"Sakaki (\u54B2\u8F1D Sakaki) portrayed Count Inukai, the human form of the Prawn Fangire, in episodes 7 and 8 of Kamen Rider Kiva."@en . "Sakaki"@es . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . . . "Sakaki"@en . . "Female"@en . "Sakaki(Tooru Uike) - Edge Punisher: es el lider de la segunda division de Moon Tree, Sakaki es famoso en todo The World y que comunmente se lo reconoce mas que a su guildmaster. Al parecer es parte de una siniestra conspiracion y debido a esto la tension entre Sakaki y Zelkova a aumentado mucho. \u00C9l trata de crear un mundo ideal dominando las mentes de las personas usando las 8 Phases de Morggana(los 8 usuarios Epithap) y la Internet. Sakaki es un modelo a seguir para Atoli solo que ella desconoce el verdadero plan de Sakaki. \u00C9l obtiene misteriosamente el control sobre AIDA. En:Sakaki Sakaki usa a Atoli haciendole creer que la necesita pero no es asi,Atoli puede sentir las \"Vibraciones de Aida\" o el sonida q produce el Aida,Sakaki se aprobecha de la virtud de Atoli para llevar acabo su plan"@es . "Old Man Sakaki is a character in the On the Way to a Smile novella \"Case of Barret\". According to Barret Wallace, Sakaki designed several prosthetic arms for Barret after the destruction of Corel, including a hammer-arm, shovel-arm, and hook-arm, but these failed to satisfy him. Sakaki eventually gave Barret an adapter that could attach multiple prosthetics \u2014 or weapons \u2014 and told Barret that he was consumed with thoughts of revenge against Shinra, and so no attachment Sakaki could devise would please him."@en . . . "Sakaki was a flowering evergreen tree, which was considered sacred by Rokugani. It was used as gift between bethroded in their wedding, simbolyzing eternal love. Shortly after the wedding the couple went inside the familiar shrine to burn seven twigs of sakaki in worship of the Seven Fortunes. A sakaki branch was also offered in the funerals, to appease the judgement of Emma-O."@en . "Sakaki (G.U.)|The World R:2"@en . . . "Sakaki"@en . . "Masculno"@es . . "Katsuyuki Konishi \nJunko Minagawa"@es . "Black"@en . . . . ".Hack//GU: Rebirth"@es . . . "10"^^ . . . . "Sakaki was a flowering evergreen tree, which was considered sacred by Rokugani. It was used as gift between bethroded in their wedding, simbolyzing eternal love. Shortly after the wedding the couple went inside the familiar shrine to burn seven twigs of sakaki in worship of the Seven Fortunes. A sakaki branch was also offered in the funerals, to appease the judgement of Emma-O."@en . "Sakaki in a color insert from Azumanga Daioh."@en . . "Sakaki(Tooru Uike) - Edge Punisher: es el lider de la segunda division de Moon Tree, Sakaki es famoso en todo The World y que comunmente se lo reconoce mas que a su guildmaster. Al parecer es parte de una siniestra conspiracion y debido a esto la tension entre Sakaki y Zelkova a aumentado mucho. \u00C9l trata de crear un mundo ideal dominando las mentes de las personas usando las 8 Phases de Morggana(los 8 usuarios Epithap) y la Internet. Sakaki es un modelo a seguir para Atoli solo que ella desconoce el verdadero plan de Sakaki. \u00C9l obtiene misteriosamente el control sobre AIDA. En:Sakaki Sakaki usa a Atoli haciendole creer que la necesita pero no es asi,Atoli puede sentir las \"Vibraciones de Aida\" o el sonida q produce el Aida,Sakaki se aprobecha de la virtud de Atoli para llevar acabo su plan.... Sakaki ya teniendo el poder del Aida en sus manos desarrola su plan sacando a Yata \"Administrador de G.U\" y haci hacer su plan se ejersa mas facilmente, ya sacado a yata Sakaki le hace algo a Atoli ( le saca su memoria en forma de espiritu)y asi para el poder derrotar a a unos de sus enemigos Haseo y haci para q no intervenga en su plan.... Categor\u00EDa:GU Games Characters Categor\u00EDa:Personajes .hack//G.U."@es . . . . . "Wickydoo"@en . "Azumanga Daioh"@en . "Sakaki (\u698A Sakaki), full name unknown, is a character from Azumanga Daioh."@en . . . "Artwork from Azumanga Daioh"@en . "Sakaki (\u54B2\u8F1D Sakaki) portrayed Count Inukai, the human form of the Prawn Fangire, in episodes 7 and 8 of Kamen Rider Kiva."@en . "Sakaki"@en . "Old Man Sakaki is a character in the On the Way to a Smile novella \"Case of Barret\". According to Barret Wallace, Sakaki designed several prosthetic arms for Barret after the destruction of Corel, including a hammer-arm, shovel-arm, and hook-arm, but these failed to satisfy him. Sakaki eventually gave Barret an adapter that could attach multiple prosthetics \u2014 or weapons \u2014 and told Barret that he was consumed with thoughts of revenge against Shinra, and so no attachment Sakaki could devise would please him. Years later, Barret returned to Sakaki and requested a prosthetic hand so he could live a normal life. Sakaki tells Barret it will take a week, and has him work helping his nephew in the meantime. When Barret returns, Sakaki presents him with a wooden prosthetic, but Barret tells him he still has fighting to do. Sakaki then reveals a steel hand for Barret, which he designed for him years ago, which Barret takes."@en . . . "\u698A"@en . . . "Moon Tree"@es . "Crispin Freeman \nMary Elizabeth McGwynn"@es . "Black"@en . "Sakaki (G.U.)|The World R:2"@en . . "Sakaki (\u698A Sakaki), full name unknown, is a character from Azumanga Daioh."@en . . . "Toru Uike"@es . . . . . "Sakaki"@es . . . . . "Edge Punisher"@es . . . . .