. "Sawyer tries to persuade Jack to stop."@en . "James Ford, mais conhecido como Sawyer e pela Iniciativa DHARMA como Jim LaFleur foi um dos sobreviventes da se\u00E7\u00E3o intermedi\u00E1ria do voo 815 em 2004. Seu sotaque rural, ego\u00EDsmo, machismo e o uso frequente de apelidos maldosos contrariam o lado sofisticado e gentil de sua personalidade como um \u00E1vido leitor e um amante dedicado que se tornaram mais aparentes conforme ele passou mais tempo na Ilha. A inf\u00E2ncia de Sawyer foi arruinada quando seu pai matou a m\u00E3e do jovem James e depois se suicidou, uma trag\u00E9dia que o menino imputou ao golpista que seduziu e enganou sua m\u00E3e. James assumiu o nome deste golpista e passou a fazer o mesmo que ele. Como Sawyer, ele conheceu e teve uma filha com Cassidy. Na Ilha, James tentou se manter alheio ao grupo, mas logo entrou para o Time A, j\u00E1 que passou a recolher tudo que lhe fosse necess\u00E1rio - e logo, estes itens se tornaram necess\u00E1rios para os demais. Por causa de seu ego\u00EDsmo, Sawyer se tornou o mais odiado entre os sobreviventes, conseguindo, apenas, se aproximar de Kate. Entre todos, James formou uma rivalidade com Jack e Sayid, que se resolveu ao longo do tempo que passaram na Ilha. Sawyer, saiu da Ilha, junto de Jin, Michael e Walt, na jangada, para buscar o resgate, mas eles foram interceptados pelos Outros e acabaram voltando para a Ilha e encontrando os sobreviventes da cauda do avi\u00E3o. Dias depois, ele realizou um golpe e tomou posse de todas as armas. Por\u00E9m, ele logo foi capturado pelos Outros, depois da trai\u00E7\u00E3o de Michael. Logo, ele e Kate fugiram da Ilha da Hidra. Locke lhe pediu que matasse um homem, Anthony Cooper, que se revelou, sendo o verdadeiro \"Sawyer\", que tinha aplicado o golpe nos pais de James. James matou Cooper e seguiu com Locke, depois que Jack ligou para o Cargueiro de Naomi, acreditando que a tripula\u00E7\u00E3o estava vindo para mat\u00E1-los, abrigando-se na Vila. Depois de batalharem com os tripulantes, James voltou para o grupo de Jack, a tempo de embarcar no helic\u00F3ptero que levou os 6 da Oceanic para fora da Ilha. Por\u00E9m, o helic\u00F3ptero n\u00E3o aguentava o peso e James pediu para Kate cuidar de sua filha, beijando-a em seguida e terminando o relacionamento dos dois, quando ele pula do helic\u00F3ptero e volta para a Ilha. Ben moveu a Ilha, fazendo que os remanescentes come\u00E7assem a \"pular\" atrav\u00E9s do tempo. James liderou Juliet, Miles, Daniel, Charlotte, Locke e Jin, para que Locke movesse a Ilha novamente e parassem os \"pulos\". O grupo parou de pular, e ficou preso em 1974 durante os tempos da Iniciativa DHARMA. Eles se infiltraram e viveram durante tr\u00EAs anos, como membros da DHARMA. Ele se envolveu muito com Juliet, e se tornou o chefe de seguran\u00E7a da DHARMA, at\u00E9 que em 1977, Jack, Kate e Hurley voltaram para a Ilha. Daniel criou um plano, para mudar o passado e impedir que o voo 815 ca\u00EDsse, detonando O Cisne com uma bomba de hidrog\u00EAnio. Juliet detonou a \"Jughead\". O grupo apenas voltou para o presente e Juliet morreu como resultado da explos\u00E3o. James abandonou os amigos e se refugiou na Vila, onde foi recrutado pelo Homem de Preto. Nos dias seguintes, James descobriu que ele e mais alguns, s\u00E3o Candidatos, a substituir Jacob - j\u00E1 morto -, como guardi\u00E3o da Ilha e impedir o Homem de Preto de sair da l\u00E1. Seguindo O Homem de Preto a todo tempo, James o traiu, quando este tentava sair da Ilha. O Homem de Preto ent\u00E3o, colocou uma bomba na bolsa de Jack, quando o grupo o traiu novamente e entraram sem ele no submarino roubado de Charles Widmore. James tentou desarmar a bomba, por\u00E9m, ele apenas a ativou, matando Jin, Sun e Sayid. Quando Jack assumiu o posto de protetor da Ilha, James o seguiu para matar O Homem de Preto e ajudou Jack. Quando a Ilha come\u00E7a a fundar, James, Kate, Claire, Miles, Richard e Frank conseguiram embarcar no avi\u00E3o da Ajira e sair da Ilha de uma vez por todas."