en luft taxi under speeder chase p\u00E5 Coruscant . Men dette er faktisk Seboca . Han kan ogs\u00E5 ses sp\u00E6ndende Dex s Diner mens Obi-Wan Kenobi og Dex taler. Andre Dugs optr\u00E6der i filmen omfatter Rednax . I bonus features i Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace , kortvarigt Sebulba bruger en flammekaster i et fors\u00F8g p\u00E5 at stege Anakin 's pod, men mislykkes. Scenen blev til sidst sk\u00E5ret ud. I spillet Star Wars: Bounty Hunter , en af de mange sekund\u00E6re dus\u00F8rer p\u00E5 planeten Malastare er en Dug navngivet Xijulba . ID-scanneren p\u00E5 Jango hjelm viser, at han er en del af Sebulba familie. I videospillet Star Wars: Episode I Racer han er et spor favorit tre gange endnu den eneste m\u00E5de at frig\u00F8re denne racercykel og hans pod er at fuldf\u00F8re det galaktiske kredsl\u00F8b med f\u00F8rstepladsen p\u00E5 hvert l\u00F8b af turneringen. Sebulba faktisk har den h\u00F8jeste topfart i spillet uden forbedringer, topping 600 mph. Men selvom de fleste racere kan \u00F8ge deres hastighed ved 200-400 km / h, hans hastighed l\u00F8ft stak tilf\u00F8jer 185 mph, den anden laveste hastighed boost i spillet. Sebulba vises ogs\u00E5 i efterf\u00F8lgeren Star Wars: Racer Revenge . I dette spil du spiller i Sebulba nye pod racer de gigantiske. Hans Episode I k\u00F8ret\u00F8jet er opl\u00E5selige ved at sl\u00E5 turneringen (som er hurtigere end hans nyere pod racer). Det spil er radikalt anderledes, med inddragelse af et nyt og forbedret kampsystem, hvor spilleren f\u00E5r en enkelt pod til pilot for varigheden af \u200B\u200Bl\u00F8bet. Det har en sundheds-bar, og n\u00E5r det er fladt pod nedbrud og eksploderer spektakul\u00E6rt. Grafik og h\u00E5ndtering er ogs\u00E5 forbedret samt nye piloter og spor. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@da . . "Sebulba"@en . . "Sebulba is a Star Wars minifigure introduced in 1999, with a redesigned version included in the 2011 set 7962 Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers."@en . . . . . . . . . . "40.0"^^ . . . "Anakin Skywalker, Jar Jar Binks"@en . . "thumb|Sebulba Vor Anakins Podracer Sebulba war ein Dug.Was also ein Typisches merkmal war das er seine fr\u00FCheren arme als beine benutzt und andersherum"@de . "Sebulba"@es . . "USA"@en . "Sebulba is an English STT for Star Wars Episodes I - III. It was an STT given out to members of PTT. A new version from USA was released with 3 others including Zam Wesell and 2 other STTs for Star Wars Episodes IV - VI. The German STTs are: Kampfdroide, Klon-Pilot, Klon-Krieger and Tion Medon. There is also an American STT, Zam Wesell."@en . . . "Battle Skills"@en . "Force Factor"@en . "He did not, however, let this stop him from beating up other kids, being the most popular a*hole in town, and of course taking all the girls. He considered Anakin his greatest rival in all things, which when you consider that Sebulba was 40 and Anakin was only 9, was actually really, really, sad. Anyway, because of this rivalry, when Watto paid him to bump off Anakin in the Boonta Eve podrace, Sebulba readily accepted. The pod was one of Watto's own design, and subsequently blew up, knocking Sebulba out of the race, and giving him his first loss ever in any sport. This would become a trend."@en . . . "Wrench"@en . "Sebulba"@en . . "Sebulba"@en . . . . "Orange"@en . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@es . . "Pod Racer"@en . "Disney INFINITY: 3.0 Edition"@en . . "Geel"@nl . "Sebulba egy kor\u00E1bbi rabszolga volt, aki szabads\u00E1g\u00E1t hihetetlen l\u00E9gifogat-versenyz\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9geivel nyerte el, \u00E9s a fiatal Anakin Skywalker esk\u00FCdt ellens\u00E9ge. Sok \u00E9vvel ezel\u0151tt Sebulba egy szt\u00E1rpil\u00F3t\u00E1ja lett a Galaktikus L\u00E9gifogat Bajnoks\u00E1gnak, ami nem csak az elk\u00E9peszt\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9geinek hanem az er\u0151szakoss\u00E1g\u00E1nak is volt k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151. T\u00F6bb l\u00E9gifogat t\u00E1rs\u00E1t \u00F6lte vagy sebes\u00EDtette meg vezet\u00E9s k\u00F6zben vagy csal\u00E1ssal, de Sebulba t\u00FAl n\u00E9pszer\u0171 volt, hogy hib\u00E1ztass\u00E1k vagy megb\u00FCntess\u00E9k."