. . . . . "Established:"@en . "Sol"@en . . . "United States of America"@en . . . . . . . "Cornwall"@en . "Cornwall is a village located on the east coast of Asian Island in the state of Clymene. The settlement was founded in 1918 by Cornish and English immigrants from the United Kingdom. Overtime the settlement has stayed small but played a role in being a docking, fishing, and seaside town. While assimilating into the English language and Lovian culture, since most spoke Cornish in the beginning, the town still has strong cultural roots to British culture."@en . "County"@en . . "Cornwall es una ciudad ubicada en Inglaterra, en Europa."@es . . . . "Cornwall is a large country in the extreme south western corner England it is one of the 4 Celtic areas of the UK and as such many people there want it to have a similar status to the of constituent countries of the UK. Cornwall is a located on a peninsular so it has 296 miles of coastline it is also slightly warmer than most of the rest of the UK and as such is a very popular tourist destination, however it is one of the poorest areas of the UK."@en . "Inglaterra, Europa"@es . . "."@en . . . . . . . . "Cornwall was a county of England, and historically part of Damnonium. (TV: The Stones of Blood) Circa 16000 BC, a Tregannon survey team consisting of Sancreda and Scryfan landed at Cornwall. (AUDIO: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor) Around 2000 BC, Cessair of Diplos arrived at Boscombe Moor using a segment of the Key to Time in the disguised form of the Great Seal of Diplos. She pretended to be a Celtic goddess, and was accompanied by Ogri. (TV: The Stones of Blood) The First Doctor, Ben and Polly visited Cornwall in the 17th century. (TV: The Smugglers) In the 20th century, the Fourth Doctor and Romana I arrived at Boscombe Moor, searching for one of the disguised segments of the Key to Time, and eventually found it in the possession of Cessair of Diplos. (TV: The Stones of Blood) An archaeological dig at Lanyon Moor in Cornwall was investigated by the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. (AUDIO: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor) Whilst travelling alone and still in the apparent possession of his memories, the Eighth Doctor stopped off in a Cornish village. (PROSE: Rip Tide) During the War in the Medusa Cascade, Alan and Maria Jackson were in Cornwall. (TV: The Stolen Earth) When asked about her holiday experiences, Donna Noble listed Cornwall among the locations which she had visited. (COMIC: The Widow's Curse) In 2017, the Eighth Doctor visted Stegmoor and dealt with the surivor of a crashed Voord spaceship. (AUDIO: Beachhead)"@en . "There is currently a large-scale military conflict happening between Cornwall and England. A Cornishman found an old document somewhere that said the Cornish and the English were once two separate species and so now the whole of Cornwall wants its own little democratic people's republic. The English are used to the Welsh and the Scottish saying the same so at first they didn't really give a shit, but since discovering that Cornwall was home to 99% of MPs' uninhabited-for-50-weeks-of-the-year second homes they couldn't let their collection of Napoleonic-era porcelain figurines fall into the wrong hands. Both the English and the Cornish enjoy burning each other's flags, but because the Cornish flag is so much cooler it is burnt slightly less. Johnny Depp even uses it on his boat when he's dicking around the Bahamas, because it's kind of piratey. The Cornish say Cornwall is a nation, but we all know that it's just a pissy-ass little county, because that's what the maps say, and maps never lie. Also, a county is what it will always be, because nothing in the history of the world has ever changed, ever. The Cornish are one of the most oppressed people on the planet. In fact there were recently protests in China and Iran against the treatment of the Cornish by the British government. Anyone caught speaking the Cornish language is sent to \"re-education\" camps set up by the BBC and the British government routinely sends bus-loads of English pensioners to settle in Cornwall, making the Cornish a minority on their own bit of granite. Anyone born in Cornwall has a little English flag branded onto their backside at birth, just so they know who's boss. There is a Cornish terrorist movement created to fight the English oppressor, but this is actually just one man in Bodmin who still lives with his mum, who thinks watching Al Jazeera on his Freeview makes him a terrorist."