@pt . . "Sawyer \"recons\" Ajira Flight 316."@en . . . . "1.0"^^ . "align:right\" | bekijken \u2022 wijzigen |} |- !style=\"font-size:11px; text-align: center; background-color:#eeeeee; font-weight:lighter\"| Ana-Luc\u00EDa \u2022 Boone \u2022 Charlie \u2022 Claire \u2022 Desmond \u2022 Eko \u2022 Hurley \u2022 Jack \u2022 Jin Kate \u2022 Libby \u2022 Locke \u2022 Michael \u2022 Sawyer \u2022 Sayid \u2022 Shannon \u2022 Sun \u2022 Walt \u2022 Ben \u2022 Daniel \u2022 Miles \u2022 Charlotte |- |}"@nl . . . "LaFleur meets up with his fellow castaways after three years."@en . . . "Sawyer in prison"@en . . "Jim LaFleur"@it . "1968"^^ . . "\"Confidence Man\""@en . "James prepares to exit the plane as Flight 815 lands safely."@en . "Sawyer hides behind the DHARMA van before engaging the Others."@en . . . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@it . . "normal_recon710.jpg"@en . "Radzinsky beats up Jim, demanding to know where Kate is."@en . . "James Ford"@nl . . "Cassidy Phillips - Ex-Partner"@en . "Confidence Man"@en . "True"@en . "1.0"^^ . "James Ford, mais conhecido como Sawyer e pela Iniciativa DHARMA como Jim LaFleur foi um dos sobreviventes da se\u00E7\u00E3o intermedi\u00E1ria do voo 815 em 2004. Seu sotaque rural, ego\u00EDsmo, machismo e o uso frequente de apelidos maldosos contrariam o lado sofisticado e gentil de sua personalidade como um \u00E1vido leitor e um amante dedicado que se tornaram mais aparentes conforme ele passou mais tempo na Ilha."@pt . "onbekend"@nl . "Knoxville, Tennessee, Verenigde Staten"@nl . "Doug - Uncle"@en . "Sawyer and Kate succumb to their feelings during captivity."@en . . "Normal LOST Y4 076 014.JPG"@en . "Doug - Zio"@it . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@pt . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@en . "Saywer kissed Kate passionately goodbye."@en . . . "Sawyer escapes the Temple."@en . "Sawyer holding the DHARMA beer with Jin"@en . "LoveAfterLove.jpg"@en . . "Clementine Phillips - Daughter"@en . . "Sawyer"@it . . "\"LaFleur\""@en . "Hurley vs Sawyer."@en . "Vivo"@pt . . "...trovare e uccidere Sawyer"@it . . "Doug - Tio"@pt . . . . "Sawyer was born on 18 February 1968; he was initially portrayed as a conniving, sarcastic handsome flirt who keeps stashes of washed-ashore items. His flashbacks typically depict a more sensitive side to him, juxtaposed against acts of betrayal and theft. He has a romantic interest in Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly), and the two fall in love over the series. Their relationship is particularly prominent in the beginning of the third season. In the fourth season he develops a more heroic side, becoming protective of Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin) and sacrificing his chance to escape so his friends can in the season finale. In the fifth season, Sawyer quickly acclimates to his new role as group leader as they are sent back through time, and after being without Kate for three years, falls i"@en . "...espulso dopo il suo arresto a Sydney"@it . . . . "Sawyer finds Juliet."@en . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@nl . "Sawyer in his Hydra cage"@en . . . . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@en . . "1967"^^ . . "39"^^ . "Josh Holloway as James \"Sawyer\""@en . . "Sawyer shouts to Locke, who descends down the Orchid when a time flash occurs."@en . "\"The End\""@en . . "Warren Ford - Father"@en . . "usando o avi\u00E3o da Ajira"@pt . . "Portrayed by Josh Holloway, Gordon Hardie and Keegan Boos"@en . "C-users-jeremy-videos-capture-snapshot-5x17-png-5x17 00122.jpg"@en . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@it . "Mary Ford - Madre"@it . . "\"Recon\""@en . "Sawyer gives Cooper the letter he kept with him most of his life."@en . . . . "Juliet Burke - Namorada"@pt . "Sawyer attempts to shoot Jones with Locke's rifle."@en . "Uitgezet na arrestatie in Sydney"@nl . "James Ford"@it . "sawy-beach.jpg"@en . "align:right\" | bekijken \u2022 wijzigen |} |- !style=\"font-size:11px; text-align: center; background-color:#eeeeee; font-weight:lighter\"| Ana-Luc\u00EDa \u2022 Boone \u2022 Charlie \u2022 Claire \u2022 Desmond \u2022 Eko \u2022 Hurley \u2022 Jack \u2022 Jin Kate \u2022 Libby \u2022 Locke \u2022 Michael \u2022 Sawyer \u2022 Sayid \u2022 Shannon \u2022 Sun \u2022 Walt \u2022 Ben \u2022 Daniel \u2022 Miles \u2022 Charlotte |- |}"@nl . . . . "Jim votes for murdering Sayid."@en . "200"^^ . "Clementine Phillips - Figlia"@it . . . . . "Josh Holloway"@pt . . "Sawyer removes the bag over Amy's head."@en . "Chefe da Seguran\u00E7a, Iniciativa DHARMA"@pt . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@da . . "Father - Mr. Ford"@en . "James remembers Juliet."@en . "\"The End\""@en . . "left"@en . . "Truffatore"@it . "Josh Holloway"@it . . "Character appearances#James FordS6"@en . . "Nav-Sawyer"@en . . "\"There's a new sheriff in town boys. Best y'all get used to it.\""@en . . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni James Ford, meglio conosciuto con il nome di Sawyer, e conosciuto nel Progetto DHARMA come Jim LaFleur, \u00E8 uno dei sopravvissuti della sezione del Volo Oceanic 815. Il suo rurale accento del Sud, il suo egoismo, il suo machismo, e l'uso di soprannomi nascondono il suo lato tenero e sofisticato e quello di avido lettore e di amante premuroso; pregi che sono saltati fuori durante la permanenza sull'Isola."@it . "Guilherme Briggs"@pt . "TheLastRecruit-3.jpg"@en . "Sawyer talk about Kate."@en . . "#AFD7EF"@en . . "Oceanic"@pt . "Ben and Sawyer."@en . . . . . "Clementine Phillips - Filha"@pt . . "Gordon Hardie"@en . . "James Ford, better known by the alias Sawyer, and known to the DHARMA Initiative as Jim LaFleur, is one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. His rural Southern accent, selfishness, machismo, and folksy use of oft-abrasive nicknames belied his sophisticated and tender sides as an avid reader and a caring lover\u2014elements of his personality that started to become more apparent as he spent more time on the Island. On the Island, Sawyer used his skills as a confidence man to accomplish various ends. He hoarded material possessions to leverage power, leading to his involvement in several \"A-missions\". His acts of rebellion led him to, at various times, become the most hated survivor on the island, though he still formed bonds with several survivors. Sawyer developed a romantic relationship with Kate and later into a fully committed one with Juliet, and his jealousy sparked a rivalry with Jack. In an early attempt at rescue, Sawyer left the Island along with Jin, Michael and Walt on Michael's raft but was forced to return when Walt was kidnapped by The Others and the raft was blown up by the Others. They washed up on shore and met up with the previously unknown tail section survivors of Flight 815 and returned to camp. After pulling off a long con, he gained control of all the guns and a position of power over the other survivors. He was later captured by the Others, along with Jack and Kate, as a result of Michael's betrayal. While with the Others, Sawyer and Kate were used as leverage to convince Jack to perform surgery on their leader, Benjamin Linus, until he and Kate eventually escaped. Sawyer was asked by John Locke to kill a man, Anthony Cooper, who was revealed to be the real \"Sawyer\". After Jack called the freighter for