"Belgian Crimes: Collaboration"@en . . "Location: Vichy France Crime: Collaboration Weapon used: Luger P08 Service Pistol Good news! The Belgina had just received a telegram from his Uncle 'Pip', telling him he'd just sealed a particularly good business deal with the Germans. It was signed 'Come to Vichy' and on official notepaper. The Belgina thought he had better obey."@en . "Location: Vichy France Crime: Collaboration Weapon used: Luger P08 Service Pistol Good news! The Belgina had just received a telegram from his Uncle 'Pip', telling him he'd just sealed a particularly good business deal with the Germans. It was signed 'Come to Vichy' and on official notepaper. The Belgina thought he had better obey. Pip had traded his public respect for a position of power, albeit a shameful one, and the Belgian was hard at the thought of the evil he could wreak. Desperate to receive an appointment in the colonial service, The Belgian began putting rumours about that he knew all about Djibouti and was quite the hot stuff vis-a-vis Syria. Sadly, no such patronage was granted to him. At this point, disillusioned, desperate, dilapidated and partially deranged, he elected to serve a new master. Speaking in the guttural tones he reserves only for arguing with himself he locked himself in a Citroen and started plotting. To the outside world he was all: \u201CTravaile, famile, patrie\u201D, but his inner dialogue went a bit like this: \u201Cthe past was democracy, now it is fascism, but the future is Stalinism\u201D. He desperately sent a flurry of telegrams to the Soviet Union, begging to be allowed, in exchange for a small stipend, to become a spy on their behalf. The telegrams did not get out of what he believed was the post office in which he dictated them. In fact he was telling his betrayals to a sentry positioned outside the beautiful Hall de Source in Vichy's Parc de Source. No-one is quite sure how many levels of treachery he was working to here. Certainly, he remains the only man to have been arrested for selling out the sell outs to the commies. Incidentally, his favourite Mayor of Vichy is: Pierre Coulon, Industrialist (August 1950 to August 1967)."@en .