@en . "Cornwall is a city of about 45,000 people in eastern Ontario, Canada. It is located on the St. Lawrence River just west of the Ontario - Quebec border. Although it is well within the area of the Ottawa District Hockey Association it has sometimes entered teams in the Ontario Hockey Association and in leagues under the Quebec Amateur Hockey Association. That is partially because it is on the main railroad line between Montreal and Toronto which made travel westward and eastward easier than travel to Ottawa."@en . . "Cornwallgreen.gif"@en . "Welsh"@en . "Cornwall is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Feudal Monarchy."@en . . . . "Cornwall is a large country in the extreme south western corner England it is one of the 4 Celtic areas of the UK and as such many people there want it to have a similar status to the of constituent countries of the UK. Cornwall is a located on a peninsular so it has 296 miles of coastline it is also slightly warmer than most of the rest of the UK and as such is a very popular tourist destination, however it is one of the poorest areas of the UK."@en . "Cornwall is a south-west county of the United Kingdom. It has been mentioned numerous times in Emmerdale. \n* Michael Feldmann and Rachel Hughes went to Cornwall in 1991. \n* Max King's girlfriend Amy Carter left the village to visit her parents in 2005. \n* Dawn Woods took herself and son TJ on a break in Cornwall in 2006. \n* Jai and Megan Sharma went on a mini-break in early 2015. \n* Marlon Dingle takes wife Laurel on holiday to Cornwall in 2015."@en . . "*Harry Potter\n*Griphook\n*Hermione Granger\n*Garrick Ollivander\n*Ronald Weasley\n*Luna Lovegood\n*Dean Thomas"@en . . . "Spawn; Real World"@en . . . "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"@en . "New Corny, New Cornwall"@en . "Cornwall is a county in England. Lisa supported Cornish independence from the United Kingdom."@en . . "Die Sonne scheint vom hellblauen Himmel. Ein angenehmer, k\u00FChler Wind weht durch das hohe Gras, \u00FCber die tiefgr\u00FCnen H\u00FCgel. Man h\u00F6rt Schafe m\u00E4hen, Kuhglocken bimmeln, M\u00F6wen schreien. Am Horizont glitzert das Meer. Auf dem tiefgr\u00FCnen Gras wachsen knallrote und leuchtend blaue Blumen, die sich sanft im Wind wiegen. Sie s\u00E4umen einen Trampelpfad durch die Wiesen, zur imposanten Steilk\u00FCste. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Der Regen verwischt alle Spuren. Ein Sturm zieht auf. Anderer Cornwallteil:"@de . . "\"The Simpsons' Christmas Message\""@en . "Kingdom of England"@en . . . . . "Earth"@en . . "Cornwall, officially the Republic of Cornwall (Esperanto: Respubliko Kornvalo; Cornish: Repoblek Kernewek), is a member state of the European Federation. Its capital is Aberplymm."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Cornwall es una ciudad ubicada en Inglaterra, en Europa."@es . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "* Mason Sterling"@en . . "Cornwall"@de . . . . "1830.0"^^ . . "English, Cornish"@en . . "The county of Cornwall is bordered by Devon to the North East, And coastline to the North, North west, west, and the South. Cornwall is the only county with only one bordering county."@en . . . . "Malcolm Fade"@es . . "Cornwall is the largest city in Nabonidus. Cornwall is seen to many as being the leading city in economics, technology, politics, culture and military. It is also the second most mercantile city, only to be preceded by Kerkopoes."@en . . . . . . . "*Bill Weasley\n*Fleur Delacour\n*Victoire Weasley \n*Dominique Weasley \n*Louis Weasley \n*Potter family"@en . "Familia Blackthorn"@es . "Cornwall"@en . . "English"@en . "2"^^ . . . . "The flag of Cornwall is a black background with a white cross."@en . . . . . "Western"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . "Cornwall is a county in England. Lisa supported Cornish independence from the United Kingdom."@en . . "Cornwall is a county on the far south west of England; its capital is Exeter. Cornwall shares county borders with Somerset and Wiltshire. On the 28th of Feburary of 1459, the eve of March, the counties of Cornwall, Summerset, and Wiltshire merged together to form Devon. The Cornish towns of Barnstaple and Dartmouth were chosen to be part of Devon, while the other four were abandoned -- their people scattered throughout Devon. The sacrifice was not in vain, Lady Treena (the Last Countess of Cornwall) lead the effort and worked with other leaders from the three counties to provide a citizen-made County that WE had chosen. The people of Cornwall hope to someday return and reclaim their land."@en . . . "St Austell (China Clay Community) Shortlisted location for an Eco town (as of November 2008)."