rescue, Sawyer joined Locke and a small number of survivors sheltered in the Barracks. When the Oceanic Six left in the helicopter, Sawyer heroically jumped into the ocean, when the chopper was running low on fuel. He and a small group of survivors underwent time shifts as a result of Ben moving the Island. He led the small group until a final time shift, where they were stuck in 1974. Sawyer joined the DHARMA Initiative and eventually became their head of security. He began a relationship with Juliet and they lived together during the 1970s until Jack, Hurley and Kate returned to the Island following the crash of Ajira Airways 316. Sawyer joined the Man in Black upon meeting him, although he ultimately betrayed him while boarding Widmore's submarine to escape the Island. The Man in Black however, had conned Sawyer into stealing the sub so that he could kill the remaining candidates with a bomb. After the explosion, Sawyer was knocked unconscious and brought ashore to safety by Jack. While Jack was preventing the Island from being destroyed, Sawyer managed to escape on the Ajira plane with Kate, Claire, Frank, Richard, and Miles. In the flash sideways, Sawyer was a police detective rather than a crook. Eventually, he was reunited with his true love, Juliet Burke, and they moved on together with their friends."@en . "Jim LaFleur"@pt . "Images of James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@en . "Jasper, Alabama, Stati Uniti"@it . . "Centric"@en . "Sawyer leaves the Island."@en . "Mary Ford"@en . . . . "Capo della sicurezza, DHARMA Initiative"@it . . "Oplichter die de naam overnam van de man die zijn familie ru\u00EFneerde"@nl . . . . "James attending his parents' funeral"@en . "Jasper, Alabama, EUA"@pt . . "Sawyer demands to know the identity of the Man in Black."@en . . . "Sawyer attacks Ben, who taunted him about Kate's relationship with Jack."@en . "\"Outlaws\""@en . "Sawyer says to MIB that he's not a candidate anymore."@en . . . "Levend"@nl . "normal_the-end0180.jpg"@en . . . "Pacemaker • Sawyer's letter • Sawyer's stash"@en . . . "\"Confidence Man\" \u2022 \"Outlaws\" \u2022 \"The Long Con\" \u2022 \"Every Man For Himself\" \u2022 \"LaFleur\" \u2022 \"Recon\""@en . . . . "...being deported after being arrested in Sydney"@en . . "Daughter - Clementine Phillips"@en . "SawyerKateTent1x08.jpg"@en . . "250"^^ . "Mary Ford - Mother"@en . "Claire allows Sawyer to hold Aaron after his recent kindness to her."@en . . . "Warren Ford"@en . . "Clementine Phillips"@en . . "1968"^^ . "James explains his past to Miles."@en . "Ford.jpg"@en . . . . "Sawyer cries out for Juliet as she falls."@en . "Oplichter"@nl . "Sawyer fought Sayid."@en . . . "Male"@en . . . "| \nCentric="@en . . . . "\"The Last Recruit\""@en . "BringIt.jpg"@en . "Jasper, Alabama, USA"@en . . . "James Ford, better known by the alias Sawyer, and known to the DHARMA Initiative as Jim LaFleur, is one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. His rural Southern accent, selfishness, machismo, and folksy use of oft-abrasive nicknames belied his sophisticated and tender sides as an avid reader and a caring lover\u2014elements of his personality that started to become more apparent as he spent more time on the Island. Sawyer developed a romantic relationship with Kate and later into a fully committed one with Juliet, and his jealousy sparked a rivalry with Jack."@en . "Vader doodde zijn moeder en daarna zichzelf"@nl . . . . "Head of Security, DHARMA Initiative"@en . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@pt . . "Kate Austen - Ex-Partner"@en . "Sawyer at the capsule dump"@en . . . "A flaming arrow misses Sawyer's head by inches."@en . "Warren Ford - Pai"@pt . . "Jim and Juliet"@en . . "94"^^ . "Alive"@en . . . "Juliet Burke - Partner/Soulmate"@en . "Sawyer at the cockpit."