. "The bushes rustled as the Thunderclan cats crunched through the tall grass, heading for the gathering. John\u2019s first gathering, to be exact. Oh, boy. I can\u2019t wait! John\u2019s mind buzzed with ferventness. What do the leaders of the other clans look like? What interesting cats will I see? Suddenly, John\u2019s mind homed in on more serious subjects. How will the other clans take Skyclan\u2019s return? Or more importantly, how will I be treated as a Twoleg? Hollyleaf looked at him with a gaze of concern. \u201CIs something wrong, John? You\u2019re making some nasty faces!\u201D she meowed quietly."@en . . . . "Not Alone"@en . "The bushes rustled as the Thunderclan cats crunched through the tall grass, heading for the gathering. John\u2019s first gathering, to be exact. Oh, boy. I can\u2019t wait! John\u2019s mind buzzed with ferventness. What do the leaders of the other clans look like? What interesting cats will I see? Suddenly, John\u2019s mind homed in on more serious subjects. How will the other clans take Skyclan\u2019s return? Or more importantly, how will I be treated as a Twoleg? John felt his stomach churn undesirably. He now dreaded going, and he swallowed a quick breath. You\u2019ve lived through worse, John murmured, but even those words of intentional comfort for himself nagged heartstrings. Hollyleaf looked at him with a gaze of concern. \u201CIs something wrong, John? You\u2019re making some nasty faces!\u201D she meowed quietly. \u201CI\u2019m fine, my dear.\u201D John tried to make her believe him, but all he got was a look of even deeper concern. \u201CYou actually looked excited to go before. Now you don\u2019t seem so taken to the idea, by the looks of it.\u201D She meowed, looking confused. \u201CStarclan knows if Skyclan will be ever accepted at all! And the fact that I\u2019m a Twoleg. What happens if Firestar decides on telling them that?\u201D John fretted. Hollyleaf purred, mewing, \u201CJohn, I haven\u2019t seen you transform for awhile now, ever since you met your brother! You\u2019ve become a cat at heart now. Who cares if you\u2019re a Twoleg? And I\u2019m sure Skyclan will be just fine settling in.\u201D John nodded. In the past few days, Skyclan had returned after John had brought them back, and since a part of the forest that had very thin underbrush, tall and wide pine trees, and hard, unusable ground, no clan had dared touch it. But it suited Skyclan. John knew the story about that unusual territory. Some Twolegs had started to cut the trees down with no permission, and started to sell large portions for money. The local authorities caught on quickly, and made them use the money they had made to build another forest in the old one\u2019s place. When the clans arrived, he reasoned, the place must\u2019ve stunk like Twolegs, so nobody claimed it. Thank Starclan. John sighed. John looked up and saw the Thunderpath before him. The gathering was held on Riverclan territory, so they had to cross the territory to get there. John watched as the Warriors, one by one, crossed the silent Thunderpath, followed by the apprentices and the two elders, Mousefur and Longtail. Soon it was his turn, and Firestar and Sandstorm were on John\u2019s heels, trying to cross safely. They made it across as soon as a monster flew by, ruffling their fur. At last they were at the gathering. Many cats were there, chattering as fast as their jaws would let them. John padded into the clearing, and noticed a smoky black tom sitting across the clearing with his head low. John padded over, looking at the older tom with curiosity. \u201CHello, how are you, today?\u201D John waved his tail in a warm greeting. \u201CNot good,\u201D The tom murmured, apparently crestfallen. \u201CDo you need to talk about it?\u201D John asked. The tom looked at John as if he were a psycho, then, \u201CDo you expect me to betray my clan?\u201D He yowled, the pain gone from his face. John noticed his eye had been scratched over in battle, and he slowly padded away to the rocks the leaders were standing on, sitting near them. Hollyleaf padded over and sat next to him. \u201CThat Windclan cat looked as if he was going to claw your eyes out! What did you say to him?\u201D She asked. \u201CHe was acting sad, so I went to see what was wrong. What did I say that offended him?\u201D he asked, bewildered. It wasn\u2019t Hollyleaf who answered his question. \u201CHis name is Crowfeather. He just lost his mate to Greencough.\u201D Leafpool told him. She looked at the cat distractedly for a moment, and then looked back at the five leaders on the rocks as a dark gray-blue she-cat spoke up. \u201CThis gathering shall commence with Riverclan news! We have been attacked by Doomclan recently.\u201D A shocked murmur rippled amongst the clans, and she continued. \u201CWe are not afraid of a show of weakness. We acknowledge that every single clan has been attacked by the fox-hearted scoundrels, and we need at least one idle medicine cat to treat our wounded, if one would be so kind.\u201D She yowled, and at once the clans murmured in agreement. Each leader reported being attacked, and John was grateful that no one asked why Skyclan had come back, obviously distracted by Doomclan. The gathering was dismissed soon after, and before she could leave, John needed to ask Leafpool how she had known Crowfeather. He found her padding away with the rest of the clan, and managed to catch up with her. \u201CHow did you know about Crowfeather, Leafpool?\u201D he asked calmly, and to his surprise, she winced, but answered his question still, but very hesitantly, as if the words were opening old wounds. \u201CI went to Windclan after their medicine cat, Gustfoot, told me to come at the medicine cat gathering, and ended up staying there for a while. I found they were also infected with Greencough. Crowfeather\u2019s mate\u2026\u201D She stopped half wistfully and half sorrowfully, and looked as if she couldn\u2019t continue, but she went on. \u201C\u2026Had been infected too greatly. She died soon after I got there. His son was injured too. He didn\u2019t die, but tonight Gustfoot told me he wouldn\u2019t be able to be much of use to his clan now.\u201D She almost looked impatient about something, but calmed down as she ran past the Thunderpath. As John reached the other side, he smelled something funny. The other cats didn\u2019t seem to notice, but John went to investigate, uninterested in talking to Leafpool about anything now. He sniffed along a short stream that trailed through the forest, and he heard a shocked gasp as he padded into a clearing. He smelled something that didn\u2019t register at first, but then it hit him. Excitedly he turned around and saw a loner trying to tip toe away. The brownish-black tom noticed he had been spotted and dashed away. \u201CHey, Wait! It\u2019s John!\u201D John yowled, careening after the familiar tom. The tom stopped in the middle of the clearing, hearing John\u2019s greeting. John crashed into him, pinning the tom down with his strong paws. \u201CIs that you, John?\u201D The tom threw John off, his eyes gleaming with excitement. \u201CYes it is, Logan!\u201D John meowed, excitement pounding in his chest. But can this be the same Logan from the orphanage? John thought. He had run away, so it must be him! Amidst all the excitement, suddenly John realized something. If Logan had found the clans as well, wouldn\u2019t he be part of my prophecy too? John realized with shock that Logan was part of it if he had been turned into a cat! Now John knew without a doubt he was definitely not alone."@en . . . . . "The Twoleg Prophecy/Part 3"@en . . . . . .