"The friendship with Heather Merrill and Prince Richard III began in Power Rangers Dino Charge. Their interaction began as a conflict when Richard insulted Heather from not dressing girly and she called him a Stuck-up Royal Jerk. However after she helped Luka save the Prince, he and Heather became friends. They would later began a relationship in Power Rangers Super Dino Charge. In The Hybrid Girls, the two split up."@en . . . . . . "The friendship with Heather Merrill and Prince Richard III began in Power Rangers Dino Charge. Their interaction began as a conflict when Richard insulted Heather from not dressing girly and she called him a Stuck-up Royal Jerk. However after she helped Luka save the Prince, he and Heather became friends. They would later began a relationship in Power Rangers Super Dino Charge. In The Hybrid Girls, the two split up."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Heather-Richard Relationship"@en .