@en . "Encontrar e matar Sawyer"@pt . "Vivo"@it . . . . . . . . . "Jim and Kate take a wounded Ben to the Others."@en . . "...to find and kill the original Sawyer"@en . . . "James Ford, better known as Sawyer is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."@da . "180"^^ . "Sawyer on the raft."@en . . . . . "Sawyer and Hurley on the sinking sub."@en . "Arthur • Bartender • Boy • Detective Calderwood • David \u2022 Uncle Doug • Frank Duckett • Warren Ford • Mary Ford • Agent Freedman \u2022 Gordy • Warden Harris \u2022 Hibbs \u2022 Jacob • Diane Janssen • Jessica • Kilo • Laurence • Lila • Mary Jo • Munson • Peter • Cassidy Phillips • Clementine Phillips • Prison guard • Prison Tough • Christian Shephard • Warren Truss"@en . . . "C-users-jeremy-videos-capture-snapshot-5x17-png-5x17 00018.jpg"@en . "170"^^ . . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . "Sawyer is also the LOST character whose Jooppedia page is the lames (see above for details.)"@en . . "1"^^ . "6"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "Sawyer, Jim LaFleur"@en . "Sawyer instructs Jack."@en . "Golpista, Aut\u00F4nomo"@pt . . . "Con man"@en . . . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@it . . . "Mr. Ford - Padre"@it . . . "104"^^ . . "2.0"^^ . . "Sawyer"@pt . . "\"Every Man for Himself\""@en . "Sawyer is unconscious on the beach."@en . . . "Josh Holloway"@en . . . "James approaches Richard at the Barracks."@en . . "240"^^ . "A boar knocks Sawyer into the mud."@en . . . . . "Sawyer murders Duckett, mistaking him for the real \"Sawyer\"."@en . "Sawyer disagrees to Locke's demand of keeping Hurley."@en . "normal_the-end1245.jpg"@en . "James Ford, better known as Sawyer is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."@da . "uncollapsed"@en . "220"^^ . "James 'Jim' LaFleur"@en . "Mary Ford - M\u00E3e"@pt . "Jasper, Alabama, USA"@en . . . "Sawyer and Juliet are amazed at the disappearance of the Kahana."@en . "Fabio Boccanera"@it . "right"@en . . "Normal our-you314.jpg"@en . "210"^^ . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni James Ford, meglio conosciuto con il nome di Sawyer, e conosciuto nel Progetto DHARMA come Jim LaFleur, \u00E8 uno dei sopravvissuti della sezione del Volo Oceanic 815. Il suo rurale accento del Sud, il suo egoismo, il suo machismo, e l'uso di soprannomi nascondono il suo lato tenero e sofisticato e quello di avido lettore e di amante premuroso; pregi che sono saltati fuori durante la permanenza sull'Isola. Quando era un bambino, suo padre uccise sua madre e poi si suicid\u00F2, a causa della relazione che vedeva coinvolta la donna con un truffatore di nome \"Sawyer\", portando Sawyer a prenderne il nome e a diventare lui stesso un truffatore. ha migliorato la sua abilit\u00E0 col tempo. A un certo punto prima dello schianto sull'Isola, truff\u00F2 Cassidy che gli valse un periodo in prigione, ma usc\u00EC grazie alle sue abilit\u00E0 truffatorie. Sull'Isola, Sawyer ha usato le sue abilit\u00E0 da truffatore per svariati fini personali, facendogli accumulare molti oggetti e dandogli influenza sul gruppo, inducendolo a partecipare a molte missioni. I suoi atti di ribellione lo portano, svariate volte, a d essere il sopravvissuto pi\u00F9 odiato sull'Isola, ciononostante forma un forte legame con Kate. In un tentativo di cercare soccorsi, Sawyer lascia l'Isola insieme a Jin, Michael e Walt con la zattera di Michael ma \u00E8 costretto a tornare quando Walt viene rapito e la zattera distrutta dagli Altri. Raggiungono la riva e incontrano i prima sconosciuti sopravvissuti della sezione di coda del Volo 815 e ritorna al campo. Con una truffa, si impossessa di tutte le armi e acquisisce potere tra i sopravvissuti. Viene catturato pi\u00F9 tardi dagli Altri, insieme a Jack e Kate, a causa del tradimento