@hu . . . . . "Sebulba is a Dug from the planet Malastare in the Star Wars franchise. He is Anakin Skywalker's pod racing rival and always cheats in every podracing event. Many fellow podracers are killed or severely injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but he's far too popular to be blamed or penalized."@en . "Dangerous, deceptive, sly, cunning, rude, cheater"@en . . . . "Sebulba"@nl . "[[w:c:starwars:Malastare"@en . . "Sebulba is the senary antagonist of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. He is a Dug podracer and is the young Anakin Skywalker's arch-rival. Originally hailing from Malastare, he was a former slave who had bought his freedom with his incredible skills at podracing. Before long, Sebulba became the star racer of the Galactic Podracing Circuit, based not only on his formidable racing skills but also his penchant for violence. Many fellow podracers were killed or injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but Sebulba was far too popular to be blamed or penalized. According to junk dealer Watto, Sebulba won every race he participated in, usually by cheating."@en . . "72.0"^^ . . . "Man"@nl . "1.12"^^ . . . . "19992011"^^ . "Sebulba egy kor\u00E1bbi rabszolga volt, aki szabads\u00E1g\u00E1t hihetetlen l\u00E9gifogat-versenyz\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9geivel nyerte el, \u00E9s a fiatal Anakin Skywalker esk\u00FCdt ellens\u00E9ge. Sok \u00E9vvel ezel\u0151tt Sebulba egy szt\u00E1rpil\u00F3t\u00E1ja lett a Galaktikus L\u00E9gifogat Bajnoks\u00E1gnak, ami nem csak az elk\u00E9peszt\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9geinek hanem az er\u0151szakoss\u00E1g\u00E1nak is volt k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151. T\u00F6bb l\u00E9gifogat t\u00E1rs\u00E1t \u00F6lte vagy sebes\u00EDtette meg vezet\u00E9s k\u00F6zben vagy csal\u00E1ssal, de Sebulba t\u00FAl n\u00E9pszer\u0171 volt, hogy hib\u00E1ztass\u00E1k vagy megb\u00FCntess\u00E9k."@hu . "Sebulba"@hu . . . "Sebulba"@da . . . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@hu . . "Sebulba"@da . . "Sebulba"@de . . . . "Sebulba nacque su Malastare, nell'Orlo Mediano, dove venne subito reso schiavo da una delle tante bande di malviventi che infestavano il pianeta. Crescendo dimostr\u00F2, oltre al carattere arrogante, tipico dei Dug, una innata abilit\u00E0 nel pilotare gli Sgusci; cos\u00EC si iscrisse subito a una gara locale, che vinse facilmente. Con i soldi del premio pag\u00F2 la sua libert\u00E0 e continu\u00F2 la sua carriera di pilota potenziando il suo Sguscio in modo illegale, con trappole ovunque. Nelle gare Sebulba eliminava brutalmente i suoi rivali, speronandoli o sabotando i loro veicoli prima delle competizioni. In breve tempo divent\u00F2 famoso e ricco per le sue vittorie."@it . . . "Sebulba"@hu . "250"^^ . "He picked a fight with a Dug. An especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba."@nl . "thumb|Sebulba Vor Anakins Podracer Sebulba war ein Dug.Was also ein Typisches merkmal war das er seine fr\u00FCheren arme als beine benutzt und andersherum"@de . . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@en . "7171"^^ . "Sebulba"@hu . . "Sebulba"@es . "Rise of the Empire era"@en . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@fr . . . "Sebulba"@da . . "Sebulba"@nl . "Arancione"@it . . "Pilote de modules de course"@fr . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@da . . "Sebulba"@en . . "112.0"^^ . . . . . . . