"Bucket 4 gp,"@es . "Pick 50 gp,"@es . "Elf"@en . "Buys and sells equipment . Located underneath the depot, to the northwest."@es . "Green Bag 4 gp,"@es . . "Lightsources:"@es . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Other stuff:"@es . "Worm 1 gp."@es . "127.155"^^ . "Bashira"@es . "Koopt en verkoopt uitrusting. Zijn winkel zit rechts naast Shanar."@nl . . "Green Backpack 20 gp,"@es . "Bashira"@en . "yes"@es . "Vial 5 gp."@es . "Oil 20 gp,"@es . "yes"@nl . "Torch 2 gp."@es . "Shovel 50 gp,"@es . "Candelabrum 8 gp,"@es . "Bashira"@en . . "yes"@en . "Bottle 3 gp,"@es . . "6.2"^^ . "8"^^ . "Ab'Dendriel, een level naar beneden ten noord-westen van de depot."@nl . "One floor underground north of the Depot on the Shadow Caves Street."@en . . "Bashira"@nl . "Plate 6 gp,"@es . "Buys and sells equipment."@en . "Bashira"@nl . "Rope 8 gp,"@es . . "Rope 50 gp,"@es . "Ab'Dendriel"@en . "Ab'dendriel"@nl . "Bashira"@es . "Equipment:"@es . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Fishing rod 150 gp,"@es . . "Equipment:"@es . "Document 12 gp,"@es . "Unknown"@en . "Parchment 8 gp,"@es . "Cup 2 gp,"@es . "Shopkeeper"@en . "Scroll 5 gp,"@es . "123.168"^^ . "/Uitrusting\n /Rope, 8"@nl . "Scythe 50 gp,"@es . "Ab'Dendriel, one level down north of the depot"@es . "Shopkeeper"@es . "/Uitrusting\n /Shovel, 50\n /Pick, 50\n /Scythe, 50\n /Fishing Rod, 150\n /Green Bag, 4\n /Rope, 50\n /Green Backpack, 20\n /Plate, 6\n /Scroll, 5\n /Watch, 20\n /Verlichting\n /Torch, 2\n /Candelabrum, 8\n /Oil, 20\n /Andere spullen\n /Waterskin, 10\n /Present Box, 10\n /Bucket, 4\n /Bottle, 3\n /Worm, 1"@nl . . "Winkelier"@nl . "Present 10 gp,"@es . "Watch 20 gp."@es . . "Waterskin of Water 10 gp,"@es .