@en . . . . . "Annabel Blackthorn"@es . . . . . "Count"@en . . . . . "Southwestern England"@en . . . "Cornwall is a county on the far south west of England; its capital is Exeter. Cornwall shares county borders with Somerset and Wiltshire. On the 28th of Feburary of 1459, the eve of March, the counties of Cornwall, Summerset, and Wiltshire merged together to form Devon. The people of Cornwall hope to someday return and reclaim their land."@en . "Die Sonne scheint vom hellblauen Himmel. Ein angenehmer, k\u00FChler Wind weht durch das hohe Gras, \u00FCber die tiefgr\u00FCnen H\u00FCgel. Man h\u00F6rt Schafe m\u00E4hen, Kuhglocken bimmeln, M\u00F6wen schreien. Am Horizont glitzert das Meer. Auf dem tiefgr\u00FCnen Gras wachsen knallrote und leuchtend blaue Blumen, die sich sanft im Wind wiegen. Sie s\u00E4umen einen Trampelpfad durch die Wiesen, zur imposanten Steilk\u00FCste. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kalt und grau h\u00E4ngt die Wolkendecke \u00FCber dem Landstrich. Der eiskalte Wind peitscht die Wellen gegen die schroffen Felsw\u00E4nde, an denen nicht einmal Algen Halt finden. Regen prasselt unaufh\u00F6rlich auf die Weidefl\u00E4chen und schwemmt Gras und Tiere fort. B\u00E4che treten \u00FCber ihre Ufer, Wege werden Fl\u00FCsse. Die gewaltigen Fluten zerren alles mit sich, was in ihrem Weg steht. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Das lagunenblaue Wasser gibt leuchtende Str\u00E4nde frei, deren Sand so fein und weich ist, wie man es sich nur tr\u00E4umen kann. Zu erreichen sind diese durch gr\u00FCne Wiesen und T\u00E4ler, die entlang wundersch\u00F6ner, klarer B\u00E4che, die sich in endlosen Wasserf\u00E4llen ihren Weg durch die Felsen bahnen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selbst die dicksten Mauern k\u00F6nnen den Fluten kaum standhalten, nur gut konstruierte D\u00E4cher werden nicht vom Wind verweht. Jegliche Leitungen werden abgeschnitten, die Bewohner des kleinen Dorfes, das sich in den Schatten der alten Kirche duckt, k\u00F6nnen die H\u00E4user nicht verlassen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Das Wasser ist angenehm k\u00FChl, doch durch die stete Sonneneinstrahlung wird es nie zu kalt. Man kann leicht die Zeit vergessen, wenn man die Perfektion bewundert. Das Meer hat \u00FCber die Jahrtausende H\u00F6hlen in den Fels gerieben. Grazi\u00F6se Gesteinsformationen machen einen Rundgang durch die Tunnel zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In solchen Zeiten ist das Essen knapp, heizen ist unm\u00F6glich. In dicke Decken eingeh\u00FCllt warten sie auf das Ende des Unwetters, hoffen, nicht zu erfrieren. Ungl\u00FCckliche Urlauber harren der Zeit mit ungeeigneter Kleidung und ohne Vorr\u00E4te aus. Doch dann f\u00FChle ich mich am wohlsten, denn wer soll in einer solchen Nacht die Schreie h\u00F6ren, die Polizei verst\u00E4ndigen? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Sonne geht in einem Feuerwerk unter, bestrahlt die Wolkendecke in bunten Farben, erleuchtet das Meer. Eine kalte B\u00F6e f\u00E4hrt durch die Idylle und wischt den Schleier aus Farben beiseite. Der Regen verwischt alle Spuren. Ein Sturm zieht auf. Anderer Cornwallteil:"@de . . . . . . "Cornwall is a south-west county of the United Kingdom. It has been mentioned numerous times in Emmerdale. \n* Michael Feldmann and Rachel Hughes went to Cornwall in 1991. \n* Max King's girlfriend Amy Carter left the village to visit her parents in 2005. \n* Dawn Woods took herself and son TJ on a break in Cornwall in 2006. \n* Jai and Megan Sharma went on a mini-break in early 2015. \n* Marlon Dingle takes wife Laurel on holiday to Cornwall in 2015."@en . "Canterbury"@en . . "Cornwall was a county of England, and historically part of Damnonium. (TV: The Stones of Blood) Circa 16000 BC, a Tregannon survey team consisting of Sancreda and Scryfan landed at Cornwall. (AUDIO: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor) Around 2000 BC, Cessair of Diplos arrived at Boscombe Moor using a segment of the Key to Time in the disguised form of the Great Seal of Diplos. She pretended to be a Celtic goddess, and was accompanied by Ogri. (TV: The Stones of Blood) The First Doctor, Ben and Polly visited Cornwall in the 17th century. (TV: The Smugglers)"@en . "April 1454"@en . . . "Cornwall is the largest city in Nabonidus. Cornwall is seen to many as being the leading city in economics, technology, politics, culture and military. It is also the second most mercantile city, only to be preceded by Kerkopoes."@en . "Europe"@en . . . . "Connecticut"@en . "CRN"@en . . . . . "Cornwall is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Feudal Monarchy."@en . . "Cornwall, officially the Republic of Cornwall (Esperanto: Respubliko Kornvalo; Cornish: Repoblek Kernewek), is a member state of the European Federation. Its capital is Aberplymm."