di Michael. Durante la prigionia, Sawyer e Kate vengono usati come esche per convincere Jack a eseguire l'operazione al loro leader, Benjamin Linus, finch\u00E8 lui e Kate non scappano. Durante il tempo spesso sull'Isola Idra continuando per la durata della terza stagione, Sawyer inizia una relazione di alti e bassi con Kate. A Sawyer viene chiesto da John Locke di uccidere un uomo, Anthony Cooper, che si scopre essere il vero \"Sawyer\". Dopo che Jack ha chiamato il cargo per i soccorsi, Sawyer si unisce a Locke e a un piccolo gruppo di sopravvissuti che si riparano alle Baracche. Quando i Sei della Oceanic se ne vanno con l'elicottero, Sawyer rimane indietro non prima di aver dato un bacio d'addio a Kate (le sussurra anche di dire a sua figlia che gli dispiace) ed eroicamente si getta nell'oceano, quando l'elicottero stava perdendo carburante. Questo conclude la sua relazione con Kate. Lui e un piccolo gruppo di sopravvissuti viaggiano nel tempo come risultato dello spostamento dell'Isola da parte di Ben. Conduce il gruppo fino al salto finale, che li blocca nel 1974. Sawyer si unisce al Progetto DHARMA e diventa il loro capo della sicurezza. Inizia una relazione con Juliet e vive negli anni '70 per tre anni fino all'arrivo di Jack, Hurley e Kate che ritornano sull'Isola dopo lo schianto del Volo Ajira 316."@it . "Sawyer"@en . . . . "200"^^ . . . "Sawyer finds an abandoned Aaron."@en . . "Sawyer in his new home at the Barracks."@en . . . . "1968"^^ . . . . "Orientation-cap259.jpg"@en . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@nl . . . . . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after killing the man who he\u2019d thought ruined his life, and was deported from Australia after being drunk and assaulting an Australian politician. Sawyer was a Con Man who preferred to play the romance angle."@en . "Sawyer"@pt . "Mother - Mary Ford"@en . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford"@en . "2.0"^^ . "Shared and non-centric flashes"@en . . "The Man in Black approaches Sawyer in the Barracks."@en . . . "Sawyer and Michael in Ana Lucia's pit"@en . . . . "James_on_FS_flight_815.png"@en . . . "James Ford"@en . "SawyerS6.jpg"@it . "Sawyer vinden en doden"@nl . "\"The Long Con\""@en . . "Deportado ap\u00F3s ser preso em Sydney"@pt . "Josh Holloway"@nl . . "Sawyer is also the LOST character whose Jooppedia page is the lames (see above for details.)"@en . . . . "James \"Sawyer\" Ford was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after killing the man who he\u2019d thought ruined his life, and was deported from Australia after being drunk and assaulting an Australian politician. Sawyer was a Con Man who preferred to play the romance angle."@en . "normal_the-end1428.jpg"@en . "James Ford"@pt . "39"^^ . "episode"@en . "Sawyer was born on 18 February 1968; he was initially portrayed as a conniving, sarcastic handsome flirt who keeps stashes of washed-ashore items. His flashbacks typically depict a more sensitive side to him, juxtaposed against acts of betrayal and theft. He has a romantic interest in Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly), and the two fall in love over the series. Their relationship is particularly prominent in the beginning of the third season. In the fourth season he develops a more heroic side, becoming protective of Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin) and sacrificing his chance to escape so his friends can in the season finale. In the fifth season, Sawyer quickly acclimates to his new role as group leader as they are sent back through time, and after being without Kate for three years, falls in love with Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell), creating a love triangle when Kate returns to the island. Sawyer is the show's primary anti-hero."@en .