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@nl . . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@hu . "Sebulba"@fr . "Sebulba"@da . "Sebulba"@hu . "Sebulba"@nl . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u0431\u0430"@nl . "Sebulba/Legends"@fr . "112"^^ . "Sebulba"@it . . . . . "Ends up losing the race when his Podracer gets trashed"@en . "Sebulba was a male Dug who hailed from the planet of Malastare. A vicious Podracer pilot who flew a massive orange Podracer with a split-x configuration, Sebulba would often bump and smash his way through the competition. A skilled pilot in his own right, he nonetheless opted to install various illegal weapons on his Podracer, such as a flamethrower built into the left engine, to ensure his victories on the track. The crowd favorite of a course known as the Boonta Eve Classic, located on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine, Sebulba maintained a strong rivalry with one of Podracings few human participants, a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. A short while after the Invasion of Naboo, Sebulba and Skywalker competed in a Boonta race together. Early in the race, Sebulba bested the competitor Mawhonic, before snuffing out more pilots during the second lap. After several more close calls, Sebulba and Skywalker eventually raced into the third lap neck and neck. The Dug nearly dispatched Skywalker near the end of the lap, but the Human regained his ground. The two continued the battle for first place until Sebulba crashed into the desert sands after his cockpit got tangled with Skywalker's engines. The wreck paved the way to victory lane for Skywalker, which earned the boy his freedom from slavery. Sebulba survived his wreck and continued to race into the Clone Wars."@en . "Sebulba"@nl . . . . . . . "Sebulba"@hu . . . "Sebulba"@es . . . . "\u0421\u0435\u0431\u0443\u043B\u044C\u0431\u0430"@fr . "Sebulba"@hu . . "Sebulba"@nl . . "40.0"^^ . "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"@en . . . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@nl . "Sebulba"@da . . . . . . . . "UK: Planet Top Trumps"@en . . "Sebulba"@nl . . "In Star Wars Episode I: Racer, he can be unlocked after beating the final \"story\" race, the Boonta Eve Classic. His podracer has very good statistics when you unlock it, and has very good potential to be one of your best racers. His podracer can actually use a built in flamethrower, that will attack and damage when given the chance."@en . "Original Design"@en . . . "siehe links"@de . "Sebulba"@nl . . "2"^^ . . . "\u30BB\u30D6\u30EB\u30D0"@it . "Masculin"@fr . "Sebulba nacque su Malastare, nell'Orlo Mediano, dove venne subito reso schiavo da una delle tante bande di malviventi che infestavano il pianeta. Crescendo dimostr\u00F2, oltre al carattere arrogante, tipico dei Dug, una innata abilit\u00E0 nel pilotare gli Sgusci; cos\u00EC si iscrisse subito a una gara locale, che vinse facilmente. Con i soldi del premio pag\u00F2 la sua libert\u00E0 e continu\u00F2 la sua carriera di pilota potenziando il suo Sguscio in modo illegale, con trappole ovunque. Nelle gare Sebulba eliminava brutalmente i suoi rivali, speronandoli o sabotando i loro veicoli prima delle competizioni. In breve tempo divent\u00F2 famoso e ricco per le sue vittorie. L'unico pilota che riusc\u00EC a tenergli testa fu il piccolo Anakin Skywalker che, durante la gara del Boonta Eve Classic, svoltasi su Tatooine, riusc\u00EC a evitare i suoi trucchi, tagliando il traguardo per primo. Sebulba intanto perse il controllo dello Sguscio, facendo esplodere i reattori e rimanendo fermo sulla pista. Dopo quest'incidente continu\u00F2 ugualmente a gareggiare nelle corse di PodRacers ma sfortunatamente perse la vita in una gara, schiantandosi. La sua carriera viene ripresa dal figlio che continuer\u00E0 a gareggiare al suo posto."@it .