@en . . . . . . . "The flag of Cornwall is a black background with a white cross."@en . . . . "Cornwall, the land of the Cornish Welsh. often appears in Arthurian tales. In Britain, in the 5th/6th century, the south-west of Britain, including modern Cornwall, Devon, and at least part of Somerset, was known as Dumnonia. But during that period it begin to be ruled by a family, orginally from modern Wales, known as the Corneu. To futher confuse matters, there was also a Dumnonia and a Cornoaille in Little Britain. One cannot always be sure what place a particular author means, or if the author is simply, rather randomly, using a British name that the author has encountered in other tales with no concern about where such a place might really be. The most common character associated with Cornwall is King Mark."@en . "St Austell (China Clay Community) Shortlisted location for an Eco town (as of November 2008)."@en . "Cornwall, the land of the Cornish Welsh. often appears in Arthurian tales. In Britain, in the 5th/6th century, the south-west of Britain, including modern Cornwall, Devon, and at least part of Somerset, was known as Dumnonia. But during that period it begin to be ruled by a family, orginally from modern Wales, known as the Corneu. The most common character associated with Cornwall is King Mark."@en . . . "Cornwall"@en . . "Milky Way"@en . . . "Catholic"@en . . . "916"^^ . "Cornwall is a village located on the east coast of Asian Island in the state of Clymene. The settlement was founded in 1918 by Cornish and English immigrants from the United Kingdom. Overtime the settlement has stayed small but played a role in being a docking, fishing, and seaside town. While assimilating into the English language and Lovian culture, since most spoke Cornish in the beginning, the town still has strong cultural roots to British culture."@en . . . . . . . "Cornwall is a city of about 45,000 people in eastern Ontario, Canada. It is located on the St. Lawrence River just west of the Ontario - Quebec border. Although it is well within the area of the Ottawa District Hockey Association it has sometimes entered teams in the Ontario Hockey Association and in leagues under the Quebec Amateur Hockey Association. That is partially because it is on the main railroad line between Montreal and Toronto which made travel westward and eastward easier than travel to Ottawa."@en . . . "Cornwall.gif"@en . "."@en . "Cornwall is a county of England, located at the tip of the island's southwestern peninsula. Its only land border is with the county of Devon to the east. The Cornish people are considered to be Celtic and culturally, historically, and linguistically distinct from the English, in spite of political affiliation. The village of Tinworth is located in Cornwall, near the coast, and Shell Cottage, the home of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, is situated on the village's outskirts. Thus, Cornwall has both Muggle and magical populations. Pixies are known to live in Cornwall, and in the 17th century they famously abducted a witch, Dymphna Furmage, while she was holidaying there. Dobby was buried by Harry Potter in this village. The village of Godric's Hollow is another possible location in Cornwall."@en . . . . "Cornwall"@en . "Cornwall.jpg"@es . . "The county of Cornwall is bordered by Devon to the North East, And coastline to the North, North west, west, and the South. Cornwall is the only county with only one bordering county."@en . "Cornwall is a county of England, located at the tip of the island's southwestern peninsula. Its only land border is with the county of Devon to the east. The Cornish people are considered to be Celtic and culturally, historically, and linguistically distinct from the English, in spite of political affiliation."@en . . . "Cornwall"@es . . . "Cornwall"@es . . . "Cornwall"@en . . . "Village"@en . . "There is currently a large-scale military conflict happening between Cornwall and England. A Cornishman found an old document somewhere that said the Cornish and the English were once two separate species and so now the whole of Cornwall wants its own little democratic people's republic. The English are used to the Welsh and the Scottish saying the same so at first they didn't really give a shit, but since discovering that Cornwall was home to 99% of MPs' uninhabited-for-50-weeks-of-the-year second homes they couldn't let their collection of Napoleonic-era porcelain figurines fall into the wrong hands. Both the English and the Cornish enjoy burning each other's flags, but because the Cornish flag is so much cooler it is burnt slightly less. Johnny Depp even uses it on his boat when he's di"@en . . . .